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1、商务英语期末考试模拟卷答案Prepared on 21 November 2021江门职业技术学院2011-2012学年第1学期期末考试试卷(D卷)模拟卷答案教研室:公共英语课程名称:商务英语适用班别:考核方式:闭卷笔试命题教师:教研室主任:题型IIIIIIIVV总分分值2020202020100得分I.得分评阅人Match the words in A to ones in B.ABAnswers1 definea交换(e )2 collaborationb查阅(h )3 essentialc满足(f )4 exchanged利用(a )5 constitutee定义(g )6 referf

2、要素(b )7 utilizationg构成(d )8 satisfyh合作(c )9 specific1反生(J )j特定的10 consider11 occur12 efficient13 correspondence14 marketer15 external16 competitive17 identify18 valid19 component20 achieve1 一致m效率高的n o PQ r s t竞争的外部的营销人员m 1 t r) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )得分评阅人II.into English.1房产的不同特征如何影响 房产价值(attribute to)Tra

3、nslate the following sentences2键盘的键可以划分为三个 功能组。(divide into)3如果你喜欢这个座位,我1 译:How do the different property characteristics attribute to the real estate value (Attribute to)2 译: keys on the keyboard can be divided into three functional groups. (Divide into)3 译:If you like this seat, I can exchange可以跟你

4、换。(exchange) 4有关实际使用建议及其他 产品安全信息,请参考产品 材料安全数据表(MSDS) o(refer)5许多石油储量丰富的国家 不通过征税,而是依赖这些 公司为政府预算提供资金。(bankroll theirwith you. (Exchange)4 译: On the actual use of recommendat ions and other product safety information, please refer to the product Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). (Refer)5 译: Many oil-r

5、ich countries do not rely on taxation but these companies bankrolling their budgets for the government. (Bankroll their budgets; rely on)6 译: A company goes bankruptcy due to poor management. (Due to)7某些省市除了征收销售税 还征收收入所得税。(in addition to)8在实施此项销售计划之 前,我们必须先试探一下目 标市场的潜力。(c arrybudgets; rely on)6 一家公司

6、因经营管理不善 而破产。(due to)7 译:Some province or cities also levy a sales tax in addition to income one. (In addition to) 8 译:Before carrying out this sales plan, we must first test the potential target market. (Carry out)out)9他要是能一两个月不抽烟 的话,他的健康一定会有起 色。 (keep from )9 译:If he can keep from smoking one or tw

7、o months, his health will get well. (Keep.from .)10他是什么时候开始踢足 球的(10 译:When did he take up to play football (Take up)得分评阅人take up)intoIII. Translate the following sentencesChines.1 Business marketing strategy is also influenced by the characteristics of the product or service itself, irrespective of

8、the target market.2 The marketing concept holds that the purpose of a business is or should be to satisfy the wants and needs of its customers better than its competitors and at a profit.3 Many non-native English speakers study1译:商业的营销策略也受到产品或服务本身 的影响,与目标市场的特点无关。2译:营销观念认为.T、企业的II的是,或 应是以比其竞争对手更好地满足其

9、客户的希望 和需要并且盈利。3译:许多非; 勺/r忐的人学习与讲英语的 国家或与位于盎格鲁语域外但仍然使用英语作the subject with the goal of doing business with English-speaking countries, or with companies located outside the Anglo-sphere but which nonetheless为一种共同的语言的公司做生意为目标的题 目。use English as a shared language.4 For others it refers to the communicat

10、ion skills used in the workplace, and focuses on the language and skills needed for typical business communication such as4译:另外,它是指在工作场所使用的沟通技 能,并侧重于典型的商务沟通所需要的语言和 技能,如演讲,谈判,会议,小谈,社交,信 件,报告的撰写等等。presentations,negotiations, meetings, small talk, socializing, correspondence, report writing, and so on.

