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1、评选骨干教师不用课件教案Unit 7 Would you like a pie ?(Story time)一、教学目标:知识与能力目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读单词: a pie, a cake, a sweet.2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型: Nice to meet you. Would you like? Yes,please. What about?No, thank you.3.能熟练、准确地运用句型: “Would you lik e ?”“ What about ?”与同学进行对话,并能正确的回答。情感态度目标 :1. 通过学习,理解与新朋友打招呼的方式并让学生初步感受分享的快乐2

2、. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣;丰富学生的英语交际方式。过程与方法 :通过创设情境,结合对话表演,理解并掌握本课日常交际用语。二、教学重点 : 知识与能力目标1&2三、教学难点:知识与能力目标3四、教具准备:挂图、食物图片、字条、磁带、录音机等五、教学设计:Warming up:Sing some English songs.(课前播放一些已学过的英语歌曲,学生不知不觉就跟着哼唱起来,将学生引入英语课堂氛围。 )Step 1. Free talkT: Good afternoon.Class.S: Good afternoon.T: Sit down, please.T: Hello,I

3、m your new English Teacher.I like sweet food. (边说边在黑板上板书单词: sweet) So,my English name is Sweet. You can call me“Sweet ”.1评选骨干教师不用课件教案与全体学生打招呼T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Sweet.T: Hello, boy!S: Hello, Sweet.T:This sweet is for you.教师引导学生说: Thank you.( 练习几组 )T: Hello, girl!S: Hello, Sweet.T: W

4、hat s your name?S: I m T: Nice to meet you .××.Step 2.Presentation1. (紧接上面对话)学习 Nice to meet you . 很高兴认识你。提示学生回答: Nice to meet you, too.2. 学习 Nice to meet you , too.T: I m new here. Can you introduce your friend to me ?S: Hello, Sweet. This is/Shes/He s ××× . She /Hess my fr

5、iend.T: Nice to meet you .S1: Nice to meet you, too.3.T:TodayI ll introducea newfriend,a prettygirltoyou.Butyoumust listen carefully, then tell me her name.(听录音 P44)听完后学生回答: Helen.T:Hello,boysandgirls.(拿 着Helen的 头 像 )Thisisournewfriend ,Helen. Can you say something to Helen?S: Hello./Hi./Good aftern

6、oon./ Nice to meet you, Helen.( 引导学生说Nicetomeetyou,Helen. 如果第一个学生就回答:Nice to meet you, Helen.就接着问: What else can you say?)2评选骨干教师不用课件教案4. Read. Read after the tape.Read together.Task 2: Look at the picture and find the sharing food.(If you cantsay in English, you can say in Chinese.)1 、学习单词 pie, cak

7、e ( 随机进行板书 )2 、T:How do Mikes friends share the food to Helen? Open your booksto P45, find and underline the sentences.Teach: Would you like a pie ?What about a cake ? (贴板书 )边教 Would you like a pie ?边揭示课题 Unit7 Would you like a pie ?T:What does it(图片 3 海伦摇手) mean? Guess.S:No , thank you.( 贴板书 )T:Wha

8、t does it(图片 4 海伦双手心向上前伸)mean? Guess.S:Yes, please.( 贴板书 )3.Practice with you partner.Task3: ReadLet s read the storty time beautifully. But how? Heres a learning tip.( 学习小贴士 )“试着找出句中读重音的单词,在下面用·标出,并在句末画上升调和降调调。”Let s start.Model: 第一句。生边听边标。Let s check.T: 今天, Sweet 教你们一种新的技巧“连读” 。(快读读并标出记号)然后带着

9、学生读一读连读的句子。Read beautifully.(Follow the teacher. Together. Read in roles.)Check.Task4: Act the dialogue.Task5:TopicT: Here s a topic for you.你邀请你的新朋友到家里来作客,你把他/ 她介绍给你的家人。你盛情地拿出食3评选骨干教师不用课件教案物跟他 / 她一起分享。Step 3. SummaryT: Todaywehavelearntmanynewsentencesandwords.(指着板书说 )How to use the words? Look her

10、e.1 、初次见面,可以说:2 、第一次分享食物,可以说:3 、再次分享,可以说:4 、需要 / 接受食物,可以说:5 、不需要时,可以说:T: Now we know how to share the food and how to answer. In ourlivesweneedlearnsharetoeachother,because“Sharingbringshappiness.”Step 4: Homework1.Listen and read the story time of Unit 7.2.Go on sharing your food with your family and friends.(接近下课时)T: It s time to say“goodbye”. Now lets sing the song“Goodbye ”.板书:Unit7 Would you like a pie?Nice to meet you.How to shareHow to answersweetWould you like (pie图片 )?No, thank you.pieWhat about (cake图片 ) ?Yes, please.Cake备注:课题用卡通字体书写字条, 单词当场板书在第三线上,其它写在黑色卡纸上,这样比较节省课堂时间。4


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