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1、外研版英语一年级起点四年级下册全册教案Teaching PlanTitleNSEBook8Module 1Unit1Don ttouchthemachines,please!i.Getstudents tograsp imperativesentence“Don' t!”“Wear!”Aimsii.Encourage the students interest tolearnEnglish.iii.Encouragethestudentsto cooperatewitheachother, help each otherandlearnfromeach other.i.Helpstud

2、entsgraspthe4-skill words: machine、 sir、potato、glasses、anything、 waitii.Helpstudents grasp the key sentences:FocusDonttouchthemachines,please!Wear the glasses,please!Anddont touch anything!iii.Enablestudentstousethedrillsfluentlyandcorrectly.Aidssomecards,taperecorder ,stickers ,ect.Teachers Activit

3、yStudentsActivityRe-preparationI.Warming up and Revision1、Greetings.1、 Answer the questions. How are you? What day is it today? What s the weather liketoday ? What do you do on the weekend?2、Sing a song2、 Sing a song.II.Leading-in1、Show some pictures.1、 The students lookandsay.Teaching2、Play a guess

4、ing game.2、Guess one word. (crisps)Process3、How to make “crisps”,today lets3、 Read the title.learn Module 1 Unit 1.III.Listening & Reading Activities1、Ask the students open their books,1、 Open their books, listenlookat page 2 ,then play the tape.to the tape carefully.2 、 Playthetape, makestudent

5、s、Trytounderstand the2understand the meaning of the text.meaning .3、Play the tape,ask students underline、Listen and draw.“don t” and some new words.34、Give them some questions:4、 Answer the questions.What does this machine do?Can they touch the machines?Why? Can they have a bag of crisps?Why?5、 The

6、students listen and5、Play the tape.repeat.6、The students say the key6、Practise the difficulty sentences .wordsandsentences indifferent ways.7、The students finish their7、Listening test.Activitybook on page 2and 3.IV.Further Development1、 The students practise in1、Give them 2 minutes to practise thegr

7、oups.text in groups.2、 Act it out.2、Check the students.(The best group willget aprize.)3、Ask them look at Exercise 3 ,then work with a partner.3、 The students take turns to read the sentences and the other person point to the picture.4 、 The students say the4、Check the students.sentences as quickly

8、as possible.5、Finish the Activity book5、Have a test.on page 3,exercise 3.V.Homework1、Encourage the students to practice thedrills after class.2、Copy the new words 4 times.3、Read the text 2 times.FeedBackTeaching PlanTitleNSEBook8Module1Unit2i. Through this lesson,get the students to grasp imperative

9、 sentence: “Dont ! ” “ Wear ! ”Aimsii. Enable the students to use imperative sentence fluently and correctly.iii. Enable the students to cooperate with each other.iiii.Cultivate the students to have a good habit of learning English.i. Key point:1 Key words: “duck, grass, silence” .Focus2 Key sentenc

10、es:“Dontfeed the duck!Wear your hat!Silence!”ii.Difficult point: How to use imperative sentence fluently and correctly.AidsCards TapeTeachers ActivityStudentsActivityRe-preparationI.Warming up and Revision1.Greetings.1SayHello with teather .2.Have a race:(The fastest is the winner.)T:Acorrding to th

11、e text, I m going to sayone word from an instruction in the book.You have to listen carefully and say thecomplete instruction.TeachingExample: T:Wash.S1:Wash the potatoes!ProcessT:Cut.S2:Cut the potatoes!II.Leading-inT:Open the books ,please. Turn to Page4S1: In the park.Look at the pictures. Where

12、are they?S2: In the factory.S3: In the library.T:Very good. What do ducks eat in theAnswer freely.park?T: Can we feed the ducks in the park?ThinkovertheseCan we touch the machines?questions and find out theCan we talk or write in the book in thelibrary?T:Lets look at Unit 2 and find out theanswers.I

13、II.Listening & Reading Activities 1.Play the tape.2.According to studentsquestions,show the key words:duck, grass, silence. Attention:Compare the sound of grass and glass3.Show the key sentences:“Dontfeed the duck!Wear your hat!Silence!”4.Play the tape.(twice)IV.Further Development1.Have a race

14、in pairs:“Change game”Example:T:Feed the ducks.T:Dontfeed the ducks.2.Do SB Part 2.(play the tape)3 Do AB M1 U2. (play the tape)4.Play a game in pairs:Do SB Part 4.5.Teach the song. (play the tape)V.Homework1. Recite the sentences of SB Part 1.2. Make some signs for our school.answers hurriedly.1.Li

15、sten to the tape and then answer the questions 2.Read these words.(one by one, two by two,row by row)3.Say them and do the actions.(play the game) 4.Listen to the tape and repeat.1.S1,S2:Dont feed the ducks.S1,S2:Feed the ducks.2.Listen ,point and write.3. Do AB M1 U2.4.Listen and do the action corr

16、ectly.5.Listen and say. Then sing.FeedBackTitleAimsFocusAidsTeachingTeachingPlanNSEBook 8Module 2Unit 1 :To be able to understand、 say and use new words. :To master dialogue and use main language freely. :Difficult words and main sentences. :To use “adj” to say sth.AB. and SB. 、Tape-recorder、 Cards

17、、 PicturesRe-Teacher sActivityStudentsActivitypreparationProcess : Warming up/Revision1、 Good morning, children.2、 Turn on the tape.3、 Review “ adj.” learnt. : Leading-in1、 Show the picture with a computer and retelldialogue.2、 Write the title.III: Listening & Reading Activities1、 Show the cards

