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1、七年级英语模拟试卷(三)人教四年制版【同步教育信息 】一 . 本周教学内容:模拟试卷(三)【模拟试题】(答题时间:40 分钟)一.语音。() 1.A. holidayB. beautifulC. fantasticD. festival() 2.A. yesterdayB. certainlyC. computerD. wonderful() 3.A. bornB. storyC. fortyD. sorry() 4.A. SaturdayB. nurseC. ThursdayD. turn() 5.A. youngB. doubleC. countryD. thought() 6.A. he

2、adacheB. schoolC. beachD. jacket() 7.A. watchedB. likedC. enjoyedD. jumped() 8.A. clothesB. foxesC. orangesD. washes() 9.A. crowdedB. yellowC. allowD. brown() 10. A. cityB. circleC. cookD. nice二.按要求写出下列各词。1. left (反义词)2. teach(过去式)3. study(第三人称单数)4. hear(同音词)5. swim (现在分词)6. one(序数词)7. we (反身代词)8. w

3、arm (比较级)9. photo (复数形式)10. friend (形容词)三.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. This( be)my grandma in 1992 .2. It is the( tall ) tower in the world .3. Listen , who( read) English ?4. Don t forget( make) our planet beautiful .5. The people should(keep) the rivers clean .6. Let s( wear) cotton clothes .7. We must( plant)

4、more trees and grass .8. Kate( give) us a talk about the rare animals . It was very interesting .9. This kind of wild animals( live ) in the forests .10. We are trying( protect)the pandas .四.单选。() 1.I met a friend of mineI was walking on the street .A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. if() 2.The teacher said

5、 to the student with a smile ,“ It yousniceso . ”A. for , doingB. of , to doC. of , doingD. for , to用心爱心专心() 3. She met her teacherthe way.A. in , homeB. on , to homeC. at , homeD. on , home() 4. Theremany people in the park yesterday .A. wasB. areC. isD. were() 5.is too difficult if you want to do

6、it .A. SomethingB. EverythingC. AnythingD. Nothing() 6. I m sorry Im late because Icatch the first bus .A. don t B. didn t C. won tD. shan t() 7.of the bread is left . I ate most of it .A. LittleB. FewC. A fewD. A little() 8. There isbeef here . Imost of it .A. not , eatB. no any , ateC. no , ateD.

7、not a , eats() 9. Beijing is a nice place to.A. liveB. live inC. livesD. went() 10.of those studentsill yesterday .A. All , areB. One , isC. Some , wasD. One , was() 11. I d likemusic .A. listening toB. listen toC. to listen toD. to listen() 12. The Summer Palace is a nice placeme to walk.A. for , a

8、roundB. to , onC. on , aroundD. at , over() 13. Sydney Opera House is in.A. AmericaB. CanadaC. AustraliaD. Britain() 14.youdraw a picture for him tomorrow ?A. Do , wantB. Are , going toC. Can , wantD. Would , like() 15. We learned a lotthe history of China .A. onB. aboutC. atD. in() 16. You should l

9、earnthingsreal life .A. do , atB. to do , fromC. by doing , atD. do , from() 17. Don t get off the busit has stopped .A. toB. ifC. untilD. for() 18. Sheto schoolher mother s car yterdays .A. goes , inB. went , atC. goes , toD. went , in() 19. Everybody shouldobey the traffic rules .A. learnB. learni

10、ngC. learnedD. learn to() 20. Shevery pleasedhis new house .A. is , toB. was , withC. were , aboutD. was , in五 . 按要求改写句子。1. Did you have a good time ? (同义句)2. I was born in Tianjin . (划线提问)3. We went to the cinema yesterday . (否定句)用心爱心专心4. Tom lives in America . ( five years ago )5. What s wrong wit

11、h you(?同义句)6. He didn t go to school this morning(肯.定句)7.There are a few children in the park ,?(反意疑问句)8.Can you tell me the way to the cinema ? (同义句)How can Ithe cinema ?9.They are going to take a plane to Sanya . (同义句)They are going toSanya .10. How do you like the book ? (同义句)11. Did the boy in t

12、he classroom see his teacher ? (肯定句)12. Where does he live ? Do you know ? (合并为宾语从句)13. Must I stay here now ? (否定回答)14. Don t you want to make our country more beautiful (?肯定回答)15. Please look after the flowers well . (同义句)16. She didn t come back homebecause she had some important work .(划线提问)17.

