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1、PETS3口语准备技巧全国英语等级考试口语考试一般在笔试结束后当天下午或第二天进行,对于大家来说,除了笔试要合格,口试也要合格才能拿到最终的合格证书。所以大家要好好准备 PETS口试。首先,考试是身体和知识准备两方面的,你作为一名作为考生,你在考场上的状态对你的成绩有着相当很大的影响。因此除了你为了考试所做的英语复习准备之外,你的精神状态和物质准备也不可掉以轻心。你必须保持一颗平常心,以稳定的情绪、充沛的精力、清醒的头脑和灵敏的思维投入考试。考试之前要准备好准考证件、身份证、文具,熟悉好考场、掌握好到场时间。另外稍微提前一点到达考场可以从容地做好各项准备,对稳定情绪也会有很大好处。临考前一天晚

2、上应该提早休息,以保证第二天有充沛的精力和良好的精神面貌。另外,口语考试完全由两名口试教师打分,具有一定的主观性,给他们一个好印象也是很重要的,所以你应该穿着整洁得体的服装参加考试,在考试过程当中要有礼貌,举止大方。口试过程中应注意什么1口试开始前考生首先进入的是候考室,在进人候考室之前考生必须先出示相关证件( 即身份证、准考证)给工作人员,工作人员核实后并由本人在考生登记薄签名后方可进入候考室。考生进入候考室后要对号入座。在考生全部进入候考室后,工作人员会给每位考生一张口试登分卡。然后由考生根据本人实际情况将登分卡填写完全,待正式进入口试考场时交给口试教师。在填写口试登分卡的时候,一定要小心

3、不要填错了。待正式考试开始时,工作人员会按考号叫考生进人口试考场,每次叫 2 名考生。因此考生最好能在口试正式开始前能与你的partner进行初次交流,以便在口试中能互相合作、共创佳绩。值得一提的是,当你的考场有缺考的考生日寸,有可能你原定的 partner 会发生改变。因此,当你在候考室等待时一定不要闲着,应随时注意自己的 partner 是否改变了。当考生被叫到口试考场时,你需要把自己的一切东西全部带走,因为你考过之后是不被允许再进候考室的。当口试考场中的考生从后门走出考场时,你和你的partner就必须进入考场了。记住一定不要害怕,要面带微笑。应平静地坐在口试教师不意你坐的地方,坐下的时

4、候要自然,坐姿要端正。坐下后,你须将口试登分卡交给专事评分的老师,然后老师会确认一下登分卡上的信息。随后口试考试正式开始。2 口试过程中(1)与口试教师或同伴对话时要保持目光接触,保持自然恰当的表情、手势和形体动作。(2)作为考生,你应该积极主动,多讲话,切忌一语不发地等着,问一句才答一句(当然也不要说起来没完没了)。对于一般疑问句的问题不要只答“Yes”、“ No”,要把句子说完整,并适当加以简要的解释,不一定非要等到口试教师追问“ why时,再说话。如果你说完之后口试教师没有继续提问,你可以说“ That s allPlease ask me the next question"

5、或者“ Could you pleaseask me another question”表示自己已经说完了,请他她问下一个问题。(3)在 PART B部分要特别注意两点:一是口试教师是不参与讨论的,互动交际在你和另一位考生之间进行,你应该与他她互相问答、讨论和交换看法,说话的时候应该面对的是他她而不是口试教师;二是你和另一位考生都是来参加考试的,在讨论发言中应保持基本的机会均等。由于是临时组成的搭档,你与对方的英语水平可能会不同,如果他她为了显示自己的水平、获得高分而不停地说,你要抢回自己的发言机会,因为两位口试教师是根据你的参与程度和英语表达评分的!你可以寻找机会,使用得体的交际语言打断同伴

6、的发言,如“,but I have to interrupt ”“ Excuse me, I have to stop you sorry”I'm“ Sorry ,I think ”。当然,如果你的同伴比较沉默,你也不要自顾自地说下去,让口试教师因你的“霸道”而扣你的分数。你可以用某些特定的语句启发你的同伴开口发言,这样才是良好的交流。这类语句有“This is my point ofview What do you think” “ Do you agree with me” “That s my point.What's your opinion”等。(4)考试中应选择自己


8、PETS的口语的也不会是什么难事了。Part 1 (3 minutes)Self-IntroductionGood morning, very nice to meet you. My name in XXX I am XX year开头问候和介绍你s的old姓名年龄 .Currently I am working fulltime and attending night school to get my diploma, obviously this is why I am here, to pass the test (smile). 你目前的主要状态:全职工作、业余学习,获得考官同情I

9、have been studying English for a couple of years since I graduated from college and I am still working on it.(smile) 介绍你学习英语的历史Learning a second language is becoming one of my hobbies. Of course, I have several other hobbies, like swimming, reading, rock- climbing etc介绍.你的兴趣爱好,广泛的兴趣爱好I spend most of

10、 my leisure time in my apartment, I do like cooking and decorating my apartment.I believe cooking is one of the best way to communicate non-human lives, the way you touch the vegetable, you cut them in pieces, mix them with all kinds of another material. You can steam, pan-fried, deep fry to turn th

11、em into totally different things. 继续介绍你的兴趣爱好Part 1tips: Always Smile when you talking, Do NOT get people bored,find something interesting!Part2 (3 minutes) Describe a thingTell me about your family? What do your parents do? I family. d like you to talk something about yours policy; I didnthave to fi

12、ght to gettoys or spare changes from my parents.My father work for the department of health; sinceit sgovernmenta job, you have a lot ofspare time. So he is also very good at drawing, Chinese-chess and dancing. He treat me so good, that most of me happy memory came from the time we spent.My mom is a

13、 high school teacher; she is very hard on me. She has that cool- face and also she is our money-maker. I was not so close to her, I guess she is some kind of controlling parents. They like everything in orders, prepared.After all, they are my parents. Sometimes I hate the way they treat me, but I am

14、 still their boy, I want to protect them, take care of them when they get old.Are there any taboos in China? Can you give us some examples?Yes. China is a country with a long history, during which a lot of taboos have come into being.Here are some examples 连接词非常重要,承上启下Don t say any unpleasant words

15、during festivals, especially the word "death", old people are particularly unhappy when hearing that. 论点 1Don t wear white clothes if youflowers. 论点 2 re going to attend a wedding. Nor should you bring whiteYou should also avoid white clothes during the Spring Festival, red is the best col

16、our.论点3Don t send others clocks as gifts, for they have funeral connotation. Donyour friends, relatives of family members.论点 4 t share a pear withDon t give couples or lovers umbrellas as presents. Both pears and umbrellas suggest "parting".论点 5真题练习Work/StudyCan you tell me something about

17、 your job or study?What do you enjoy most about your work/school?What do you dislike about your work/school?Do you have any future plans?LeisureWhat do you usually do in your spare time?What s your favourite sport? Why?What kind of TV programs do you like to watch? Why?What kind of music do you enjoy most? Why?Part 2 tips: Try use simple words to describe things; Do NOT deliberately to touch people, beyourself. Do NOT get people bored!Part 3 Time to trash your partnerTips Never agree with the other guy


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