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1、The Third PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn the“ -ing ” form used as the Attribute and Object Complement.2.Learn about word formation.3.Improve the students' ability to make sentences and write.Teaching Important Point:How to get the students to master the “ -ing ” form.Teaching Difficult Point:The di

2、fference between the “-ing ”form used as the Attribute and Object Complement.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to make every student have a clear understanding.2.Explanation to make every student have a clear concept.3.Pair work or group work to make every student active.Teaching Aids:1.a projector and

3、some slides2.a computer for multimedia useTeaching Procedures:step .Greetings and RevisionGreet the whole class as usual.Teacher checks the students' homework.step .Word StudyT:Now let's do Word Study.Read these sentences and find words of the same root from this unit.Then translate the sent

4、ences into Chinese.Do you know what “the words of the same root ” means?For example,we have learned the words:nation n.;national adj.;nationality n.And we can say that the three words have the same root,because each of them has the word root“ nation” .Are you clear about this?(Ss:Yes.)OK,have a disc

5、ussion with your partner.Later,I'll have some students give us the answers.T:(After a few minutes.)Are you ready?Ss:Yes.We are ready.T:Now please give us your answers.One student,one sentence.SA :Sentence 1.当喜剧演员讲笑话时,人们从他说话的声音中就能感觉到他的辛酸。“bitterness” and“ bitter ” has the same root.SB :2.我本来打算来这儿

6、住几天,但现在我已决定要走了。“ intention ”and“ intent”havethe same root.SC:3 艾伦,现在是一位世界著名的喜剧演员,从来没有对他本人的表演满意过。“satisfied ” and“ satisfy” have the same root.SD:4.现在你说不准这部电影是否将是一部成功的影片。“ certainly ”and“ certain”have thesame root.SE:5.这种相声,是典型的双人相声, 在中国很受欢迎。“ typically ”and“type”have the sameroot.SF:6.南希,出身于一个纯艺术家庭,

7、已经成了一位大画家。“artistic ”and“ art”have thesame root.SG:7.这本书的销售,因为作者的冒险经历已经迅速增长了。“rapidly ”and“ rapid”have用心爱心专心the same root.SH:8.学会说外语使人的阅历丰富。“richness” and“ rich ”have the same root.T:You've done well.Now look at thescreen again.We'llhave another exercise.Match thewords on the leftwith their

8、meanings on the right.Match the following:edya.a fixed pattern representing a type of person or action.2.audienceb.a man who dresses funnily and acts foolishly to make people laugh3.stereotypec.a funny play,film or other work.4.clownd.the people listeningto or watchinga performance,speech,television

9、show,etc.ediane.a short informal piece of literature or stage acting6.sketchf.the regular beat of poetry or music7.traditiong.an actor who acts in funny plays or films8.rhythmh.(of words or poetry)to end with the same sound.9.rhymei.the passing down of opinions,beliefs,customs etc.T:(A few minutes l

10、ater.)Have you finished?If you have finished it,please check your answers with the screen.Suggested answers:1.c2.d3.a4.b5.g6.e7.i8.h9.fStep .GrammarT:Now please turn to Page 42.Look at Grammar:The -ing form(1).As we know,the -ing formis often used as the Attribute.Where should we put it?Student I,re

11、ad the two sentences below Grammar.(SI reads the sentences.)Look at the phrases and the sentence on the screen.(Teacher shows the screen.)1.interesting crosstalkamusing storylaughing audiencecross-dressing men2.Woody Allen is famous for his role acting as a woman.T:In the four phrases on the screen,

12、each“ -ing ” form is used as the attributive.Because it is a single word,it is put before the word it modifies,while in the sentence on the screen,the “ -ing ”form is placed after the word it modifies,because it is a phrase.Are you clear about it?Ss:Yes.T:Now look at Exercise 1.Try to put the follow

13、ing phrases into English.Pair work.Please get prepared.(After two minutes.)T:Who will give their Chinese meaning?One student,two phrases.Read it first,and then give your translation.Volunteer?Sa:a flaming ray 灼热的光线;working people 劳动人民Sb:smilig faces 微笑的面孔;a flying kite 翱翔的风筝Sc:an interesting crossta

