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1、Unit3Animals教学设计常德市武陵区芦山社木铺小学孙晨一、教学内容:本节课是人教版小学英语一年级上册第三单元Animals 第一课时。二、教学目标:1、Students can listen ,say and understand these words: bird,tiger, dog, cat, monkey.2、Students are able to listen and say:Whats this?It s a tiger.3、学生在教师创设的真实动物园情境中,会用“ Whats this?It s a ” 和他人交际。三、教学重点:Students can listen

2、,say and understand these words.四、教学难点:Students are able to listen and say:Whats this?It s a tiger.五、教学方法:情景教学法、任务教学法、游戏教学法六、学情分析:一年级的学生活泼好动, 注意力容易分散。 刚开始学习英语,对英语充满了兴趣,但是又不会说,容易产生羞怯。针对以上情况,我打算以游戏的方式贯穿整个教学过程,同时创设动物园的情景。这样,既能吸引学生的注意力,又能让孩子们在玩中学,学中玩,从而达到寓教于乐的效果。七、教学过程:Teacher s ActivityStudents Activit

3、yPurpose of DesignStep 1: Warm-upGreetings.Greetingswith以分组形式比赛, 调全班分两组比赛,评teacher .动学生的积极主动价。性。Lead inThe students answer利用游戏充分调动Game:Draw and guess theteachers起学生学习的兴趣,The teacher draw aquestions .引领学生进入英语circle, ask the students:学习状态,同时为新句型 Whatthis?的学What s this?习做好铺垫。Step 2: Presentation教师自己画图片

4、呈1、 The teacher use theAnswer the teachers 现单词让学生形成circle to draw a tigerquestions .直观印象,使学生理and ask :Whatthis?解词义。音、义的同Teach the new words:Learn the new words:时展现让学生加深tiger.tiger,read the word.对单词的认识与记忆。Game: Golden fingers.The students read the 游戏既能活跃气氛Theteachershows word.又能让学生积极的fingers.操练新单词。2、

5、Lead in“ cat/dog/bird/Learn the words.monkey”use the circle.Use the same method toteach these four words.Practice. A game: SwatPlay the game.a fly. Pat the word, letthe students to read.游戏操练让学生在玩中学,学中玩。4、Guess:出示动物的影Answer the question.利用动物的影子猜子, ask:Whats this?Use: It a 一猜引入句型,保Teach the sentences.

6、Learn the sentences.持神秘感,吸引学生的注意力。Ask the students to readRead in groups.小组操练加强学生in groups.对句型理解和运用。Step 3: ExtensionShow the headdress ofAct like a bird.the bird and say: It a abird. Who can act like abird?演一演激发学生兴趣,巩固新单词。Choose the best one,Give him the headdress. Act like a tiger/cat/Use the same

7、 method,monkey / dog .give them the headdressof the tiger/cat/monkey /dog .Ask them to come to the创设参观动物园的blackboard. Say :This is情景,激发了学生a zoo. There are so的参与和学习欲many animals. PointThe five students 望,为学生提供了one and ask the otheract,the other students语言实际运用的空students :Answer.间。Whats this?Act in gro

8、ups. Choose及时评价the best one give thembananas.Step 4 Self-assignmentCount the bananas. Ask集体观看评价结each group:How many bananas. canCountthebananas. 果,表彰获胜组,Write the number .对其他组也是一个you get?Then, give the激励。winner the crown.Step 5: SummaryHave them lookat the Lookatthe 师生互动,总结本blackboard andread blackb

9、oard and read 节课所学知识。loudly.loudly.Set homework:Rememberthe 课后操练单词,加Read the words.homework.深印象。Blackboard Designing八、评价方式本节课我采用了多种评价方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,有效地提高了课堂效率。口头表扬。 当学生表现出色, 老师会给予及时的表扬,如:Very good!excellent! Well done!等等,当学生克服困难,再次表现出色时,老师也适时地给予鼓励和表扬。物质激励。 在学生个人回答问题出色时,教师及时地利用手中的 sticker 进行评价,有效地调动学生的表现欲望,营造了浓厚的学习氛围。小组评价。 为了开展好小组评价,在上课前我把全班学生分成了二组, 在课堂教学中, 及时全面地记录小组成员的表现情况,最后根据评比结果表扬获胜组,激励全班同学。


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