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1、用英文汤圆的做法下面是 整理的用英文汤圆的做法,以供大家学习参考。用英文汤圆的做法篇一:The Lantern Festival or Yuan xiao Jie is a traditi onal Chin ese festival, which is on the 15th of the first month of the Chin ese New Year. The festival marks the end of the celebrati ons of the Chi nese New Year.“灯节”或者叫做“元宵节”是中国的传统佳节,在每年的农历 正月十五这一天庆祝。元宵节

2、的到来也标志着春节的结束。Chin ese started to celebrate the Lantern Festival from theHan Dy nasty (206 BC - 221 AD). Like most other Chi nese festivals, there is also a story behind the Festival. It is also believed that the festival has Taoist origi ns.元宵节的传统可以追溯到西汉时期,像其他的传统节日一样,关于元宵节也有一个美丽的传说。据说,与道家的传统有关。This

3、is a festival for people hav ing fun. On the ni ght of the festival, people go on streets with a variety of lanterns un der the full moon, watch ing lions or drag ondancing, play ingChi nese riddles and games, and light ing up firecrackers. There is really a lot of fun for the young and the old.按中国民

4、间的传统,在这天上皓月高悬的夜晚,人们要点起彩灯 万盏,以示庆贺。出门赏月、燃灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵,合家 团聚、同庆佳节,其乐融融。Yuanxiao (glutinousrice ball) or Tangyuan is the specialfood for the Lantern Festival. It is believed that Yuanxiao is n amed after a palace maid, Yuan xiao, of Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dyn asty. Yuan xiao is a ki nd of sweet dumpl

5、i ng, which is made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffi ng.元宵(黏米团子)或者叫做汤圆是元宵节这一天必吃的食物。相传 汉武帝时宫中有一位宫女,名叫“元宵”,长年幽于宫中,思念父母, 终日以泪洗面。大臣东方朔决心帮助她,于是对汉武帝谎称,火神奉 玉帝之命于正月十五火烧长安,要逃过动难,唯一的办法是让“元宵 姑娘”在正月十五这天做很多火神爱吃的汤圆,并由全体臣民张灯供奉。武帝准凑,“元宵姑娘”终于见到家人。此后,便形成了元宵 节。元宵这种食物实际上是甜馅“饺子”的一种,用粘糯米和甜的馅 料制成。Yuan xiao

6、is sticky, sweet and round in shape, symboliz ing family uni ty, complete ness and happ in ess.You can find Yuan xiao in orie ntal food stores. If you enjoy cook ing, here is a recipe of Yuan xiao for you.元宵口感粘糯,口味香甜,外观浑圆,象征着一家人团圆、美满 和幸福。在一般的中国店铺都可以买到。这里就向您介绍一个做元宵的食谱:In gredie nts4 1/2 cups (500 g)

7、sticky rice flourbutter 7 oz (200 g)black sesame powder 7 oz (200 g)sugar 8 oz (250 g)1 tsp wi ne原料:500克黏糯米面200克黄油200克黑芝麻粉250克白糖一茶匙酒Methodswi ne1. Mix the butter with sesame powder, sugar and together. You n eed to heat a little bit. Make small balls about 0.3-0.4 oz (10 g) each.2. Take 1/2 cup of s

8、ticky rice flour. Add water into the flour and make a flatte n dough. Cook it in boiled water and take out un til done. Let it cool dow n. Then put it in the rest of the sticky rice flour. Add water and kn ead un til the dough is smooth.3. Make the dough into small pieces about 0.3-0.4 oz (10 g) eac

9、h. Make it like a ball using hands first and the n make a hole in the ball like a sn ail. Put the sesame ball into it and close it up.4. Cook them in boiled water. Make sure to keep stirri ng in one directi on while cooki ng.Whe n they float on the water,con ti nue to boil for about one minute using

10、 less heat.方法:1、 将黄油、黑芝麻粉、白糖和酒混合,加热一会,搓成10克 左右的小团。2、取约100克黏糯米面,加水和成面团,放在开水中煮熟。晾 凉后加入到剩余的糯米面中,揉捏到平滑。3、将面团分成10克左右的小团,用手搓成球形,再在中间刺 出一个蜗形,再把之前做好的芝麻馅填充进去。4、在开水中煮熟,在煮的过程中要始终顺着一个方向搅拌,汤 圆全部浮起在水面后小火再煮一分钟,即可。用英文汤圆的做法篇二:Tang Yuan (汤圆)or tangtuan (汤团),is a Chinese food made from glutinous rice flour. Glutinous

11、rice flour is mixed with a small amount of water to form balls and is the n cooked and served in boili ng water.Tan gyua n that has bee n filled withsweet or savory fillings are collectively known as Yuan Xiao (元宵).Filled tangyuan(Yuan Xiao) can be filled with a widevariety of ingredientsincluding r

12、ed bean paste, choppedpea nuts and sugar, sesame paste (gro und black sesame seeds mixed with lard and sugar), rock sugar (which would create a hot, melt ing caramel-like filli ng), etc.Most Penang people will make their own Tang Yuan duri ng MidWi nter Seas on(冬至).I could still remember duri ngchil

13、dhood, all the family members would gather together to prepare the Tang Yuan. Nowadays most busy Penang local do not have time to prepare their ow n, so mostly we would just buy outside.Now we do not n eed to wait un til MidWi nter Seas on(冬至).We can eat Tang Yuan any time we want. Many people will

14、tend to eat Tang Yuan after watching the TVB series A Life Made Simple (Ah Wong 11).1 will not introduce Mango Tang Yuan but a delicious and simple frozen Tang Yuan from KG Pastry. Their slogan is "So Easy, So Yummy". It& #39;s very true!1. You can buy this froze n Tang Yuan fr

15、om TESCO or from others Hypermarket. There are two types, one bigger size and the other smaller but both also same prize. It is just the matter of qua ntity. I love the one with pea nut butter filli ngs.2. Prepare the gin ger and brow n sugar for the soup.3. Most people'shouse should have th

16、ese twoin gredie nts, so just prepare a pack of KG PASTRY Tang Yuan in your freezer. You can have your Rice Ball any time you like.4t is easy and simple, boiled a bowl of water and put thegin ger and brow n sugar in side to cook the yummy and simple soup.5. Remember to remove the froze n Rice Ball f

17、rom freezerbut do not defrostthem.Then put the Tang Yuan into theboili ng soup. Be careful and make sure to push the Rice Ball with the back of laddle to preve nt breakage and stick in g. It is ready to serve whe n the Rice Ball float.Note : If you dislike brow n sugar and gin ger, you can trywhite sugar with pandan leaves. It is also not bad!6


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