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1、600句中文短语英文表达多字篇600句中文短语英文表达多字篇600句中文短语英文表达多 字篇8字篇503 .有本事你做给我看!let s see you do it!(语气多半是不高兴的,故会在 you加重语气)504 .你没别的事好做吗?don t you have anything better todo?(本句有要对方离自己远一点的意思)505 .你先走,我随后就到。you go first. i ll catch up later.506 .你想到哪里去了啊? what are you thinking?注:说这句话带有生气的语调,可在 what , thinking上面加重 语气。5

2、07 .我的意思不是那样!that s not what i m saying!注:这句话也可说成 that s not what i mean.508 .你这话是什么意思?what do you mean by that?注:这句话表示对方说的话有言外之意,因而对此感到不悦。509 .这种事谁也说不准。you can never tell about this sortof thing.510.让我一个人静一静。leave me be.注: 本句跟 leave me alone. i want to be alone.意思样。而看到这种情形,通常会问 wanna talk ?,就是 do y

3、ou want to talk?的口语用法511 .睁一只眼,闭一只眼。i ll pretend i didn t see that.注:表示装作不知道这件事。512 . 放一百二十个心吧。relax. you can count on me.注:这句话表示会极力帮忙,请对方放心。513 .区区小事,何足挂齿。it s nothing. don t mention it.注:本句另一个说法是 you re welcome.514 .你出这什么馒主意!that s a bad idea if i ve ever heard one!515 .你给我看清楚一点!take a closer look

4、!注:这句话有时在责备对方不够用心,有时也只是要对方再仔细一点。516 .我不是告诉过你吗?加重语气,表示不耐烦)517 .我什么时候说过了? 在为自己辩解,否认有这回事)518 .干嘛发火,谁惹你啦?didn t i tell you before? (beforewhen did i say that ? (表示说者why so pissed off? someone gotin your way?注:piss本意是小便,语气较粗鲁,所以多在私底下使用。pisssomeone off 是口U某人滚开;something piss me off , 是某事 令自己愤怒或厌烦10put on.

5、止匕时也,彼时也。 times have changed.这是很常用的句子,也可说 times are changing.i can handle it myself.( 也可用 i cansome more clothes. it s freezing519 .你从哪冒出来的啊?520.家家有本难念的经。521.天下无不散的筵席。522 .我会自己想办法的。take care of it myself.)523 .不用你说我也知道。524 .你穿这样不够保暖。cold out there.注: outside.525注:526 .只准早到,不许迟到。 late.527 .那有什么好奇怪的?5

6、28 .我可不是说着玩的。529 .有种你给我试试看。530 .这有什么大不了的?531 .怎么可能有这种事?532 .什么风把你吹来啦?533 .你认为这个很有趣?534 . 一手交钱,一手交货where d you come from?every family has problems.all things must come to an end.that goes without saying.you re not wearing enough. it s you have to be on time. don t be what s so weird about that?i m no

7、t joking.i dare you to try.what s the big deal?how could that be?what brings you here?you think this is funny?you give me the money. i ll getyou the goods.535 .如果我没搞错的话536 .有些人就是学不乖。537.谁说让你做主了啊?538 .朋友是做什么用的?539 .谢谢你临时来帮忙。a short notice.540 .这主意不是我出的!541 .我忘了要说什么了。542 .最糟的还不只这样。543 .坐而言,不如起而行544.看什

8、么看? 没看过啊!seen this before.545 .我不晓得在哪儿见过他。him before.546 .我根本不是他的对手。547 .你一定可以撑下去的。548 .我一个人哪做得完啊!549 .我这样还不是为你好!550 .天底下哪有这种好事。551.这样算什么英雄好汉?注:常用于私底下对他人得批评if i m not mistakensome people never learn.who put you in charge?what are friends for?thanks for coming to help on suchit s not my idea!i forgot

9、 what i was gonna say.the worst is yet to come.actions speak louder than words.what are you looking at? neveri don t know where i ve seeni m no match for him.you can do it.i can t do it by myself.i m doing it for you!that s too good to be true.what kind of hero is that?,更挖苦的说法则是 some herohuh?表示非常的不以

10、为然。552 .你以为我喜欢这样啊?you think i like it like this?注:说这句话时,代表说者可能受到委屈、被人误会或不甘愿做 某事,心中有所不满,所以要用抱怨的语气来表达。另外,若是以开 玩笑的口吻来表达,这句话可以代表完全相反的意思。也就是 我其实很喜欢这样!。553. 这可不是天天者B有的。it doesn t happen every day.554 .除了吃,你还会做什么?what do you do besideseating?注:这句话在中英文都是很鄙视人的话,十分刻薄。555 .大家都好了,就等你啦!for you.556 .我不想给人家添麻烦。tro

11、uble.557 .天下没有白吃的午餐。lunch.558 .这个我恐怕帮不上忙。this.559 .早就知道了,还用你说!560 .没想到会在这碰上你。561 .把那句话给我收回去!everyone s ready and waitingi don t want to cause any there s no such thing as a freei probably can t help you withi know. save your breath!i didn t think i d see you here.take it back!you!562 .我等你等得不耐烦了!i co

12、uldn t wait any longer for563 .就当我什么也没说过。just pretend i didn t sayanything.564 .你也未免想太多了吧!you re thinking too much.565 .你干嘛老是找我麻烦?why do you always bother me?why are you always on my back?566 .你鬼叫个什么劲儿啊!why are you yelling?567 .他有什么地方比我好?what does he have that i don t?568 .你就这么爱耍我是吗?you like to play

13、 with mewhat are these things doinghe looks down on me.this isn t a laughing matter.don t get mad. it s not worthyou can t get it any cheaperdon t you?10字篇569 .这些东西怎么会在这里? here?570 .他根本不把我放在眼里。he doesn t take me seriously.571 .这种事是不能开玩笑的!572 .不值得为这点小事生气。 it.573 .这再便宜你就买不到了。than this.我们才刚好聊到你而已。speak

14、 of the devil.真不知道你是怎么想的!i don t know what you rethinking!你自己也没好到哪里去。you re not so great yourself.577 .凶什么凶? 我又没得罪你why are you so mean? i venever done anything to you.11字篇578 .只要你说得出来,他们都有。you name it. they ve gotit.579 .我又不咬人,干嘛那么怕我?why are you so scared?i don t bite.12字篇580 .我五分钟内就可以准备好了。i ll be ready within fiveminutes.581 .跟我猜的一样。(跟我想的一样。that s what i guessed.(that s what i thought.)582 .你硬是要这么做,我也没办法。if you insist.583 .我没那么笨!又不是三岁小孩。you think i was bornyesterday!600句中文短语英文表达 多字篇 相关内容:


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