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1、电影美女与野兽精彩英文影评美女与野兽是一个创作于18世纪的古老法国童话,原作者 是 Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve。故事讲述了一个被 施了咒语的王子变成了一个面目可怕的野兽,后来有一个美丽的女孩爱上了野兽,从而解除了魔法。那么关于美女与野兽影评如何呢?本文是美女与野兽影评,美女与野兽英文影评,希望对大家有帮助!Beauty and the beast was released in 1991 by Disn ey, it isa story that told us the real meaning of love.A long time ago,

2、 a han dsome price was tran sformed into a hideous and ugly beast , because he was cold-hearted and made judgments based on people ” s appearanee , and he would be restored to his orig inal un til he lear ned how to love and been loved return. If he didn ” t learn to love, he would die. Then he met

3、the Belle who was a beautiful girl. When Belle showed up at his doorstep, he was filled with both hope and fear, he hoped that she may be his love and can make him back to be huma n, and feared that she may be repulsed by his ugli ness and run away. She hated the Beast at first, but whe n he risked

4、his life, fighting off the wolves to rescue her. Belle feels that the Beast was kind and warm-hearted. Though he iwas ugly, Belle didn ” t judge him by his appearanee.In the movie, there was a young man n amed Gast on whowas tall, strong and handsome, but shallow and rude. He wan ted to marry Belle,

5、 but Belle refused him, and he was angry and decided to kill the Beast.Gast on and the Beast had differe nt appeara nee, one was han dsome but the other was ugly. But Belle chose the Beast, in her mind, appeara nee was not so importa nt, a kind and loving heart was more importa nt.Whe n I fin ish th

6、e movie, I am aware of the importa nee ofheart. We should not judge one person by his or her appearanee. There is no doubt that a fairly appearanee can leave us a good first impressi on. But it can n ever be the mai n faetor when we judge them. Throughout the history, we can eon elude that a pers on

7、 who is beautiful or han dsome may be a dan gerous one .On the eon trary, the ugly ones can also be kind and warmhearted. If a person doesn” t know how to loveand care others, and only ear about himself or herself, if we make friends with them ,we will feel tired, sad and angry. Maybe we will lose s

8、ome thi ngs because of them .In a word, from this movie and my own feeling, I think, we can” t judge a pers on by appeara nee.What ” s more, in many times, people don ” t like to express their feeli ngs directly. They will express their feeli ngs in other ways and they don ” t said “ I love you ” fr

9、equently, for example parents, but it ” s also true love for us. So we need to feel it with our heart. Oh the other hand, sometimes we should say love bravely like Belle. I believe love is a good and warm thi ng that can bring happ in ess and power to those who love us. If a pers on who always suppo

10、rts us, loves us and gives us help, we should express our felli ng directly to him or her. Sometimes, to our family and frien ds, we could say our love to them as Belle.美女与野兽拿尽人皆知的故事来剧透虽然结尾没能出乎你的 意料,但这部真人版的法国大片还是值得一看的。第一次看是法语原声,英文字母,这回看得版本是英语配音,中文字幕两次合并,我终于大致知道这个童话故事讲的是啥了,很盼望去看看迪斯尼的经典动画版本和这部来比较。如果去电

11、影院,有 3D的话还是去看3D的 吧,这么大制作,雪花呀,玫瑰花瓣呀,萤火虫呀,飘来飘去的效果 应该不错。就是不太明白为什么电影院要放英文配音版的,明明法语和英语都是外语,为什么不直接放法语原声的呢?这让我们正在学法语的同学多伤心!怎么着今年也是中法建交50周年呀!该片的法国名称是“ La Belle et La Bête ”,从这个名称即 可看出法语的BT之处,对于一种对名词还分“公母”的语言(其实是 阴阳啦,这里是贬义用法),它的"性"还不是根据事实来 分,Bête明明是个公的,可就因为 Bêt

12、e 这词是母的, 冠词就得用母的“ La”,真叫法语初学者我看得咬牙切齿。第一次认识文森;卡索是在狼族盟约,导演也是美女与野兽 的导演克里斯多夫 甘斯,时过境迁,Monica和Vincent分了, Vincent头发也泛白了这圈里的关系真是说断就断。蕾雅;赛杜来演绎Belle真的很合适,因为她并不只是个美人儿, 在眉宇间还透出一份坚毅,上一次看到她还是在阿黛尔的生活中 的蓝发Emma,这一次又逆转看到她扮演气质截然不同的女孩,真 是位可塑性很强的演员。这次观影的收获就是发现原来我对美女与野兽一点都不了解, 要不是听会长说,我都不知道这故事原来是法国的,一查竟然是1740 年第一次发表,太久远了,故事传来传去就有N多版本了,再听一起观影的堂姐说,她小时候听姑姑讲过这个故事,当时的名字都不是 美女与野兽,好像是叫一朵玫瑰花什么的,给她印象最深的是 Belle回去看父亲,两个姐姐为了不让她走,把钟给调慢了。天哪, 我最多就是看过动画片的海报,和些零散的片段,其他的什么都不知 道,我的童年都在干嘛!另一个收获就是,我明了,野兽就是只狮子啊,对了,还有一点我刚刚意识到,以前一直没想过去看美女 与野兽可能是因为总觉得“美女”很肤浅,这回4


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