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1、Unit4课题 I can play basketball第 3 教时课型:新授课教 1 能够读懂 Cartoon time 部分内容,体会其中的趣味性。学 2. 理解会说句子: Quack, Quack! I can swim. Tweet, tweet! I can目fly. Don t be sad, Bobby. I cantfly either.标 3. 能完成 Checout time 部分内容教学 1. 能够读懂 Cartoon time 部分内容,体会其中的趣味性。重 2. 能完成 Checout time 部分内容。点教学 1. 能够表演 Cartoon time 部分内容。

2、难 2. 能了解 either 与 too 的区别。点教 1. 课文录音光盘学 2.挂图准 3.图画备学情分析思考与调整教学过程(二次备课)Step 1 warm upSing a song: I can skate and I can jump. (可以请同学变换了多种形式唱一唱)Step 2 Revision and free talk1. Free talkT: Hello, . How are you today?S:Im.T: How old are you? S: IT: Good morning/afternoon.m./I Whatm.years old.can you do?

3、S:Ican.T: Can you play tabletennis? S:Yes, I can./No,T: Hello, . Can you sing? S: Yes, I can.T: Can you sing well?S: Yes, I can.I cant.T: ( 根据上面问的内容, 问全班同学) Can.sing? he/she can.Ss: Yes,2. 请同学介绍自己或介绍自己的朋友。T: Who can introduce yourself or introduce your friend? Step 3 Look and say1. Ask and answer出示

4、Checkout time 板块中 Look and say 部分内容的图片 , T: Now, boys and girls, look at the picture. What can the boy do? ( 指其中一幅 )S: He can swim.T: Can he swim well? S: Yes, he can.T: Can the boy skate?S: No, he cant.T: Can he play basketball? S: No, he canT: What else can he do?S: He can.t.1. Try to say (根据本部分内容

5、)I can.and . I cant. I cant.3. 利用此模式,根据自己的实际情况来说一说。Step 4 Cartoon time1.教学 Quack, quack! I can swim. Tweet, tweet! I can fly.T: ( 出示小鸭子图片 ) Look, what sthis?S: Its a duck.T: What can the duck do?S: It can swim.T: Quack, quack! I can swim. (请同学读一读)T: ( 出示小鸟图片 ) Look, whats this?S: Its a bird.T: What

6、can the bird do?S: It can fly.T: Tweet, tweet! I can fly. (请同学读一读)T: A duck can swim. A bird can fly. Can you say? A _ can_.1. Read and answerT: Now, boys and girls, leta. Can Bobby fly?Yes, he can.s see what Bobby can do.b. Can Bobby fly?No, he cant.c. Can Sam fly?No, he cant.3.理解句子 “Dont be sad, B

7、obby. I cantfly either.”T: Bobby can tfly. How does Sam say to him?S: “ Dont be sad, Bobby. I cantfly either.”理解并读好这句话。区别 too 与 either: too 和 either 都表示也的意思, too 用在肯定句中, either 用在否定句中。说一说:我也会唱歌。我也不会游泳。我也不会打乒乓球。我也会打篮球。4. 跟录音朗读,模仿语音语调,提醒嘘声注意朗读时的语气。如:朗读 I can.too 时要读出骄傲的语气,朗读I can tfly.时要用难过的语气。Step 5

8、Listen and judgeT: Now, lets do some listening comprehension1. 读一读题目Helen can not skate.Su Yang an play table tennis.Liu Tao cannot play basketball.Yang Ling can play football.2. 播放录音,判断正误。3. 以问答的形式进行核对答案。错,对,错,错Step 6 Homeworka. 模仿朗读 Cartoon time.3. 默 写 单 词 及 词 组 : skate, jump, swim, fly, well, play basketball, play football, can t=can nothave a try, sad.七、教后反思(第次)


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