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1、BECW级 Module-.-.答案作者:日期:3Module 6.1LiSte ning1.AnSWerSPeople:PaSSenger; pilot; air TraffiC controller;bggage handler; flight attendantDocuments; passport; boarding pas; identity card; return / Singk ticket2.AilSWerS1 journey2 travel3 trip (NBt IolImty is also pos&ible h-ereF but,jouncy1 ls the b

2、est answer for L,)4 WtUrn5 luggage3.AllSWeTSPassenger 3 WaS Very satisfied *,PaSSenger InliSSCd hshe flight PaSSeng 4 ,as delayed because o£a Uik “PaSSeiIger 2 WaS delaye d because of badWeather 十4.AnSWerS1 B (u/e had to buy tiro tickieisfor another flight.)2 A i十 told me f 弊 back io my hotel a

3、nd ItWrf.)3 A IlleyPliShfid my UJheeiChair ,.J4 B lhcrfi CfJW every week.)6.AnSWerS1 is2 GOJ WaiI3 Ire going, don't know4 ,U bring5 WiIlbe AnSWCrS<mw-erePast simple PaStGOntinUouaPast PerfeCtPd5t PerfeCtUJoUIdcouidItlWa5 IateL It Ieh ar am.ItWtiIS landing It had arrived.Ithad Uken OfL ITWaLLI

4、d be early.It CQUId leave.8.AnSWm2 She told me io go back to my hotel and WaiU She SaidH IGObaCk to your hotel arid Waie3 She Said they wfCIOSe the airport,and $1Ig didn't know for how long.She Sai(Ir *W are going to CIOSe the airport. I don't know for hwlogl4 The WDInan in the IoUnge Said S

5、he WOUld bring me SOme fobd.TheWOman in the IDUIlgesaid,Tllhriflgynu SOme food/5 Jthat da/ - repoed speech today7 - direct SPeeCh9.AnSWCrS1 Luggage was OVer the miL2 WOuld have to Pay an excess ChaIgP Of £45*3 could be bad,4 WaS going to tae Offat 1535÷5 didn't eat meat.6 would Iike th

6、e vegetarian menu.Read ing2.1 AC- J bought a IICket Oniin£)2 C3 B (UliS Cardhndny nameQn it NB: Iheformat of Ihe IIajne nigit hae been different: S Bfnner instead OfJSean BennetI)4 C5 B (He had to buy another ticket because he didn't have InS >igLitL I Credil CaJdJ6 B , .wtw mnhm IhCy Lo

7、Li!dd)AIlowers5 I hope IhatWehaVe 2 The terms and conditions.4 The nen IimC you have a.I Dear SeaTlJ IAank you , “3 ThiS is becaue the airline 4,7.'htf <dj Of GLr i-fliht rrie¾asLr;C h禺昏 fr. ZQ rre abcut our ConIPlairLI havtf poer n the GheGk-IrT ax aft;孩 Hd they wc> rj ht thy de m th

8、Module 6.2Hotel Ame nitiesVoCabUlary2.* ReStaHrant* Se Df-Uie- art gym* 5pos faculties: indoor and OLLtdd SWimJTling PoOlStenn BS COUlIS nine-hole golf CCUrSe+ SeCretarIaI and Iranslarionservices* BUSlnSS support:匚tep PrinterS Bnd Scannei1Sf high-speed Intemet SSl PhotUCoPyill Cmd faxing facilities*

9、 24-hur ITLUItililIua cncierge SerViCe* Airline FeSerVarionS Internet broadband access DjrecvdiaJ multi line teleph口With VOiCe ZnaiIYeSP the hotel IS suitable far the 匚OnferenC¢.Book ing enq UirieSWritingAt a hotelLiSte ninge siuzjc3H As CrtfClit Caricl fra治 a eriou PrDmkJm ovdsh 如 make eer eff

10、ort TC PrOteCt orcustotnere.,OFI th'5 occa&jOnf We KQLJId Ilk# to MfiJnd ym 575.And e IOOk forward to Mein you >t>ano OnC Of ClLr places in the ture.,urs e匸客昭 Iy3.51 ÷e MarCh-2 *lhe ProViSional datesj ag b,d3 WtttI approximately 30 PerW(Ml eo.,.4 for Ihree nhts ITolTl the 10/03.5

11、"* the availability Of IlIe rooms 4.Wfi 启世r IIOUl to ht>jt &u广 Inrketing GnrpM from 23706 Uo 26/06, wh aboutEtVenty PffDple stnlng. W UZIlon七熾rH room wh 曰 ccrrtpuUr r FcMerFbirrtPreSCr¾-Dions. We 删?IIt need rl tritemrcCoMHeCrIo. We IViL n*ed fjlkfc27i SkglS-r,oor* Gcommoda tion for