18、 and teach new words.2、Stick the picture on the blackboard. Turn on the tape.3、 Question on dialogue.4、 To help children to answer the questions.5、 Turn on the tape.6、 Turn on the tape.TeachingTeachersActivity1、 Good morning, teacher.2、 Sing the song.3、 Do the revision.1、Look and listen carefully.2、

19、 Read the title.1、 Learn them carefully.(Esp. difficult words)2、 Look and listen to thetape.(Dialogue)3、 Listen and think.4、 Answer for each.5、 Listen and point.6、 Learn to say dialogueagain and again.StudentsActivityRe-preparationProcess : Further Development 1、 Drills.2、 A few minutes for children

20、.3、 Check.4、 Tasks(1):SB(P7.2)(2):SB(P7.3) : HomeworkTo declare homework for today:(AB. P 6、 7)Feed back(1)Practice main sentences.(2)Read dialogue in pairs.2、 Practice dialogue freely.3、 Act scene with partners.4 、 (1)Listenand sayinpairs.(2) Use “adj.”to say sth.Listen carefully.Teaching PlanTitle

21、NSEBook 8 Module2 unit2Aimsi Enable the students read and understand this text.ii Let somebody buy some things.iii . Review someprice ofthings .Focusi Prove the studentslistening ability.ii Make studentswith the Present Tense well.AidsA recordersome cards with priceTeachers ActivityStudents Activity

22、RepreparationI.Warming up and Revision1,Sing a songAt the factorySing all together.2,Reviewthesentencesanddialogue:Look at the cards and say:Say the sentences two byThis computer istwo.beautifulpowerfulexpensiveTeachingcheapbigsmallII.Leading-inReview some numbers35980 152 27 66Say togetherProcess I

23、I. Listening and reading Activitiesi.Play the tape.ii.Play the tape.i.Listen to the tape.iii.Answer teachers questionsii.Listen and repeat.1.What does it cost ?iii.Answerthe2.It costs questionsaskedIII. .Further Developmentby teacher.i. Act it out like a drama.ii. Play games.(1)Divide all thestudent

24、s into two pairs. (2)Make sentences picture by picture in turn. (3)Teach them the chant.i.Pretendtobuysomething .ii.(1)Do their best to sayVI. HomeworksentencesRecite the text.picturebypicture(2) Say the chant togetherFeedbackTeaching PlanTitleNSEBook 8Module 3Unit 1Aimsi. learn a famous traditional

25、 story and tell the pupils to be an honest manii. learn to tell something in the pasti. vocabulary: shout wolf once upon a time look after sheep bored villageFocuseveryone field laugh lieii. sentence pattern: There was a boy. He looked after sheep.The boy ran to the village.Aidstape-recorder cards p

26、icture computer bookTeachers ActivityStudentsActivityI.Warming up and Revisionsing a song“ at the factory ”sing together with the actionrevise some verbs with theread together or row by rowpast simpleII.Leading-inTell the students this is a Draw their attention to thefamous European fable.picture st

27、ory in their booksFind out if any of the children know theListen and understand theTeachingstory.dialogue first time.ProcessLet the students talk about the story as point to each picture andthey can and write new vocabulary on theelicit as much information asboard.possible and read the wordsIII.List

28、ening & Reading Activitiesin different ways.play the tape look and listenplay it again pausing read and point at theafter each utterance andcorresponding picture.performa simple gesture to indicate theLook and understand themeaning,formeaning of the teacher.example,looking bored,Re-preparationbe

29、ing a wolf,etc.play the tape again and pause for the class torepeateach read and follow the tapewith the action.utterance.repeat this activityIV.Further DevelopmentEncourage the class toproduce the whole story.Let the Ss to tell the fable in turns.Ask some questionsaccording to this dialogue. the in

30、dividual studentsrepeat the utterances. point to each picture andsay the utterances togetherperform the action as they The children point atthe corresponding pictureand act out as they do inpairs. Listen carefully andanswer the questionsV.Homeworkrecite and act the dialogue freely. copy the vocabula

31、ry ofthis lesson four times.FeedBackTeaching PlanTitleAimsFocusNSEBook 8Module3uniti Enable the students read and understand this small story.ii Let somebody act the mouse,describe the story.iii . Review some sentences about the Simple Past Tense.i Prove the studentslistening ability.ii Make student

32、s use the Simple Past Tense well.2AidsProve studentsability.Teachers ActivityStudentsActivityRepreparationI.Warming up and Revision1,Say a chant:Lets buy a computer!Say all together.2,Review the sentences and dialogue:There was a boy.He looked after sheep.The boy ran to the village“Wolf,wolf, ” Say

33、the sentence tow by he shouted. They said“.Donttell lies! ” tow. II.Leading-inHave you seen a cartoon,which is abouta mouse and a cat? Today we are goingTeachingto learn another story also about a mouse and a cat.II. Listeningand readingActivitiesiv.Play the tape.v.Play the tape.vi.Answer teachers q

34、uestions likewhen did Tilly go into the shop,Processwhat didshe see etc.III. .Further Developmenti. Act it out like a drama.iv.Listen to the tape.ii. Play games.(1)Divide all the studentsv.Listen and repeat.into tow pairs. (2)Make sentencesvi.Answerthepicture by picture in turn. (Through thequestion

35、saskeddice and compete. )by teacher.VI. HomeworkAct the drama in pairs.i. Act the story out like astory in pairs.ii.(1)Do their best to saysentencespicturebypicture(2) Through the dice and compete.Actthedramawithclassmates go on.FeedbackTeachingPlanTitleNSE Book 8 Module 4 Unit 1Aims1、 Continue learning and using simple past tense.2、 Master new words and phra


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