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1、现在完成时练习题及答案(精华版)弟ft时面y动以疋 罟>否疋式,八疑问式I have not (haven xz studied,t)Have I studied,xx?You have not (haveni studied -Ha ve you studied?He has not' (hasn'studied .t) Has he studied?HaveHave yHas he否定疑问式studied -aven ' ? asn ?-r-岂回答(肯定J否定)s, you have. No, you , haven ' tt Yes,. I have

2、. No, I . haven 't., '八 'has. No, hehavent heYes, he has. No, he has n t.说时通常的示该动作之状态对经现在的结果或或存定我们以我过面护态re往蔽包括现在在ust, hese days. 这些日子我没有 .最a近我们没有离离开你经两ce Mon day.oMy daughter hasju sure We - ve met b.efoi 內的表示沖 收到她的信。hTjhaven。 意:1)sinceI go语匸,sinceyetheard fromen ' t seen you recentl

3、y. J have ,been away fpr two. y Sne has bee n with us sin since和接时t肿接-two daysExercise:Jill、-刚出去。I ' m1993, last term, yesterday, the time 段时间,表示 长达多久”如ten years, a while, since 和 een ,iiIrek埴空land, Monday.2._ three days. 卄 in Australia._ 15 days. 4. iry k is in her office. She has been there _g

4、 7Incfia has been an in depe ndent country1974.6.e. They've been waiting _inu tes.ves in those houses. They have bee n empty ha/lbeenll .a lonq time. He has bee n inOctoberhas bubee n in His aunt has lived nrn lOck. III Wl iI I1ThNObody lavg. Mike, hospital232sin,用,He has come The old man 以上三y话可

5、以改为:y for 5 min utes-He has been here for 2 weeks.The old man has They have 过某地v”要附 了Where嗝 不在加拿大) to Canada. 他们到加拿大去了。(可能在。从未去过延安。for 4 months.g表n示示 “已经去觌”用 s he been? 他刚才到哪里去了?(已经回来4路)现 在完成时不能和表 示 过去 的时 间状语连用 , 如 yesterday, last year, in 1976, two days ago, just now, when I Came in,但可以和.already, y

6、et, sometimes, alwaysjoften, before, lately, rece ntly, on ce, twice, ever, n ever 等连用。例y come.oI have metShe has alreaI haven 'rtea还没读hiore.他。ng haavewaenbeeni 帛goo$据denet.我红一在街 They have never been to Yan' an.I haven't seen him lately. 我近来没看IE. xFeilrlciinseth: eblanks with the pr. I a

7、_l_re_a_d_yh_e(_se(fein) ilio_d_a_y_?_ N(soetey)eitt.lastfather just erom work. He isnow.h.ere 's Li Ming ? He (go) to the teacher999. (work) here since I (move) here inI (make) quite a few friends here.ng the Wangs (stay)r_t_w_ojuwsete_k_s_.(finish) my homework. 9.y_o_u_(_g_o_)socoiteenvceerbyo

8、doaky.yet?11. If it._Th(bees)tufidneenttosm_o_r_ro_w_, _I'_l (threyaodu).English when theer came in.ok! The monkey (c l i m b) the tree. 14.other (come) to see me next Sunday.my 2to B,(see) itarrived15. I've lost my pen.you机佻舉? the best an swer.1. How long have you _ here? 亠A. come 、 B. gotC

9、.2. Mybeandpa die(A at thgag-K 0代 beenr bee n ears5.-Who wifi go tq_ her severalB. for 2 yearsC. whe n Iage Sas 6.to BeiJi ng. She will come back tomorrow. B. goneC. wentD. Iast saw her.,')the.siatjQn to me e!?'' TBiave met玄丁ice dress! How long _,商B. did, buyyou knowin ceavewas 2.3. Jane

10、 has 4態飜_ 二'her ' several times.' A. mef6. D-what 一 - -Just 2 weeks.A. win, buD. have, ' J7. -DP frien(A. 辛hgai.has Ipeet8. Tlive9. -Hello, this is MBlack?- Sorry.He A. has bee n to D. will go to10. A -_you everA. Have, gone霁嚴嘏the sent 1. I have been to MyC.£have beenD.I speak t

11、o Mr.wentto口Lorry?咖.|C. had metyou it?C. are,hav ing-Yes, She and Ibecome C. have been _BniC卵 for 8 r. Green tspeBai黑。as gone toD.c to the US? - Yes,riwice. Br Have, bee n C, Do, goen ces.iviacau be een to Macau t come to sch he come gh a new bike just now.( a new bike. j bega n tolearn, En glish th

