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1、2020A day outPeriod 2 Reading1. 够好,蛮不错 adv. 2. 加入,参加 vt. & vi . 3. 我自己 pron. 4.shine vi . 5. 天,天空 n. 6.arrive vi . 7.Internetn. 8.page n. 9. 你们自己 pron._单词闯你自己 pron ._关10. 他们自己 pron.他自己 pron ._她自己 pron. _它自己 pron ._11. 旅行,旅程 n. _12. 晴朗的;清晰的adj .清楚地;清晰地adv.13. 乏味的 adj .感到乏味的 adj._14. 最后 adv. 最后的 a

2、dj .15. 主要的 adj . 主要地 adv.16. 文化 n. 文化的 adj .17. 令人感兴趣的事 (或人) ;兴趣 n.有趣的 adj .感到有趣的 adj .短语互 译1. 到达 2. 变得很兴奋 3. 有点儿乏味 4. 拍照 5. 多于,超过 6. 来自世界各地的景点 7.a lot of traffic8.can't believe one's eyes 9.can't wait to do sth 10.for oneself 11.get on/off12.look as great as 句型在 线1. 昨天基蒂的老师吴老师邀请我参加他们学校

3、组织的去世界公园的旅行。Yesterday Kitty's teacher Mr Wu theirschool trip to the World Park.2. 路上交通拥挤,旅途有点儿乏味。There on the way and the journey was .3. 我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。All of us the bus.4. 很快,整个世界都呈现在我们眼前了!Soon was there us !5. 这里有一百多个世界各地景点的模型。There are models of a hundred fromall over the world.6. 我无法相信自己的眼睛

4、。I couldn't .课文初 探判断正 (T) 误 (F) :()1.Kitty's teacher Mr Wu invited Linda to join the school trip to theWorld Park.()2.It took them about one hour to get there by bus.( )3.There are less than one hundred models of places of interest in the2020park.()4.The model Eiffel Tower is made of wood.()

5、5.Because they saw the main sights of the world in just one day, itwas an amazing day. 1 join vt .& vi . 加入,参加 观察 Yesterday Kitty's teacher Mr Wu invited me tojoin their school trip to the World Park.昨天基蒂的老师吴老师邀请我参加他们学校组织的去世界公园的旅行。My brother joined the army last year.我哥哥去年参军了。 探究 join 既可以作 动

6、词,也可以作 动词。 join in sth 意为“ ” 辨析 join, join in与 take part in词条用法指加入某个团体,从而成为其中的一员。指和其他人一起参加某项活动。多指参加者持积极态度并在其中发挥作用, 有时可与 join in 互换。活学活用1 (1)2016 ·泰州 Why not(join) an English Club to practise your English? Good idea!(2)2017 ·贵港 I'm going to Hong Kong next month. What about you, Jenny? I

7、 will social practice.A take part in2020B take placeC take offD take action2 clear adj. 晴朗的;清晰的 观察 The sun was shining in aclear blue sky.太阳在晴朗、湛蓝的天空中照耀。He has a clear head.他头脑清晰。 探究 clear 既可以作表语,也可以作定语。其比较级为 ,最高级为 。副词形式为 ,意为“ ”。2 2017·乐山 I can hardly see the words on the screen. Well, let'

8、s go and take the front seats so that we may see .A clearB clearerC more clearlyD most clearly3 boring adj. 乏味的 观察 There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was a littleboring . 路上车辆很多,旅途有点儿乏味。Let's change the channel.This one is veryboring .我们换个频道吧,这个频道很无聊。 探究 指事物使人感到乏味、无聊,通常用于修饰或描述

9、 。 拓展 是形容词,意为“厌烦的,厌倦的”,通常用于修饰或描述 。3 (1)The lecture was so that most of people felt while listening.B boring; boringA bored; boring2020C boring; boredD bored; bored(2)My daughter is very lovely. I(对从不感到厌烦 ) her.A at; in Bon; at 4 finally adv. 最后 观察 Finally, I will say a few words on the subject of po

