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1、美剧生活大爆炸n: Wo de zing shi Sheldon.我的字是Sheldon。-Howard : No, it's "Wo de mi ng zi shiSheldo n.&qu ot;不,应该是"我的名字是Sheldon"。-Sheldon : Wo de ming zi shi Sheldon.我的名字是Sheldon。-Howard : What's this?这是什么?-Sheldon : That's what you did. I assumed as in a numberof Ia

2、n guages, that the gesture was part of the phrase.那不是跟你学的吗?我以为在许多种语言当中手势也是表达的一 部分。-Howard : Well, it's not.好吧,这里不是。-Sheldon : How am I supposed to know that?我怎么会知道那个?As the teacher, it's your obligati on to separate pers onal idios yn crasies from the subject matter.作为一个老师,将所教内容与你的特异习惯分开是你的责

3、任-Howard : You know, I'm really glad you decided to learn Man dari n.知道吗,你决定学普通话我真的非常高兴。-Sheldon : Why?为什么?-Howard : Once you're fluent,you'llhave a billionpeople to annoy in stead me.等你说流利了,你可以去骚扰十多亿人,我就解放了。-Leonard : Hey.嘿。-Sheldon : Mei du lui zi.梅毒驴子。yourmore-Howard : You just called

4、 Leonard a syphilitic donkey.你刚刚把Leonard叫成了一头患了性病的驴子。-Sheldon : My apologies, Leonard. I'm only as good as my teacher.很抱歉Leonard,我无法超越我的老师的水平。-Leonard : Why are you learning Chinese?你为什么要学中文?-Sheldon : I believe the Szechuan Palace has been passing off orange chicke n as tan ger inechicke n, and

5、 I intend toconfront them.我认为老四川餐馆(亚利桑那州凤凰城44街668号的中餐馆)。 一直在用橙皮鸡柳冒充陈皮鸡柳(可以说就是同一种食物),我打算 去和他们对质。-Leonard : If I were you, I'd be more concerned about what they're pass ing off as chicke n.如果我是你,我会更关心他们用什么东西冒充了鸡柳。-Sheldon : Show me your citrus peels.给我看看你的橘子皮。Gei wo kan ni de jud zi pee.给我看你诱的

6、颤屁。Show me your citrus peels.给我看看你的橘子皮。Gay wo kan ni de jud zi pee.给我看你诱的颤屁。Show me your.给我看你的-Penny : Sheldon?谢尔登?-Sheldon : Ai yah!Xia si wo le.哎呀!吓死我了。-Penny : rm sorry.对不起。-Leonard : Two seats right there.那儿有两个座位。-Sheldon : Chung shu shway? Shay shay.长寿石灰?(可能本来想说"社会主义万岁")谢谢-She

7、ldon : Ho-tsu shway zai li-toe.嗯,猴子睡在里头(好滋味在里头)。-Sheldon : Bee ti tsai nar! Bee ti!鼻涕在哪儿!鼻涕!-Waiter : Xing gan jing bi ti hou quai zoui quai zoui.擤干净鼻涕后快走快走-Sheldon : Zhe bu shi lui ding jiao ta che!这不是柳丁脚踏车!-Waiter : Crazy man. Call the police!疯子,叫警察!-Sheldon : Bu bie da gei tu shu guan. Bee ti tsai nar! Manniu zai wo chua ng sha ng! Hen duo hen duo man niu!不必打给图书馆鼻涕在哪儿!猛牛在我床上!很多很多猛牛! (朋 友在我车上,很多很多朋友!威胁:我不是一个人来的!)-Waiter : Ai yah!哎呀!笔记:1. suppose :假定 be supposed to :应该,被期望2.Szechuan :四川省(中国) palace :宫殿 【Szechuan Palace : 是一家美国中餐馆的名字】6


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