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1、五年级上册英语教案Unit 5There is a big bed第六课时课时目标1. 能读懂“ Read and write”部分的选择任务和写作任务。2. 能读懂“ Lets check”部分的录音并完成判断和填空任务。3. 能听、说、认读单词“ move”,“ dirty ”,“ everywhere”和“ mouse”。4. 能读懂“ Story time”部分的故事。5. 提高学生综合运用英语知识的能力。6. 教育学生要爱护环境。教学重点1. 能读懂“ Read and write”部分的选择任务和写作任务。2. 能读懂“ Lets check”部分的录音并完成判断和填空任务。教学难

2、点学生英语综合运用能力的提高。教学准备1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带。2. 教师准备词卡、教学挂图。教学过程一、课前热身( Warm-up)1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: How are you today? S1: Im fine, thank you.2. 教师播放歌曲“ A photo of me”的录音,全班学生跟着录音唱歌曲,创设学习英语的氛围。二、课前预习( Preview)“词语接龙”游戏。学生在小组内玩 “词语接龙”游戏,第一位学生说出一个方位介词, 如

3、“on”,第二位学生在原来的基础上再添加一个表述方位的介词,如“on, under”,以此类推。然后教师请几位小组代表上讲台玩“词语接龙”游戏,获胜者所在的小组将会得到老师的奖励。三、新课呈现( Presentation)1. B. Read and write(1) 教学新单词。 教师用多媒体课件呈现搬家的场景和老鼠的图片,引出单词“move”和“ mouse”。 教师用多媒体课件呈现到处都是垃圾的场景,说:“ Look, here is the rubbishand there is the rubbish. The rubbish is everywhere.Itirtys.d”,教师利

4、用身体语言帮助学生理解单词“ dirty ”的意思。(2) 简单介绍阅读材料。T: We know that the robot, Robin, is very helpful. Wu Yifan s art teacher has some trouble. So he writes an email to ask for help.(3) 第一次播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容选择正确的图片。第二次播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容判断下面句子正误。 Mr Jones is an art teacher. The rooms in the old house are clean. There a

5、re pencils and crayons on the table. There is a mouse in front of the computer.Answers: T, F, F, F(4) Whatsin your room?学生用 There be 句型写一写自己的房间里有什么,并在四人小组内相互交流。2. Lets check(1) 介绍听力任务。T: Now I llplay the tape for you. After listening to the tape, you ll know what s in the room. Please tick or cross

6、and fill in the blanks.(2) 第一次播放教学录音,学生判断图片正误。第二次播放教学录音,学生完成填空练习。第三次播放教学录音,师生一起核对答案。四、巩固延伸( Consolidation & Extension)1. C. Story time(1) 教师出示“ Story time”部分的教学挂图,让学生猜测故事大意。(2) 教师播放本部分录音,学生边听录音边读故事,了解故事大意。(3) 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、 语调。第二次播放教学录音, 学生听完录音后回答下面的问题: Where does the

7、 can want to go? Why dontMonkey and Rabbit help the can? Who helps the can at last?Answer: It wants to go home. Because they are late for school. Zoom(4) 第三遍播放教学录音,学生分角色跟着录音读对话。(5) 学生在小组内容练习分角色表演故事,然后教师请两三组学生上讲台表演,提醒学生表演时要带上适当的表情和动作,教师评选出“最佳表演组” ,并给予表扬。(6) 学生讨论从这个故事中得到的启示,教师总结:保护环境是我们的责任,不能以任何理由推卸这个

8、责任。2. 课堂练习选择填空:() There _ a book and a pencil-box on the desk.A. isB. areC. be() There _ some orange juice in the bottle.A. areB. isC. have() I _ a room. There _ a big bed and a new closet in it.A. has, isB. have, areC. have, is() - _- It snice.A. Whats your room like? B. Whats in your room? C. Wher

9、e is your room?3. Check the answer A, B,C,A五、课堂小结( Summary)师生一起总结本单元学习的词汇和句型。词汇:clock, plant, bottle, water bottle, bike, photo, front, in front of, between, above, behind, beside, there, grandparent, their, house, lot, lots of, flower, move, dirty, everywhere, mouse句型:Your room is really nice.There

10、 is a big bed.My computer is here on the desk.Where is the ball?It sin front of the dog.There are so many plants here, too.There are lots of flowers in it, too.六、布置作业( Homework)1. 听录音,跟读本单元的内容一次。2. 将单元学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。3. 预习下一单元的内容。板书设计Unit 5There is a big bedB. Read and writeB. Let s checkC. Story timeYour room is really nice.There is a big bed.My computer is here on the desk.Where is the ball?It sin front of the dog.There are so many plants here, too.There are lots of flowers in it, too.


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