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1、Unit3 Asking the way(Sound time, culture time & cartoon time)一、教学目标 :1. 运用巩固指路句型。2. 感受并掌握 sh 在单词中的读音。3. 感受并掌握英美文化中对“厕所”的称呼。4. 在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读 cartoon time 中的故事,能 读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。5. 在理解 cartoon time 的基础上,进行创造性地输出。二、教学重难点:1. 能正确理解,朗读 cartoon time 的故事2. 能正确并熟练运用指路句型。三、教学准备:课件, 教室环境布置 教室布置

2、:桌子两两相拼,四人一组,留出交叉行间,在地面行间交叉处画几个 交通灯,将教学所需的手工制作建筑模型分放学生桌面几处。【设计意图:将教室布置成模拟地图, 让学生对指路问路有个更清晰直观的认识, 使学生将所学语言知识应用到实际中来。 】四、教学过程:Step 1 Warming-up & Revision1. Play a game: I say, you doT: Good afternoon, boys and girls. First,let ' s play a game . Pleaselisten to me carefully, and do the actions

3、 ,OK?Stand up, jump up and down, show me your left hand, show me your right hand, turn left, turn right, say good afternoon to Miss Yin.S: T: sit down ,please, you did a good job. 【设计意图:通过听口令做动作,复习相关词组,并让学生集中注意力,提高参 与课堂的积极性。】2. Another game: Quick ResponseNow, let 's play another game, look at t

4、he screen, read thephrases andsentences loudly when you see them, if you see the monkey, please clap your hands, do you understand?take the metro, get on, get off, walk to, traffic lights, on your right, on your left Go along this street.【设计意图:继续复习指路所用词组句型,为下一步的教学做好铺垫。 】3. Ask and answerHow do you g

5、o to school?What do you usually do on Sundays?I like going shopping. Look! This is my home.(指向桌上建筑模型 Home)How do I get to Gulou Shopping Centre?(指向建筑模型鼓楼商场 )(课件展示问路指路常用句型) Who can tell me the way?【设计意图:利用教室环境及建筑模型,实际操练本单元句型。 】 Step2 Sound time1. Sharon is new here. She likes shiny shoes.( 闪亮的 )领读: S

6、haron shiny2. Look! Sharon is coming.(请一学生戴 Sharon 头饰 )How does Sharon get to the shoe shop? Let' s tell her.( 鼓励学生多说几种路线 )3. Help Sharon find the best way. Which to choose?All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。4. (出示 sound time 图片) Look! is in the.likes.But there are so many. doesn't know which t

7、o choose.根据图片填上合适的单词,完成句子。5. Can you find the rules of the words?找规律并感受 sh 的发音4. Read after the computer.5. Can you find more words like this?Find more words and read.【设计意图:让学生帮助 Sharon 指路巩固句型,让学生在几条路线中选择 the best way, 引出 Which to choose 。在填空后引导学生感受几个词的共同发音, 找出规律,进而找出更多含此读音的单词。 】Step3 Culture time1.

8、 You're very warmhearted to help Sharon. But if you're abroad, please remember.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.We must know their culture and language well.2. For example,In the UK, we ask “Where's the toilet? ” In the US, we ask “Where's the restroom? ”3. 跟读 toilet 、restroom4. 理解并

9、跟读5. Do you know other differences between the UK and the US?Step4 Cartoon time1. Look and guess( 出示 cartoon time 插图 1) Look, Bobby and Tina is reading a map. Where do they want to go? Can you guess?2. Let's listen (听第一幅图前两句,判断猜测是否正确)Listen and answer: City cinema.领读: film3. Watch and answer: Ho

10、w do they go there? (先小组讨论再观看视频 )4. Read and answer (小组内讨论回答问题,在文中划出相关的句子)Q1: Why don't they take the bus?full 满的Q2: Do they get to the cinema by taxi? Why?Traffic jam 交通堵塞over 结束4. Listen and order【设计意图:通过看图猜测,再听录音导入。通过观看课文动画, 回答简单问题, 让学生整体感知课文。 再让学生细读课文, 每幅图都设置了相应的问题, 并在这 一环节帮学生扫除生词障碍。最后通过 Lis

11、ten and order ,训练学生听力,对 学生的课文理解进行检测,也为后面的复述总结做好铺垫。 】5. Reading timea. Read after the computer( 听录音,逐句跟读,注意语音语调。学生加上自己的表情和动作)b. Happy reading6. Retell the storyWhy can' t they watch the film? Let's conclude.You can use first, then, finally.First, they want to go there by bus. But they can'

12、;t get on it, because it is full. Then, they want to go by taxi. But there are too many cars in the street. Next, they go by metro. But it is late, the film is over.7. Discuss: What can we do to reduce traffic jam?【设计意图: Happy reading, retell, discuss都是对课文内容的巩固,让学生用自己的方式阅读课文, 总结复述课文并各抒己见, 提高他们的语言运用能力】 Homework:Make a new story. 根据本课结束时我们提出的方案,写一个关于出行的新故事吧! 板书设计:Unit 3 Asking the wayHow do I get to ?Go along Turn left/ rightat How can they get to City Cinema? They go there by bus/ taxi/ metro.


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