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1、Unit 2How often do you exercise?Section A1. how often 多久一次how long 多久when 什么时候how many hours多少小时How often do you exercise? I exercise twice a week. How long did you stay there last week? We stayed there for two days. When did you go there? We went there last Monday. How many hours does she sleep eve

2、ry night? She sleeps nine hours every night.2. help (sb.) with housework帮忙做家务活help (sb) do housework帮助某人做家务3. sometime(将来)某时sometime 一段时间4.go to the movies去看电影sometimes 有时sometimes 几次5. go shopping=do some shopping=shop购物6. read =read a book=read books读书、阅读7. hardly ever(频度副词)几乎不(常位于行为动词之前,be 动词 /助动

3、词 /情态动词之后)8. once a week每周一次once or twice a week 每周一两次two or three timesa week 每周两三次9. use the Internet使用因特网10. Animal World 动物世界11. be free=have time 有空12. Next week is quite full for me.下周我安排得满满的 /很忙。13. be full of 充满,填满14. have dance and piano lessons上舞蹈和钢琴课15. swing dance 摇摆舞16. How come? 怎么这样?1

4、7.on weekends=on the weekend在周末18. at least至少19.eat a healthy breakfast吃健康的早餐20. stay up late熬夜21. play sports=do sports 做运动22.maybe 也许(副词,可位于句首或句中)may 可能,也许(情态动词,位于 be/行为动词之前。) 如: Maybe he is in the classroom.=He may be in the classroom. Maybe he knows me.=He may know me.23. be busy with 忙于某事be bus

5、y doing sth 忙于做某事24. go to bed early 很早上床睡觉25.everyday日常的、每天的, everyday English 英语日常用语every day 每天26. (about) twice a week (大约)每周两次 Section B1.junk food 垃圾食品2.be good for对 有益be bad for对 有害be good at 擅长 be good with和 相处得好3.have good habits有好习惯4. go camping去野营5. in the country(side)在乡下go to the countr

6、y(side)去乡下6.in the free time 在空闲时间7.ask sb. about 问某人有关 8. the result of 的结果9. fifteen percent of the students百分之十五的学生基数词 + percent + of +名词(其后的谓语动词形式由名词的单复数形式决定)10. go online 上网11. one to three times a week 每周一到三次12. not at all 一点也不、根本不13. some other一些 另外的一些 some the other一些 另外所有的 one the other 一个

7、另一个 (两者中的另一个)14. be surprised at/that 对 感动惊讶be surprised to do sth 做某事感到惊讶15. the answer to the question 这个问题的答案the key to the door 门的钥匙16.although 虽然,尽管(不能与 but 连用)17.game shows游戏节目18. the most popular 最受欢迎的19.It is good to do sth.做 有益处。20. the best way to do做 的最好方法21. through 通过,穿过(指从事物内穿过,如穿过森林、城

8、市等。) across 横穿(指从物体表面上穿过,如横穿街道、桥梁等。)22. such as例如 (用于列举事物,后面不能跟句子)23. sb spend +时间 /钱+on sth 某人在某物上花时间或钱sb spend +时间 /钱+doing sth 某人做某事花了多少时间或钱It take sb +时间 +to do sth 某人花多少时间做某事sb pay+ 钱+for sth某人在某物上付了多少钱I spend two hours on my homework.=It takes me two hours to do my homework.She spends 50 dolla

9、rs buying a skirt.=She pays 50 dollars for the skirt.24. Itshealthy for有助于 的健康25. play together 一起玩get together 聚在一起26. Old habits die hard旧.习难改27. Start exercising before it开s始too锻炼late吧.,不要等到来不及的时候。28. How many percent of the students do not exercise at all ? 有百分之多少的学生根本不锻炼?29.go to thedentist 去看牙

10、医go tothe doctor /see a doctor去看医生30.16-year-old十六岁的31. however “但是 ”常用逗号与后面句子隔开,语气不如but 强,且but 不能用逗号与后面句子隔开。32.teeth cleaning洁牙33. fast food 快餐食品34. none 指三个及以上的人或事物 “没有一个”,是 all 的否定词,常用 none of, 其后只能接可数名词复数。作主语时,强调整体为复数意义 , 强调个体则为单数意义。 None of us like/likes the book.我们都不喜欢这本书。表达“没有一个人”时, 回答 how ma

11、ny 提问用 none, 回答 who 提问用 no one35. less than 少于more than=over 超过36.be afraid 害怕be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事be afraid of sth 害怕某事物37.be smart about (one s health)对待 很明智lean about学习、了解关于 39. learn more about healthy habits多了解一些健康习惯40. Dontworry. 别担心。 worry about sb/sth 担心某人 /某事 41.the shopping center 购物中心42. want sb. to do sth. =would like sb to do sth想要某人做某事 43.be like 与一样


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