最新2 (3)汇编.docx

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1、学习目标:1. 掌握单词:Words and phrase: hard has got have got 2. 灵活运用句型: Its for; Its too big for you.3了解字母组合aw, air,ass 在单词中常见的读音及学唱英语歌。教学程序: 按题中的表述“辛银行将豁免甲公司200年度利息400万元”,可能是分期付息,因此调整分录为:一.板题示标T: Today we are going to learn Module 5 Unit 2 , first ,lets look at the learning aims.二.热身复习复习上节课学过的句子与单词购买乙公司股权支

2、付的相关审计费、法律等费用200万元,在发生的当前直接计入当期损益。课堂导入Step1.Warmer and leading (Look at the screen) Can you use it? Review the words and make sentences with them.复习上节课学过的单词并造句.I you we she he they it 以前年度损益调整营业外支出 300me you us her him them itStep2. Words新词学习 Take out a picture of a coat, and say取出一张衣服的图片说: I have g

3、ot a red coat and a blue coat. 指着图片说: The red one is too big for me, the blue one is too small for me. 让同学用其他人称造句.Have the students make sentences with you, we, she, he, they, it. They can use have got and has got .解释hard的意思同difficult (hard = not easy). What does Lingling want to buy?2、试根据以下银行取款过程画出

4、数据流图:储户将填好的取款单及存折交银行,经查对储户帐,将不合格的存折和取款单退回储户,合格的存折和取款单交取款登记。处理时要修改储户帐和现金帐,并将存折、利息单和现金交储户,同时将取款单存档。Step3.Test. Play the tape. Listen and answer the questions听录音并回答问题.1. What does Lingling want to buy?2. What can you see on it?3.4. 7甲公司因转让乙公司70股权在203年度个别财务报表中应确认的投资收益是( )。What color does Lingling buy at

5、 last?5.6. 9下列各项关于甲公司上述交易或事项会计处理的表述中,正确的是( )What color does Lingling like? 7. Why does she change her mind to buy another color?A.信息处理人员使用的系统B.基层决策者使用的系统At last, please the students act the dialogue.最后让同学自由结合读课文.8、运输 Step4. 学生活动1. Show the pictures. Have the students look, say and write. Make senten

6、ces with: Its for. Draw it on the board. Then the students write the sentences on their exercise book.2. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the same pronounce, and then do the AB.B纤维蛋白原含量降低 ED-二聚体增高Step5.Game: Show many cards of fruitStudents guess it. Is it (color or shape)?Step6. Learn to sing. C抗凝血酶物质增加Listen to the tape for several times. Try to sing and do the actions.


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