12、_Enqlish _ three yearshas never surfed;en here since 2000. hsivethey Deen here? .(die)(动词 i hour ago. _改为否定句)Iaujsfchoo|?as, . ill. (就划线部分用jig。改写)Ijustree years ago.( 改为同义句)_?(改成反意疑问(对划线部分提问) 填空year. He has .I bough a nhas never, _ey have bepn here(同空义句转换)Miss Gao has hour ago.1) I have ' been l

13、here for two days.an hour ago.Ask the questions-you?yust, yet, for, siaJe°°”?o fill inthe pla nks. 1.1 haveTack/as _3. Mr. Wang-has4. “ Haveyou _ see n iL5“Has the bus l?2) My father has lived here si nee 2000.r .?your father3) He left here yesterday. he4) They bought a book two hours a9o.

14、 X. Use , “never, ever, already,_ see n him before, so I have no idea about_ fini.shed his homework. taught in this school _ _ _ ten. years._ _ seen the film?“No, I have现在完成吋专项练习“Yes, it has一、翻译下列句子:1 你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗?2.我刚刚丢了我的化学书 。3.我以前从来没去过那个农场。4.他已经吃过午饭5. 你已经看过这部电影 了吗?6.我哥哥还没回来。7.这本字典我已买了三年了。8.他离开中国三年了

15、。9.我认识他们五年了。10.他们已去了美国五年了。11.自从他搬到济宁,他就住这儿了。12.我妹妹成为一个大学生已经三年。13.自从1999 年以来他们就认识。14. 我 来 到 这 个 学 校 已 3 年 多 了二、用 since 和 for 填空1.two years 2.two years ago3._lastmonth 4. 19995.yesterday 6. 4 o' clock 7.4 hours 8.an hour ago9. _we were children10. lunch time11. sheleft here12. He has lived in Nanj

16、ing the year before last.13. I 've known him we were children.14. Our teacher has studied Japanese three years.15. She has been away from the city about ten years.16. It 's about ten years _s_h_e left the city.三、结束性动词转换为以下延续性动词或者表示可以延续 的状态的短语。 arrive at / in sp / get to / reach sp / come / g

17、o / move tospf be in sp / at school / at home / on the farm / be here / be there1) He got to Beijing five minutes ago. He Beijing for .2) I moved to the USA in 2008.USA since.3) I went home yesterday.home for.4) They came here last week.here since. come to / go back to / return go out f be out1) He

18、came out two years ago.He2) We return to Beiji ng yesterday.WeI theIThey to f be back tofortoBeiji ng since become f be1) I became a teacher in 2000. I ateacher for.2) The river became dirty last year. The river close f be closedopen f be opendirty for.1) The shop closed two hours ago. The shopfor2)

19、 The door opened at six in the morning.The door for six hours. get up f be up; die f be dead; leave sp. f be away from sp.fall asleep / get tot sleep f be asleep;finish / end f beover; marry f be married ;1) I got up two hours ago.I since2) He left Shanghai just now.He Shanghai for five minutes.3) M

20、y grandpa died in 2002.My grandpa for .4) The meeting finished at six.The meeting for six hours.5) I got to sleep two hours ago .I _ since6) They married in 1990. They since . start / begin to do sth. f do sth. ; begin f be on1) I began to teach at this school in 1995. I atthis school since .2) The

21、film began two minutes ago. The film for . borrow f keep; lose f not have ; buy f have ;put on f wearget to know f knowThey itI a penI himcatch / get a cold f have a cold;1) They borrowed it last week.since .2) I bought a pen two hours ago.for .3) I got to know him last year.since .4) I put on my gl

22、asses three years ago. I myglasses for . have / has gone to f have been inHe has gone to Beijing.He Beijing for twodays. join the league / the Party / the armyf be a league member /a Party member / a soldierf be a member of the league / the Partyf be in the league / the Party / the army1) He joined

23、the league in 2002.He a for two years.He a the for two years.He the league for two years.2) My brother joined the army two years ago.My brother a for .My brother in for two years.四、划线提问1) I have been there for two days. you ?2) My father has lived here since 2000. your father ?3) He left here yester

24、day. he ?4) They bought a book two hours ago. they a book五、用 have(has) been 或 have(has) gone 填空。A: Where Li Fei ?B: He to Hainan Island.A: How long he there?B: He there for three days.A: When will he come back , do you know?B: I 'm afraid he won't come back recently.A: Could you tell me the

