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1、五年级英语教学案例分析Unit 4 What can you do?A. Read and write一、教学目标:1、知识目标:( 1)能够正确理解本课对话内容,并完成相关的练习。( 2)能够听,说,读,写句型:What can you do? I can sweep thefloor.( 3)能够听,说,认读句子: Mother goat is ill. We can help her. Just do it.2、情感目标:在别人有困难的时候,提供适当的帮助。3、能力目标:能读懂相当难度的文章,并写出小文章。二、教学重点:1、教学目标 1 和 3。三、教学难点:1、教学目标 3 及正确拼写

2、四会句型。2、ill ,just do it!单词与词组的理解。四、教学步骤:(一) Warm-up1.Let s chant(P44):Dog, Dog, what can you do?I can run after you.(设计意图:让学生站起来,使学生动起来,有效地组织英语课堂学习,活跃课堂气氛,并让学生复习句型What can you do? I can.。)T: Great! You re helpful!(二) Presentation/practice1.引入:呈现 Mother goat生病的情景。(Mother goat并发出呻吟声)T:Look and listen!

3、Who is that?S1:Mother Goat.T: What s the matter?S2:Mother goat is ill.(板书)T: (白板展示凌乱的房间图) What a mess in her house! Weare helpful! We can help her.OK? What can you do?S3:I can .S4: I can. 学生回答时适时加入OK,just do it .(板书)T: Yes. We can help her! What about Zip and her friends?( 指板书的人物 ) What can they do

4、for Mother goat? Guess and match! (让学生猜想动物能做的事情)Monkeycook the mealsZipsweep the floorRabbitwash the windowZoomwater the flowers(设计意图:让学生通过猜测小动物所能做的事情,带有目的性地观看下面的 read and write,看是否跟自己的猜测一样。)2.(1)Watch VCD后,连线看他们是否猜对。(设计意图:第一遍观看CIA 的目的是了解文章的大概内容,播放前让学生带着问题有目的去看。 )(2).OpenyourbookatP48.Readthedialogu

5、eandfinishexercises 1. True or false.Mother Sheep is ill.()Monkey can sweep the floor.()Zip can clean the window.()Zoom cant water the flowers.() They are helpful.()(设计意图:第二遍阅读目的是培养学生获取信息、处理信息的能力。通过理解课文的主要内容和细节信息 ,让学生根据对话内容判断句子的对错,借以检测学生的理解程度。)(3)T:Good,youunderstandthedialoguewell.Now,let srepeat a

6、fter the tape.(4)T:Read by yourselves and underline the difficulties .(5) 让学生提出质疑。 (理解 Mother Goat is ill. We can help her .Just do it. 等。用卡片展示。)(6)Practice the dialogue in group of 5.(7) 检查朗读情况。(1 2 组学生)结束故事T: Look! Mother goats house is so clean now.Sheis so happy.(8)T: Now, lets finish the senten

7、ces.(The student write downanswers on their books first ,then check the answers .根据答案,老师边把四会句子I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals. Ican water the flowers.贴在黑板上。再叫学生读一遍,然后引出问句 What can you do?)(此环节应用投影仪来检查学生做的效果。)(三)Summer up;Today we read the dialogue about Zip and her friends, they help Mot

8、her Goat do housework. And we learn the sentences: What can you do? I can cook the meals .I can sweep the floor. (四) Homework找同伴表演本课时对话;学生背诵并抄写本课时的四会单词和句子;(五)板书设计Unit 4 What can you do?A. Read and writeMother Goat is ill. We can help her.Whatcanyoudo?Monkey:Zip:Zoom :IcanIcanIcansweepcookwaterthethethefloor.mealsflowers.五、反思:本课时我们能以“ help Mother Goat”为主线开展阅读教学,从前阅读阅读中阅读后三个阶段进行阅读教学,并运用猜想、判断、延伸的阅读材料、 小练笔等一系列教学活动, 以培养学生的阅读理解能力。教学中评价手段运用得不够好,评价方式有点杂乱,对激励学生的效果不够显著;指示语言不够清楚,示范做得不到位,以致学生不得很好地理解某些活动的操作要求。


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