10、litics. 最后,我要就政治问题讲几句话。 探究 finally为 ,相当于 / ,其形容词形式为 4 2017·莱芜 To our surprise, the computerwon the chess game against the human player.A certainlyB usuallyC finally D mostly 5 arrive vi . 到达 观察 We finallyarrived at the park.最后,我们到达了公园。Not until ten o'clock did wearrive in Nanjing.我们直到十点才到达南

11、京。 辨析 arrive, get 与 reach词条含义及用法arrive动词,表示“到达、抵达某地 (尤指行程的终点 ) ”,接宾语时,后常接介 词 at 或 in ,一般 in 接, at 接 ,若接 副词,则不需用介词,如 arrive home 。get 动词,多用于口语,接宾语时,后接介词 ,如接 副词, 则不用介词 to ,如 get home 。reach 动词,直接接 ,无须加介词。5 (1) Where is Mary flying? She is flying to France soon. She will arrive Paris the morning of Jul

12、y 1.2020C in; on D of; at(2)When he reached school, he saw his classmates playing volleyball.A arrivedB got toC arrived inDgot6 interest n令人感兴趣的事 (或人 ) ;兴趣 观察 There are models of more than a hundred places ofinterest from all over the world.这里有一百多个世界各地景点的模型。She shows great interest in the work. 她对这项

13、工作很感兴趣。 探究 interest 作“兴趣”讲时,为 名词; interest 作“令人感兴趣的事 ( 或人) ”讲时,为名词。 辨析 interested 与 interesting词条含义及用法interested意为“ ”, 常用来修饰 in 意为“ ,常用短语 be/become interested”。interestin意为“ ;有趣的”,常用来修饰,通常指事物本身所具g有的属性。6 (1)2016 ·铜仁 There is something in today's newspaper. Really. Wow, great!A interestingB i

14、nterestedC interestD interests(2)2017 ·常州他对研究古钱币比对收集邮票更感兴趣。He is 1 All of us couldn't wait to get off the bus. 我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。 探究 (1)can't wait意为“ ”,其后接 。(2)get off意为“ ”,其反义短语为 ,意为“ ”。活学活用1 (1) Would you mind going to the park with us this Sunday? Certainly not. I haven't been outdo

15、ors these days. !A Let me seeB I can't waitC No problemD My pleasure(2)When you take the bus, you must from the back door.A get onBget upC get awayD get off 2 Soon the whole world was there in front of us! 很快,整个世界都呈现在我们眼前了! 探究 (1)whole 常用在“ ”结构中。(2)in front of 通常用于表示方位上的“在的前面”,相当于 ;其反义词为 ,意为“在的后

16、面”。 辨析 (1)whole 与 all whole 一般位于冠词、所有格或其他限定词之后,而all 须位于这些词之前。如: the whole class allthe class 整个班级。 whole 一般不能修饰 名词或 名词, 修饰复数名词时前面一般有数量词, 而 all 能用于各 种情况。如: all the money 所有的钱 ( 不能说 the whole money) 。(2)in front of 与 in the front ofin front of指在物体 的前面; in the front of 指在物体 的前面。2. (1) the students went

17、 to see the interesting film during the night.(all/whole)(2)2017 ·丹东 Why are you unhappy these days, Julie? I can't see the blackboard because two tall boys sit me.A behindB next toC in front of D between 3 There are models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world.

18、这里有一百多个世界各地景点的模型。 探究 (1)more than 意为“多于,超过”,相当于 , 其反义词组为 。(2) 意为“景点, 风景名胜”。3. 2017·苏州苏州有着 2500 多年的历史。 4 I couldn't believe my eyes. 我无法相信自己的眼睛。 探究 意为“相信某人的眼睛” ,相当于 believe what sb see(s) 。42017·连云港 WhenI saw so many models of ( 风景名胜 ) in the World Park, I simplycouldn't ( 相信自己的眼睛 )

19、 20202020详解详析ReadingPeriod 2【课前自主预习】单词闯关1 fine 2.join 3.myself 4. 照耀,发光5sky 6.到达 7. 网络 8. 页,页面,页码9 yourselves; yourself10 themselves; himself; herself; itself11 journey 12.clear; clearly13 boring; bored14.finally; final15 main; mainly16.culture; cultural17 interest; interesting; interested短语互译1 arri