25、way to Hainan Island?B: Sorry, I never there.A: How many times Li Fei to thatplace?B: He there only once.六、用 have / has been to / in, have gone to 及 go 的各种形 式填空。1) Where is Jack? He his country. 2) David the park just now.3) John England since he came back. 4) Howlong they this village?5) The Smiths

26、 Beijing for years. 6) you ever America? - Yes, I there many times.7) I this school since three years ago. 8) Whereis Jim? He the farm.9) When he ? He an hour ago.10) Would you like to to the zoo with me? -Yes,but I there before.11) Where you now? - I to the zoo.12) He often swimming.13) you there l

27、ast year?14) they often skating in winter?七 用 never, ever, already, just, yet, for, since 填空1. I have seen him before, so I have no idea abouthim. 2. Jack has finished his homework.3. Mr. Wang has taught in this school ten years.4. “Have you seen the film? ”“No, I have seen it. ”5. “Has the bus left

28、 ? ” “Yes, it has 八. 用适当的时态填空:1.She 's (live) here ever since she was ten.2. Both of them (be) in Hongkong for tendays.3. Both of them (come) to Hongkong ten daysago.4. Half an hour (pass) since the train (leave).5. Mary(lose) her pen. you (see)it here and there?6. you (find) your watch yet?7. -

29、Are you thirsty? -No I just (have) some orange.8. We already (return) the book.9. they (build) a new school in thevillage?10. I (not finish) my homework . Can youhelp me?11. My father (read) the novel twice.12. I (buy) a book just now.13. I (lost ) my watch yesterday.14. My father (read) this book s

30、ince yesterday.答案7一. 、for1. sin8c.esince2. for3. for 4. since 5. since 6. for7二. 、for1. ha8v. es,insceeen, saw 2. Has, finished 3. has, come 4. has gone 5. have worked, moved 6. have made 7. have, stayed 8. have, finished9. goes 10. have,found 11. is 12. were reading13. is climbing 14.三Com-ngpDCBBav

31、e母eeo 四、 Keys: 1.hereen did, leav1. nevejusalreadyjust / alreay 一专项练翻习译下答案列句子:1. Have you ever haeaten fish and chips?2. I havejust lost my chemistr.3. I have never been farm4. He hasalready had lunche haslready.5. Have you seen the moviebrother hasn'rceotmurened/gyeett./ been back yetbrother ha

32、sn'r7e.tuI rnheadveyehta. d this dictionary for three years / since three years ago.8. Has been away from China for three years.9. I have known them for five years. 10. They have bee in the USA for five years.has been here since he movo Jining.sister has been a college sent for three years =r ha

33、s been in college forree years.ave known each other since 1999.14. I havebeen用p s!ec或o者1 for 0填空 three years.17. ffor 2. since 3. since 4. since 5. since 6. sincer 8 s!nce 9.s!nce 10. s!ncehe4n2.deHivdoe,rwb,unlyoenvgerhas5,.4. ever, never 5.lr4. has been over 5. have 做 mauged,,11 雅讣ke| has been Lea

34、gue ha 四、划线提、可so1. How long ha11. since 12.since 13. since 14.for15.for三结束性动词转换为以下延续性动词或者表示可以延续 asjbeen in , , five minutes 2- have been in , 2008 been at, two days 4. have been , last week ave been out, two years 2. have been back , yave been , nine years 2. hastwo yearsas been closed , two hours 2

35、. hn open have been up , two hours agobeen away3. has been dead , seven years.0have been asleep , two hours ago 0952. has been on , two, last week 2. have had , two hours nst years4. have worn , three yearseague member has been , member of , ier , two yearshas been , the armyed,idb,eleenavtehehreere

36、 2. How4. lWonhgenhadsid , bulivyeddid , leave here 4. When did , buy填用。have 7 hasbeen tO / in, have gone to 及 go 的各种形 has gone t 2. went to 3. han in 4. have , en in 5 . have been in 6. Have ,to ; have beenhave been in / at 8. has gone9. did go ; went; have been 141.1D. oar,eg,ogoing ; am going 12. goesever . just , already 3. for 4. ever, never 5. yet , ;用适当的时态填空: lived / h a;slebfte e n 5l.i vhi;alveeft , ha5d. h11. has read haven12'. t been reading / has read2. have been 3. wenthave , seen 6. Have , returned 9. Have ,13. lost 14. have


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