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1、 仿写专题(一)- There be句型are/is/was/were/used to be/doing sth./doneThere have/has/had been /will be + 名词/代词to do/to be done + 地点 + 时间may/can/muse be介词短语、定语从句exist, lie, live, stand,seem / happen / appear to beremain, come, followThere is no use / point / sense / good + in doing sth.There is no need / cha

2、nce / possibility to do sth实例展示一There are no children in this house.There appear to be several reasons for changing our plans.There remains nothing to be done.Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea. 仿写练习1 有一条河流过我们村。(flow. .through)There/flows/a river/through our village. 2 这台电脑好像出

3、毛病了。There/seems to be/something wrong/with this computer. 3 还有很多问题没有解决。There/remain/a large number of problems/to be solved. 4 接着是一阵令人难受的沉默。( follow)There/followed/an uncomfortable silence 5 这个地区曾经发生过一次严重的交通事故。 ( there used to be) There/used to be/a serious traffic accident/in the area. 实例展示二There i

4、s going to be a lecture on environmental protection held in our lecture hall this weekend.There are 10 yuan left in my pocket.仿写练习1. 有成千上万的人在地球日那一天关掉灯,和家人到外面散步。There are/thousands of people/turning off the light/and/walking outside/with their family/on the Earth Day. 2. 只剩一个月的时间就要期中考试了。( before)Ther

5、e are/only one month/left/before the mid-term examination. 实例展示三2 / 7There has been some awful weather lately.仿写练习1.这里出过许多事故。There have been a lot of accidents round here.实例展示四There must be a mistake somewhere.There must have been a rain last night, for the ground is wet.There needs to be a system s

6、et up to judge the quality of the English language learning.需要建立一套系统来评判英语学习的质量。仿写练习1.今天雨这么大,教室里可能没人。There could be/no one/in the classroom, for/its raining/so hard. 2.需要定一个规则来防止我们大家浪费自然资源。There needs to set up/a policy/to prevent us all/from wasting natural resources. 实例展示五There is no point in argui

7、ng further. 再争下去没意义。There was no sense in making a child suffer like that. 让一个孩子受那样的苦是毫无道理的。There is no denying the fact that he is guilty. 毫无疑问,他是有罪的。仿写练习1.为孩子准备好所有的一切是没有道理的。There is no sense in getting everything ready for children. 2.没有必要为自己所做的事情找借口。 ( there is no need to do)There is no need to m

8、ake excuses for what you have done. 实例展示六There is an old lady who came to college at the age of 87.There was a time when I hated to go to school. 曾经有一段时间,我讨厌上学。仿写练习1 有三个兄弟,经常吵架。There are/three brothers/who always quarrel/with each other. 2 曾经有一段时间,我对学习丧失了兴趣。There used to be/a time/when/I expressed n

9、o interest/in my study. 强化训练1.改错1) There will have an English Speaking Contest next week. 改为 be/ an2) There are one third of the students dont think it wise to tear down the library we should preserve.One third of the students/dont think it wise/to tear down the library/we should preserve. 或:There a

10、re/one third of the students/who/dont think it wise/to tear down the library/we should preserve.(注:there be 句型中, be是谓语动词, 因此, 其他动词一般要用非谓语或从句的形式) 3) There is no use to hide that fact from him.There is/no use/(in) hiding that fact/from him. 4) He told me that there has been an argument between them.He

11、 told me that there had been an argument between them. 2.语法填空1)I dont expect there _ any misunderstanding. to be2)There is no use _ ( talk) a lot without _ (do) anything.3)There_ (enter) Mary with a baby in her arms just when I was about to leave.4)There are a lot of people _ (wait) for the bus to c

12、ome.5)There are five pairs _ ( choose) , but Im at a loss which to buy.6)What a pity, my new computer doesnt work. There _ (be) something wrong with it.7)Lets get through the work quickly. _ seems to be little time left now.8)There is reported _ ( be) a number of the wounded on both sides.1) to be 2

13、) talking, doing 3) entered 4) waiting 5) to choose from 6) must be7) There8) to be3.完成句子1)昨天在街上碰巧遇见了我的一个老朋友。(there happen to be)There/happened to be/an old friend of mine/in the street 2)这条河以前有很多水的。( used to be)There/used to be/plenty of water/in the river. 3)昨天运动场举行了一场运动会。There was/a sport meeting

14、 (held) /on the playground/yesterday. 4)屋后有一条河。There lies/a river/behind the house 5)毫无疑问,他已经意识到自己的错误了。There is no doubt that/he/is aware of/his mistakes. 6)同期,在自行车的使用和走路两个方面都有一定的下降. (a gradual decline in. . . )There was/a gradual decline in the use of bicycle and on foot.7) 1990年以来,美国死于交通事故的人越来越多。(

15、there have been. .已经有)There have been more Americans killed in traffic accidents since 1990.8)全班似乎除了Tom之外没有一个人能解出这道题。(there seems to be似乎有)There seems to be/nobody/who/can work out/the problem/except Tom. 9)近来,人们越来越关注校园安全问题。(there is a widespread concern over. . . )Recently,there is/a widespread con

16、cern/over campus safety. 10) 有两个原因可以解释这种现象。(account for)There are/two reasons/that/account for/this phenomenon. 11) 尽管实现梦想的道路很艰辛,我们仍然在努力地为它创造条件。(there is a long way to go before. .,pave ones way to sth.为创造条件)Although/there is a long way to go/before/we realize our dream, we are still/paving our way

17、to/this goal. 4. 将下面句子连成一句话1) There are many people in the street. They are waiting for the bus.(非谓语)There are/many people/in the street/waiting for the bus. 2) There comes the teacher. He holds some books in his hand.(with sth. +介词短语分词不定式)There comes the teacher, with some books in his hand. 3) The

18、re was once a famous detective. He was named Sherlock Holmes. He lived in London. The time was at the end of the nineteenth century. (现在分词)There was once/a famous detective/, Sherlock Holmes/, living in London/at the end of the nineteenth century. 4) There will be a lecture. The speaker is Professor

19、 Wang. It will be held in the lecture hall. It aims to improve students awareness of environmental protection. (非谓语)There will be a lecture/in the lecture hall/given by professor Wang/, aiming to/improve students awareness of/environmental protection. 5) There is a woman. She realized her dream of g

20、etting a college education at 87. She stayed young by finding the opportunity in change. She left no regrets. (定语从句&非谓语)There is/a woman/who/realized her dream of/getting a college education/at 87/, leaving no regrets/, and/stayed young/by finding the opportunity/in change. -温馨提示:如不慎侵犯了您的权益,可联系文库删除处理,感谢您的关注!


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