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1、第十四章广告的翻译一则成功的广告应具备AUCA要求:认矢口 (awareness)理解(understanding)说月艮(conviction)行动(action)成功的广告翻译:翻译的作品能同时达到 原广告的功能。、广告文体的特点1 广告词汇的特点(1) 简明、通俗、易记多用大众化,口语词汇,简单动词,常用 形容词,俚语词,少用晦涩难懂,有歧义 的词语,删去可有可无的词语例如:Mosquito Bye, Bye, Bye蚊虫杀杀杀(口语词)简单动词,如I: come, go ,have, let, take, know, buy, see, use, look, feel, love, c

2、hoose, taste, start, need, keep, get等,会使英语简 洁明快,朗朗上口。Start Ahead.成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔洗发水)We bring high tech no logy hom.我们把高科技带回家(日本NEC电气)It happens at the Hlilton.希尔顿酒店有求必应。形容词:简单,常用形容词,富于感情色 彩,表达力,通俗易懂如:new, good/better/best, free, fresh, delicious, full, sure, clean, wonderful, special等(名列前20名的形容词)There

3、's never been a better Time.从未有过的好时代。(V时代周刊) OMEGATHE LINK BETWEEN THE PAST AND THEFUTUREOmega Seamaster ProfessionalSelf-winding Chronometer in 1K goldWaster-resistant to 300m/1 OOOftSwiss make since 184OMEGAThe sign of excellence(2) 新造词,怪词多,引人瞩目Give a Timex to all, and to all a good time 拥有一块天

4、美时表,拥有一段美好时光。(3) 使用缩略语和复合词以节省广告篇幅Roommates WantedGrad/Prof. share very nice zvdrm house nr St Paul cmpus. U bus. Nsmkr $ 275.Call John 4-6239 or 636-4549 ev.Graduate/professer share very nice two-bed room house near St Paul campus. University of Minn esotaJs bus. Non smoker $275.Call John 4-6239 or

5、636-4549 evening.合租启事欲寻一位不抽烟的研究生或教授共租一套两卧 室住房,月租275美元。位置在圣保罗校园附 近。交通方便,可乘(明尼苏达大学)校车。 有意者,请与约翰联系。联系电话:4-6239或636-4549 (晚间)2 广告英语的句法特点(1)句式简单,琅琅上口Coco-cola is it还是可口可乐好For next generation新一代的选择(百事可 乐)Cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth洁齿清气澳柯玛:没有最好,只有更好Good better best never let it rest(2)多祈使

6、句Come to where the flavor is, Come to Marlboro country!光临风韵之境!万宝路世界 众望所归,翘首以待(现代汽车) Prepare to want one.(3) 多省略句(It is) More than a timepiece. An acquisition. 不知是时钟,简直就是收益(手表广告)(4) 多用主动句(5) 活用成语,名句或谚语Not all cars are created equal.并非所有的车都生来平等。To smoke or not, thafs a question.3.广告的修饰特点拟人 (personific

7、ation)Unlike me5 my Rolex never needs a rest 和我不一样,我的劳力克斯从不需要休息。双关(pun)She5s nimblest girl around Nimble in the way she goes, Nimble is the bread she eats, light, delicious, Nimble.她是附近最敏捷的女孩,敏捷是她的举止特点。 “明杰”是她食用的面包松软味美的“明杰”(3) 押韵(rhyme)An apple a day keep the doctor away.Twelve full ounces, thafs a

8、lot.分量十二盎司,实实在在。(4) 比喻(trope)包括隐喻或暗喻(metaphor),明喻(simile),换喻(metonymy)Moms depend on Kool-Aid like kids depend on the moms.妈咪依赖“可爱得”果冻,就像孩子依赖妈咪。(明 喻5EBEL the architects of time.EBEL,时间的缔造者。(暗喻)Wash the big city out of hair.洗净发之污物。(5) 重复 (repetition)Extra Taste, Not Extra Galories额外的口味,并无额外的热量。No pro

9、blems too small, No problems too large. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(6) 对偶(antithesis)The choice is yoursThe honor is ours任君选择,深感荣幸。(7) 反语(trony)If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarettes, don5t listen.They Ye probably tryi ng to trick you into living.如果有人苦口婆心劝你戒烟,不要理他他们大概是 想骗你活得长些。Do more 5workl

10、ess事半功倍。挡不住的诱惑 can5t beat the feeling.(8) 夸张(exaggeration)We5ve hidden a garden full of vegetables where yoiTd never expectn a pie.在你意想不到的地方,我们珍藏了满园的蔬菜,那是在 一个小小的馅饼里。二、广告的翻译广告翻牡的屛:“世界首例,中国一绝,天然椰子汁”“the pioneer of the world. The most delicious in China. Natural coconut juice.”“natural coco juice: a world special with an enjoyment beyond all your words.”(贾文波译)"love the skinyou are in”(玉兰油)爱上你的肌肤。惊喜从肌肤开始。广告翻译的标准:忠实并不是第一原则, 要达到创意,促销力,美感和文化适宜性。)标语型广告


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