20、ve in/at/get to2 become very excited3 a little boring4 take photos/a photo5 more than6 places of interest from all over the world7交通拥挤8不能相信自己的眼睛,非常惊讶9迫不及待做某事10亲自11上/ 下车12看起来和一样棒句型在线1 invited me to join2 was a lot of traffic; a little boring3 couldn't wait to get off4 the whole world; in front of

21、5 more than; places of interest6 believe my eyes课文初探1 5 TFFFT【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛 1 及物; 不及物; 参加某项活动; join; join in; take part in(1)join(2)A 考查动词短语辨析。 take part in 意为“参加”; take place 意为“举行,发生”; take off 意为 “脱下, 起飞”; take action 意为“采取行动” 。句意:“我打算下月去香港, 那你呢, Jenny ?”“我将 社会实践活动。”故答案为 A。 2 clearer; clearest; cle

22、arly;清晰地C 考查副词的比较等级。句意:“我几乎看不清屏幕上的字。”“噢,我们去坐前面的座位以便于我们会 看得更清楚。 ”副词 clearly 修饰动词 see ,其比较级为 more clearly ,意为“更清楚”,符合句意。故选C。 3 boring; 物; bored; 人(1)C (2)never feel bored with 4 副词; in the end; at last; finalC 考查副词词义辨析。 certainly 意为“当然”; usually 意为“通常”; finally 意为“最后”; mostly 意为“大部分”。由“ To our surpris

23、e ”可知比赛的结局出人意料,故用finally 。故选 C。句意:令我们吃惊的是,这台电脑在与人类选手的象棋对抗比赛中,最后赢得了比赛。故选C。 5 不及物; 大地方; 小地方; 地点; 不及物; to;地点; 及物; 宾语(1)C 考查介词的用法。句意:“玛丽要坐飞机去哪里?”“她不久要飞往法国。她将在七月一日的早上 到达巴黎。” arrive in 后接大地点; arrive at 后接小地方;表示在具体某一天的早上用介词on。故选 C。(2)B 考查动词 ( 短语 ) 辨析。根据“ reach school get to school arrive at school ”可知答案为 B

24、。6 不可数; 可数; ( 某人 ) 感兴趣的; 人; 对感兴趣; 令人感兴趣的; 物(1)A 考查形容词的用法。句意:“今天的报纸上有一些有趣的东西。”“真的。哇,太棒啦!”形容词 修饰不定代词作后置定语, C、 D 都不是形容词形式,排除; interesting 意为“令人感兴趣的”,修饰物。故 选 A。(2)more interested in studying ancient coins than in collecting stamps句型透视 1 迫不及待; 动词不定式; 下车; get on; 上车(1)B 考查交际用语。 Let me see 意为“让我看一看”; I can

25、't wait意为“我等不及了”; No problem意为“没问题”; My pleasure 意为“不用谢”。句意:“你介意这个星期天和我们去公园吗?”“当然不。这 些天我没有户外活动。 !”故答案为 B。(2)D 考查动词短语辨析。 get on 意为“上车”; get up 意为“起床”; get away 意为“逃离”; get off 意为“下车”。句意:当你乘坐公交车的时候,你必须从后门下车。故答案为D。 2 the whole 可数名词单数; before; behind;不可数; 物质; 外部; 内部(1)All; whole(2)C 考查介词短语辨析。句意:“ Ju

26、lie ,你这些天为什么不开心?”“因为两个高个子男孩儿坐在我 ,我看不到黑板。” behind 意为“在后面”; next to 意为“在旁边”; in front of 意为 “在前面”; between 意为“在中间”。由语境及常识可知,我看不到黑板是因为被挡住了。故选C。 3 over; less than; place of interestSuzhou has a history of more than/over 2, 500 years. 4 believe one's eyesplaces of interest; believe my eyes课文回顾1 join2.herself 3.fine 4.shining


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