12、册名 ryag 貝忻 GridirVj, ktr<r? nhts from 25/06.CGLlId you pleaeCorrflnr the aibili Df the roomfi Bnd Sffnrf 自 full 耳Ix朮总 r t rooms jn<dSpnicrt?Vll爭引广cee$5.Dear . *Thak yp, r yor e,t?Uiry 4abc;Jt hiring OLJr hotel, We hv twdt inr X)n avdM r the p- ynj c rc corrcff*x AIn Gf OLJr Ganfersncc r<w-n

13、 have CGilTiPlJtr+ pECHtdtion fa1ll59 Wtth IIIrtemet eGedS- The otMtrwdstlon po £95 TOonI Pifr;(7 CGrrfPren 广DC悄 c£620 rwrrda1 IIClLfitF 匚o: QF th?吕唱IJ PMtfI,t anj Ih衣 PrtfStfrlGC Crf a 5"rIidfarI T+cnoe. thetei oct 曲 65.I ICOk vao 伽ring from you.ur aiG5L bdj>iiie. CellU'

14、;i" Stcrutary deak with bines PeOJlIe epds+2 por Carne& PeOPle 3g nnd SUiteass,3 AwaJter Workfi in a restaurant and brings fondto customers,4 A Chamhernlaid cleans and tidies telbedrooms.7.AlISWerS1 receptionist 2 POrter 3 LhElrnherrrta id4 Wait 5 business Centre secretaryF8.nswer1 C 2 B 3

15、E 4 A 5 D10.nswerIC 2C 3A 4A 5CArranging bus in ess travelLiSte ning1.AnSTVerSA 09,00: Tline o' clock; IIiIle am; Oh nine hundred hmjs; nine IiithemonitngB 12.15: a qarter p<st twelve; (WrlVe fifteen Pnl C 07,45: a quarter to eight; eve forty five atn. D 21.30: half past nin&F twenr nedi&

16、gt; i nine thirty pmEl 7,05 five pat five; SeVenteen Oh fiveF 22.40: twenty t eleven; twenty two forty; ten forty m2.Answers1 07.55 2 085 3 23.15 4 07W3.-," -* r*,- tjrf - -Nl VtAnswersPDSSiblle flights are: any OnTUeSday evening, Or Air FranCeat 06: and BrltlSh AirWaySa 020. On Wed esdy mornin

17、g.4.7AnSWerBA39 at 06:20.6.AiISvrerS)book2 fully booked3 available4 booking5 PaSSeIlgtiI S6 bokingMaking a book ingWriting8.POliSIble BnSWCr haveLI仔t hearei that- Vhers l i ZoJea Strlke ar traffic COntnDtIerS 'n f¾ris next WSekP &d allfli0*t5 U? F¾is 'll beto ons Th?strike CQUI

18、d OnIy Ji short TAvnc, but there no? Li 去 ra rtee Of 七卜 i.Thcrufbrq WtPg:VP you A nfFiind Dn your tifkdthPr 3Itcatc Iy m<c a trocing r Iater date. P35e it Ud kraw ich ptr yu 阳u【d pt,inYi>ur SiiIMnely9.repy>POSSibIe answerFprmJWIMns5TW TrVIfeSubject:鼬:Charr to flight dtahThere yc J for you*-

19、 6ma:l about the Crit<j ir =sr urn <. A I must ¢0 to ¾rl, IT ©o tri. Th*r02,1 v>j naFl r t rrd Clilrly tldcLVfcu r inccrcModule anSWersTlle ii L from Brian Winter to Unet POUlC lt about Ihe computer LrainjlIgCoUrSeIWic Bnan CanJt attend IlIemorTling.PnIe Ine

20、SSage is from KaCheIr Ca HEeID匸 Kache ask HeCtar to contact the IeChniCian because her Printer isnil working.2.AIU)WCrftI Iwould Iiketo CCIme t the aftemonn sessioiu 2., Can you COnfaCt the technician?3.AnBWCr3The *Jmail is format (Daflr MS PfM> m QfrafdlHOClrI UrS sincerely, Brian IVinr)TlIe Ine

21、Jis-age is informal (Hf HeI:1Urf See you JByef RaChel)The Ufie Of abbreviations ako LndiCaxS anUdormaJ style,4.POSSLble EUISWerPearCjiarni,1 havr*t- eceisd ycur Ja yst> ana t getting Jatc1 avc Zq WritC thff report r Cairli & >nl anc I need Uis daza for tti Piea&e 6end h by COmarri>s

22、v EdrniII 金 TK 吕鬥 itsrt AnsvcrsMemo: neutralEmail: formalNul LnfacmalAnsWerSMCnloCQn(ains factsl and igeneral, not PCraOnaI Email: Dear MrS OdeUI I IUOUki iike.,t . to request IbUri SinCerefyl JameS MCGUire Note: Hi TOHiI Thanks, Paf) USC of abbreviatiOiSPossible answerTrlk >r your report I und Lt YCry UUI 百訂出 rtereingj ItWaS Wel written and CoITlPIe1;£.Iikf to toDU PerSOnaIly SbDUtUr CDnC USiOns. WoJId next Thursday ct>rr;Iierrt? Peet w7.10


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