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1、第竝卷第9期2013年9月Vol. 42 No. 9Sep. 2013热力发电THERMAL POWER GENERATION脱硫装置中百叶窗式挡板门密封节能优化方案陈美秀】,莫建松S吴忠标11*浙江大学环境与资源学院,浙江杭州3100582.浙江天蓝环保技术股份有限公司,浙江 杭州 311202摘要介绍利用脱硫前原烟气的热童加热廨封风的量及换热量的理论计算方法*以某300陋W机组脱筑装置为例,比校密封鼠分别采用毛汽换热、电加热和蒸汽加热 3种方案的配置、投资成本及运秆费刑。结果表明,采用气汽换热方案的按资戌本 比电加弟方案高42万元比瘪汽换热方案高48万元,但采用气汽换热方案较电加 热黑方案

2、节约运行费162*4万元/年,3个月即可收回初投资。气汽换热用于密封 凤加热方案系统相对校复杂、授资费用相叶较高但其运行整用较低,优勞明显.勲本加封适 用于各种锅炉烟毛脱礦装置*关 键 词锅炉硕叢査$挡板门】密封凤加热;换热*节能中图分类号X7O1.3 文献标识码A 文章编号1002-3364(2013)09-0020-04 DOI 编 号10, 3969/j. i&sn. 1002-3364. 2013, 09. 020Energy-saving program optimization for louver baffle sealCHEN Meixiu1 , MO Jiansong

3、2, WU Zhongbiao11. College of Environmental & Resource Sciences of Zhejiang Universiiy, Hangchou SlOOSSuChLu 2. Zhejiang Tianlan Enviranmentl Pruteeiion Technology Co- *Ltd. , Hangzhou 311202.ChinaAbstract:To reduc亡 the energy consumption of h亡ating damper seal air*the flue gas before desulfuriz

4、ation was used lo heat the seal air. The theoretical calculation method for seal air volume and heat transfer quantity was presented in detail. Take the desulfurization equipment on a 300 MW unit as the example* the configuration» investment and running cost of three seal air heating schemes (b

5、y gas-gas heat exchangertelectric heat exchanger and steam heat exchanger) was compared. The results showed t hah the investment cost of gas-gas heating scheme was 4. 2X 10J yuan and 4* 8X 105 yuan higher than that of the electrical heating and steam heating scheme, respectively. However,compared to

6、 electric heating scheme* the gas-gas heating scheme can save running cost of 1.624 X 104 yuan per year and can recover the investment in 3 months. Although the system is complicate and the investment cost is high > with low running cost, the gas-gas heating scheme has obvious advantages and is suitable for flue gas desulfurization equipments in all kinds of boilers.Key words: seal air heating; heat transfer;energy conservation; damper;desulfurization作者简介:陈美挥(1982)女,汎験.浙江視忧人.在读硕士研究生.研读方向为大P育染物治理*E-mnil;rnojsl 97? 163t com


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