14、lk 有趣的相声;an exciting event 激动人心的事件Sd:the rising sun 升起的太阳;the suffering peasants 受苦受难的农民Se:the coming week 下周;用心爱心专心the dancing girl 舞女T:Quite right.Now let's do Exercise 2.Look at the screen.(Teacher shows the screen.)Make sentences from the table,using the “ -ing ” form as the attribute.Write

15、as many sentences as you can.Make sentences from the table,using the “ -ing ” form as the attribute(After a minute.)T:Now read your sentences to us.One student,one sentence.Sf:The boy coming to dinner this evening is a classmate of mine.Sg:The boy performing the show is a classmate of mine.Sh:The bo

16、y singing now can play four musical instruments.Si:The person getting married is a friend of my mother's.Sj:The person coming to dinner this evening is in his 40 s.Sk:The comedian getting married can play four musical instruments.Sl:The comedian performing the show is in his 40s.Sm:The woman eat

17、ing her lunch writes her songs herself.Sn:The woman looking at her map is a friend of my mother's.So:The couple getting married are famous movie stars.T:Turn back to Page 42.Please look at the sentence: “ At one moment in a show,you can see the audience laughing loud. ”In this sentence,is“ laugh

18、ing loud ”used as attribute?Sp:Yes.Sq:I don't agree with him.Here the “ -ing ” form “ laughing loud ” is used as object complement.We often say “ see or hear sb.doing sth.” In the structure,the “ -ing” form is used as object complement.Am I right?T:Yes,you are right.Verbs which are followed by t

19、he “-ing ” form used as object complement are:see,hear,feel,watch,notice,keep,find,get,have,etc.Are you clear?Ss:Yes.T:Please look at Exercise 3.Choose the best verb and complete each sentence after the example.Write your answers on a piece of paper.We'll check them in a few minutes.(After a few

20、 minutes,teacher shows the screen.)用心爱心专心Suggested answers:1.I saw them forcing(force)the door open with a hammer.2.We heard them laughing(laugh)after the comedy show;they sounded very happy.3.I heard him dropping(drop)something heavy into the river.4.You can see them performing(perform)every night

21、this week at the New Theatre.5.I could hear the newly-married couple quarrelling(quarrel)every day over very small matters.6.We watched the army marching(march)down the street towards the park.7.I saw the people entering(enter)the theatre,and there were 286 of them.8.We watched three old men sharing

22、(share)their food with each other.9.We watched the children diving(dive)into the water from the top diving board.10.I noticed you helping(help)the comedians with their performances.That was very kind ofyou.Step .TestT:Now I'll give you a test.Look at the screen,please.Put the correct verb into t

23、he -ing form to complete each sentence.fasten,knock,settle,deliver,enter,lay,bathe,measure,weigh,remove1.The people_the palace were dressed in their best clothes.2.We noticed a lot of children_in the river in the hot weather.3.The woman_fruit in the market was carrying a child on her back.4.People_i

24、n the north of China need warm clothes for the winter.5.I noticed the man_the armchairs from the room.6.The tailor_me for my new coat asked me a lot of questions about music.7.I heard someone_on the floor.8.The servant_the table for dinner was singing quietly.9.The man_the letters said that it was d

25、ifficult to find our house.10.I watched the officer_his horse to a tree with a rope.Suggested answers:1.entering2.bathing3.weighing4.settling5.removing6.measuring7.knocking8.laying9.delivering10.fasteningStep .Summary and HomeworkT:Inthisclass.We've learned Grammarand done a lotofexercises to th

26、etext andGrammar.Asweknownow,the “ -ing ” formcan be used as the AttributeandObjectComplement.When it is used as the Attribute,itis usually (The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard)When it is used as the object Complement,it is often used after the verbs: (Writethem on the Bb.)Today's homewor

27、k:After class,make four sentences.Two of them use the“ -ing ”form as the Attribute.And the other two use it as the object complement.That's all.Step .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 20 HumourThe Third PeriodGrammar:The -ing form:used as the Attribute and Object Complement.The Attribute:If an “ -ing ”form is a single word,it is usually put before the word it modifies.If it is a phrase,it is often placed after the word it modifies.The Object Complement:It is used after the verbs:see,hear,feel,watch,notice,keep,find,用心爱心专心get,have etc.Step .Record after Teaching_用心爱心专心


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