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1、2011年中考英语名词重庆市江津第六中学 付林一、 句意选词1.(福州)-Im thirsty. May I have something to drink ? -OK. Heres some _. A. rice B. bread C. water 2.(重庆市)Could you please get me some _ ? Im hungry. A. apple B. water C. bread D. egg 3.(滨州) Work hard , and you will get good _. A. lessons B. notes C. grades D. answers 4.(山

2、东菏泽) As young adults, it is our_ to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teacher. A. work B. job C. duty D. task5.(温州) I am tired after a long walk. I want to have a _. A. talk B. look C. party D. rest 6.(宁波) -Excuse me, where can I exchange _ ? -There is a

3、bank on the second floor. A. books B. food C. money D. stamps 7.(宁波)-You look so healthy. -Yeah, I like eating apples. An apple a day keeps the _ away . A. teacher B. worker C. farmer D. doctor 8.(聊城) Peter regards Liaocheng as his second _ because he has lived here for 10 years. A. family B. house

4、C. home D. room 9.(安徽) - I have great_ in learning math and Im so worried. Could you help me? - Sure. Id be glad to. A. trouble B. interest C. joy D. fun10.(江西)-May I ask you _ , mum ? -Yes. What is it ? -Our class are going to have a picnic tomorrow . Can I go ? A. something B. anything C. some que

5、stions D. a problem 11.(泰安)-Yao Ming is very popular among the teenagers. -Yes. Many middle school students are his _. A. heroes B. stars C. fans D. brothers 12.(浙江舟山) Would you please pass me something to drink? What about some _?A. beef B. fish C. juice D. bread13.(浙江丽水) Would you like some . Oh,

6、yes, just a little.A. milk B. apple C. pears D. oranges14.(湖南邵阳) Im not sure about the meaning of the word. Youd better look it up in a(an) _. A. letter B. dictionary C. article 15.(四川德阳) Stop making so much _. The children are sleeping.A. voiceB. noiseC. sound 16. (浙江绍兴) -Excuse me, may I know your

7、 _ ? - Sure. Its No. 3. Bridge Street. A. house B. address C. way D. place 17.(浙江金华) Would you like some _. Oh, yes, just a little. A.milk B.apple C.pears D.oranges18.(浙江) Would you please pass me something to drink? What about some _? A. beefB. fishC. juice D. bread19.(武汉) -Im going to the supermar

8、ket. Let me get you some fruit.-OK. Thanks for your _.A. offer B. information C. message D. order20.(长沙) Look! There are some_ on the floor. A. child B. water C. boxes D. girl二、三、 借:以前年度损益调整营业外收入 400名词单复数1.(杭州) For breakfast , I usually have _ and two pieces of bread. A. a cup of milk half B. half a

9、 cup of milk C. a half milk cup D. half a milk cup 2.(南宁) Jack has_ .10、系统的可靠性一般是用 来描述。A. two pieces of breads B. two pieces of breadC. two pieces bread D. two piece of bread17()严重革兰氏阴性杆菌感染病人易发生弥散性血管内凝血3.(四川德阳) Can I help you, sir? - Id like to have 100 _. I want my students to draw pictures.A. piec

10、e of paperB. pieces of paperC. pieces of papersD076元三、名词所有格3微血管病性溶血性贫血 (microangiopathic hemolytic anemia)1.(南京市) Our school is only_ walk from here.A. five-minute B. five minutes C. five minutes D- five minutes2.(四川眉山) June 1st is _Day. All the children enjoy it very much.住院治疗经过:给氧、物理降温、抗感染。用低分子右旋糖

11、酐、平衡溶液、血浆、葡萄糖溶液(5、10、50)。5碳酸氢钠、氯丙嗪、异丙基肾上腺素、阿托品、氢化可的松、肝素等治疗。A Children B Childrens C Childrens D Child1下列各项关于甲公司现金流量分类的表述中,正确的有( )。3.(长沙) September 10th is_ Day.题解 FPA和FPB是凝血酶水解纤维蛋白原为纤维蛋白时放出的两种短肽。纤溶酶水解纤维蛋白原为一些可溶的多肽碎片,包括D和E片段及它们的中间产物X和Y片段,统称为纤维蛋白(原)降解产物(FDP)。A. Teacher B. Teachers C. Mothers D. Mother参考答案:一、15: CCCDD ;610: CDCAC ; 1115: CCABB ; 1620: BACAC1、管理信息系统是一个以人为主导,利用计算机硬件、软件、网络通信设备以及其他办公设备,进行信息的收集、传输、加工、储存、更新和维护,以企业战略竞优、提高效益和效率为目的,支持企业高层决策、中层控制、基层运作的集成化人-机系统。二、BBB(1)三、ACB


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