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1、9A Unit1知识归纳与拓展【单词拓展】1 creative adj有创造力的 create vt创造 creator n 创造者2 energetic adj精力充沛的 energy n 能量,能源3 organized adj有条理的 -organize vt 组织 organization n 组织4 connect vt 连接 connection n 连接 connected adj连接的,有关系的5 carelessness n 粗心 careless adj粗心的 careful adj细心的 care v在乎6 devote v奉献,贡献 devotion n 奉献,贡献 d

2、evoted adj忠诚的,献身的7 impatient adj 没有耐心的 patient adj有耐心的 patience n 耐心8 suitable adj适合的 suit v适合9 powerful adj 有力的,强大的 powerless adj无力的,无能的 power n 能量,电力10 practical adj 实际的 practice v n 练习11 1ively adj 生动的,活泼的 live v 居住 live adj 直播的 alive adj 活着的1【短语归纳】1 keep in order 把保持得井井有条2 show off 炫耀3 get angry

3、 easily 容易生气4 come up with new ideas 想出新的主意5 be curious about 对好奇6 a born artist 一个天生的艺术家7 impress with 以给留下印象8 win high praise from赢得的高度评价9 take the lead 处于领先地位10 fall behind 落后11 take on new challenges。接受新挑战。12 pay attention to every detail 注重细节13 devote most of her time to her work把她大部分的时间投入到她的工作

4、上14 depend on 取决于15 shape your life and your future塑造你的生活和你的未来16 make a speech in front of m 、 any people在许多人面前做一个演讲17 be absent from school 上学缺席18 recommend David as our new monitor推荐 David 当我们的新班长19 the most suitable person to be our monitor当我们班长的最佳人选【句型分析】1 It is you who shape your life and your

5、future (P16)句中的“ It is+ 被强调的部分十who that+原句其他部分”是一种强调句型,用于加强语气。可以用于这种强调句型中的被强调的部分通常是句中的主语、状语、宾语等。 如果强调的部分是人,可用who 代替 that。如;It is Mr Brown who teaches us history 是布朗先生教我们历史。(强调主语 )It is five novels that he has written in the past two years 2在过去的两年里他已经写了五本小说。(强调宾语 )It was in Shanghai that I saw the fi

6、lm last year 去年我是在上海看过这部电影。(强调状语 )2 It is said that people born in the Year of the Tiger are brave (P16)It is said that 是一种固定旬式,意思是 “据说” 。能用于 It is+ 过去分词 +that句型中的动词还有report , believe, suppose, think 等。如:It is reported that they have donated 20 million yuan to the Red Cross Society of China since la

7、st。year据报道自去年以来他们已向中国红十字会捐赠了、两千万元。It is believed that he will win the first prize in the competition next time人们相信下一次他会赢得比赛的第一名。【语法点拨】一、并列连词and, but, or 和 soand 表示并列关系,意为“和,又”。如We are singing and they are dancing 我们在唱歌,他们在跳舞。but 表示转折关系,所连接的成分意思往往相反或相对。如:The car is very old but it runs very fast 这辆汽车

8、虽然很旧了,但跑得很快。or 表示选择关系,意为“或者”。如:Do you go to school by bus or on foot?你是坐公共汽车还是步行去上学?so 表示因果关系,常用来连接两个简单句。如:It was late, so I went :home天色不早了,所以我就回家了。注意:表示“和”的意思时,and 通常用于肯定句中,而of 用于否定句或疑问句中,但在否定句中,如果所连接的两部分都有否定词,那么用and 而不用 or。如:They like English and Maths 他们喜欢英语和数学。He doesn't like black or blue

9、他不喜欢黑色和蓝色。The clock has no eyes and no cars钟表没有眼睛和耳朵。并列连词so(所以 )和从属连词because(因为 )不能同时出现在一个句子里,只能用其中之3二,汉语翻译仍然是“因为所以”。如:Everyone in our school knew him , so we had no trouble in finding him 也可以说成: Because everyone in our school knew him , we had no trouble in finding him 因为我们学校每个人都认识他,所以我们没费一点儿事就找到了他

10、。二、并列连词both and, not only but(also) , either or和 neither norbothand not only but(also) , either or和 neither nor都是并列连词,它们可以连接两个并列的主语、谓语、宾语、表语、状语等。它们的用法如下:bothand意为“和两者都,既又。如:B0th Tony and Mary are going to the Great Wall tomorrow托尼和玛丽都打算明天去长城。not only but(also) 意为“不但而且。如:Not only Mr lin but(also)his

11、son joined the charity walk不但林先生而且他的儿子也参加了慈善行走活动。either or意为“或者或者,要么要么,不是就是”。如:He is either at home or at school 他要么在家要么在学校。neither no r意为“既不也不”。如:Neither he nor I have seen the film 他没看过那部电影,我也没看过。注意:当 both and连接的两个成分在句中作主语时,谓语动词总是用复数形式。如:Both she and I are good at English 她和我都擅长英语。当 not only but(also) either or, neither nor连接两个主语时,其谓语动词形式要与最近的主语保持一致即遵循“就近原则”。如:Neither she nor I am a worker 她和我都不是工人。Not only you but(also) 。 he is a good student不但你而且他也是个好学生。Either you or I am on the team 要么你,要么我是球队队员。4


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