13、We learned to do in groups . (划线提问)18. Don t leave thelights on when you go out , please . (同义句)Pleasewhen you go out .六.根据汉语,补全句子:1.How was your(假期) ? It was(奇妙的) .2.The TV programmes are very(有趣的) and(令人兴奋的) .3.Where were you(昨天) ? I was at the(书店) .4.Were you(出生) in Hangzhou ?5.(上) week , Miss Li

14、u(告诉) us about some interesting animals .6.We re going to(参观)(长城) this morning .7.(颐和园) is very.(美丽)8.CN Tower in Toronto is the tallest tower in the(世界) .9.I would like to go to.(伦敦)10.Look at the(地图) of the neighourhood .11.Where is the(邮局) ?12.On the(左侧) of the restaurant is the cake shop .13.You

15、 will see a(旅馆) on the(右侧) .用心爱心专心14.,(对不起) how can I get to the(城市图书馆)?15. They re going to take a(火车) to Hangzhou .七. 阅读理解:Once there was an old man in a town . He always forgot (忘记) a lot of things . So his wifealways said to him ,“ Don t forget this .”One day he went on a long trip himself . Bef

16、ore he left home , his wife said ,“ Now youall these things . Take care of your things during the trip .” He went to the station , bought a tand got on the train with it .About half an hour later , the conductor began to see the tickets . He came to the old man andsaid ,“ Please show me your ticket

17、.” The old man looked for his ticket in(all口袋his)pockets,but he could not find it . He was very worried .“ I can t find my ticket . I really bought a ticket .said the old man .“ I believe(相信) you . All right , you don t have to buy another one .” said the conductorkindly .“ But I don t know where II

18、 mcangoingt remember? my station !” the old mansaid sadly .() 1. The old man in the story was very.A. kindB. poorC. forgetfulD. sad() 2. Where is the ticket ?A. The old man forgot to buy it .B. The old man could not remember where it is .C. The old man showed it to the conductor .D. The old manifes

19、tookw the ticket away .() 3. The old man bought the tickethe got on the train .A. afterB. beforeC. asD. when() 4. The conductorthe old man .A. didn t believe B. laughed atC. believedD. felt sorry for() 5. The old man was sad because.A. he had to buy another ticketB. he lost all the things his wife g

20、ave himC. he didn t know where he wasD. he did not know where he should get off八. 根据课文首字母填空:Last Saturday was March 12th . It was Tree PDay . It was s. Gao Wei and hiscwent to plant trees . They uspades to dig holes in the g. Then they byoung trees and put them into the holes . They got water from t

21、he river n. They wthe young trees .Trees are very ito people . They can sthe wind . They can make the air fand clean . The students want to make their cgreener .九. 补全对话:Miss Liu :Hello , everyone . Your studies in primary school are coming to an. Willyou tell me somethingyour studies in primary scho

22、ol ?用心爱心专心Gao Wei : Ito school when I was six . Now Im.Ia lot inprimary school . Teachersus in many.Miss Liu :? That is very interesting . Then , can you tell me abouttoknow ?Gao Wei :I learned a lotour. But it is not theway . Our teacherstaught us how to learnfrom real life . I learned a lot from p

23、eopleme , TVAnd newspapers . And I can usebooks in the library .Miss Liu : Oh , that s very good . I believe you ve madein greatyour studies .用心爱心专心【试题答案】一 .1.C2.B3.D4.A5.D6.C7.C8.A9.B10.C二.1. right2. taught3. studies4. here5. swimming6. first7. ourselves8. warmer9. photos10. friendly三.1. was2. tall

24、est3. is reading4. to make5. keep6. wear7. plant8. gave9. lives10. to protect四.1. C2. B3. D4. D5. D6. B7. A8. C9. B10. D11. C12. A13. C14. B15. B16. B17. C18. D19. D20. B五 .1. Did you enjoy yourself ?2. Where were you born ?3. We didn t go to the cinema yesterday .4. Tom lived in America five years

25、ago .5. What s the matter with you ?6. He went to school this morning .7. aren t there8. get to9. fly to10. What do you think of11. The boy in the classroom saw his teacher .12. Do you know where he lives ?13. No , I needn t .14. Yes , I do .15. Please take good care of the flowers .16. Why didn t s

26、he come back home ?17. How did you learn to do ?18. turn off the lights六 .1. holiday ; fantastic2. interesting ; exciting3. yesterday ; bookshop4. born5.Last ; told6. visit ; the Great Wall7.The Swimmer Palace ; beautiful8. world9.London10. map11. post office12. left13. hotel ; right14. Excuse me ;

27、City Library用心爱心专心15. train七 .1.C2.B3.B4.C5.D八 .Planting ; sunny ; classmates ; used ; ground ; brought ; nearby ; watered ; important ; stop ; fresh ; country九 .end ; about ; went ; twelve ; learned ; taught ; ways ; Really ; learning ; from ; textbooks ; only ; more ; around ; programmes ; reference ; progress用心爱心专心


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