Fishing with birds课件1教学文档.docx

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1、Fishing with birdsAims:1. Knowledge: Know about cormorant fishing.2. Ability: Improve students' divergent convergent and creative thinking.3. Moral education: Care about and develop Chinese traditional cultures. Teaching type: ReadingTeaching procedures1. Organizing the classGreet students and h

2、ave them read the words of this chapter.2. Brainstorming| Brainstorming |Do you know any Otninese traditional culture?(1) . Display a set of pictures about Chinese traditional cultures.(2) . Encourage students to talk more about Chinese traditional cultures3. Pre-taskPro-taskwhen / timehow /waywhere

3、 /placewhat /eventwho /chara cte4. While-taskA: Describing a person (Guessing &arguing)B:Teacher describes a person and let students guess who it is.C:Students practice this guessing game and teacher assigns one or more pairs to describe the fisherman.D.Two or three pairs including the appointed

4、 one are demanded to act out in front of class and let the rest guess.E. Teacher encourages students to judge whether the description about the fisherman is similar to the one in the story. (Double Bubble Maps).教学反思:本课的中心是围绕一种即将失传的技术一一利用鸿鹤钓鱼进行的,对 于学生来说他们只在文章中学到过鸿鸿这种鸟类,但是具体的钓鱼过程他们还不 是太清楚。本课就详细介绍了鹄鸿是怎样钓鱼的,文章先对渔夫王大民和鸿鹏进 行了简单的介绍,然后再引出王大民利用鸿鹦钓鱼的过程,最后提出了这门技术 即将失传的前景,令人担忧。本节课的目的就是让学生了解这门技术的具体情况, 在授课的过程中注重听、说、读各方面能力的培养,鼓励他们多进行 pair workgroup work等形式的锻炼,最后从鸿鹏钓鱼过渡到其它同样面临失传 的传统技艺,如剪纸、织毛衣等,再进一步引出童年时的一些老游戏,(这是上 一节课布置学生回家从父母处了解的)作为对家庭作业的检查。最后安排学生编 对话宣扬传统的东西不一定就不好,现代化的东西不一定就好,从而将德育渗透 到教学中。


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