11、5 The best marketing plan is totally integrated into the overall strategy of the company as a whole.6 In spite of that, the right goals are very valuable because they help everyone involved5译:最好的营销汁划是完全集成于公司作为 一个整体的整体战略。6译:尽管如此,正确的目标都是非常有价只 的的,因为他们所期望的结果的重点是帮助每 个人参与,不断寻求赢取这些客户的最佳途 径,并用自己的能力转化为现实的目标。

12、focus on the desiredoutcome, constantly seek the best ways to achieve those outcomes, and use their energy to turn the goals into reality.7 Preceding this phase with market research can greatly help define target markets and their needs.8 We need a Unique Selling Proposition (USP), branding slogan7译

13、:在这个阶段前的市场调研可以大大帮助 确定目标市场和他们的需求。8译:我们需要一个独特的销售士张(USP),把品牌口号或其他简洁的短语包装 我们的创意成几个令人难忘的话。9译:没有更令人振奋和充满动力的是有一个 清晰了解你的客户或潜在客户的看法、需求、 价值观、满意度和改进建议。10译:出于经济原因,大部分股东投资超 市。or other concise phrase that packs our core creative message into a few memorable words.9 Nothing is quite as exciting and energizing as h

14、aving a clear picture of your customers' or prospects? perceptions, needs, values, satisfactions, and suggestions for improvement.10 Most shareholders have invested in a superstore for financialreasons.得分I评阅人 IV. Review the following questions.1 What content do most classification schemes includ

15、eAnswer:Most classification schemes include the following:Raw materialsManufactured materialsComponentsServices2 What is the entire value chain of business processesAnswer:E-business involves business processes spanning the entire : electronic purchasing and , processing orders electronically, handl

16、ing customer service, and cooperating with business partners. Special technical standards for e- business facilitate the exchange of data between companies. E-business software solutions allow the integration of intra and inter firm business processes. E-business can be conducted using the , the Int

17、ernet, , , or some combination of these.3 What is the importance of communication in the workplace Answer:So why exactly is communication important at the workplace The answer to this is known to almost everyone, but many people can't find the right words to express it. It becomes clearer when y

18、ou understand that every workplace must rely on teamwork and cooperation in order to carry out their work properly. The employeesmust also stay motivated. Disgruntled employees will never work efficiently, I think almost everyone is aware of that. It is proper communication that encourages and uphol

19、ds this spirit of teamwork and cooperation amongst the employees. If the employees are friends with each other, obviously they will work better with each other. Read more on .4 What is the Business EnglishAnswer:Business English is especially related to . It is a part of and can be considered a spec

20、ialism within ; for example, the teachers' organization has a called BESIG. Many non-native English speakers study the subject with the goal of doing with English-speaking countries, or with companies located outside the but which nonetheless use English as a shared language or . Much of the Eng

21、lish that takes place within business circles all over the world occurs between . In cases such as these the object of the exercise is efficient and effective communication. The strict rules of are in such cases sometimes ignored, when, for example, a stressed negotiator,s only goal is to reach an a

22、greement as quickly as possible. (See linguist 's theory of the ,/expanding circle”.) Business English means different things to different people. For some, it focuses on and topics used in the worlds of business,and . For others it refers to the used in the workplace, and focuses on the languag

23、e and skills needed for typical such as , , , , socializing, , and so on. In both of these cases it can be taught to of English, for example, students preparing to得分评阅人enter the .V. Write according to the given informationSituation:You are an active member of the Student Newspaper. The newspaper is

24、currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester. Write a memo that will appear in the newspaper next week describing the position available.MemoFrom: DiannaTo: EditorDate: December 5, 2011Re: Recruit Ads for the journalist for the summer semester We' d like to look for helps as a jour

25、nalist for the summer semester. First of all, we' d like to stress that the candidates will independently collect the things interesting the student readers. We understand that the time is pressing for the summer semester with high taste materials tagged by photos, cartoon, riddles, and so on.He

26、re is the request that you will need to post in the Student Newspaper next week.1 Looking for a BA degree or above with more than 3-year experience of editor or an independent writer.2 As requested, the candidates are able to find funs things of the students for School Celebration next month.3 The c

27、andidates resumes and cover letters should be mailed or presented not later than December 10, 2011.4 The candidates interviews should be scheduled in 5 days after the limit with the recent samples written or the nearly reward certifications.As you can see, once you have posted the appropriate recruit information, processing works will require no attention on your part.Thank you for all your help in posting this recruit in the next week.Best regards,Dianna


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