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1、Women: Physical attractiveness warmth and affection homemaking ability social skillsfashion sensesensitivityMen : A record of achievement leadership qualities job skills earning potential a sense of humor intelligenceA: Do you have a date for the party yet?B: Actually, I don t. Do you anyone I could

2、 go with?A: Em.What kind of guys do you like?B: Oh, I like guys who aren too serious and who have a good sense of humor. You know, someone like you.A: OK. Em.What else?B: Well, I d prefer someone I have something in common with who I can talk to easily.A: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Bra

3、nson. Do you know him?B: No, I don t think so.A: OK, I ll ask him to meet us for coffee. And you can tell me what you think.A: So, what s the verdict? What did you think of Bob?B: Well, I was worried at first. Especially when I saw that he rode a huge motorcycle. I thought hemight turn out to be one

4、 of those guys who s into heavy metal music and stuff like that. You knowwhat I mean?A: But he s just a regular kind of guy, right?B: Yeah, we got along really well.A: I knew you d like him.B: Yeah, I do. He s really funny. He had me laughing hysterically at the coffee shop, remember? I think the pe

5、ople sitting next to us thought we were crazy.A: So, are you two going to get together again?B: Defenitely. In fact, we were going to the party together.A: That s great.A: So, have you seen Andrea lately?B: Yeah, I see her pretty often. We work together at Cafe Latte.A: How s she doing? I ve been me

6、aning to call her.B: Well, to be honest, I vealways thought her was a little difficult. But these days I find her impossible.A: What do you mean?B: Oh, you know how she is. She has such strong ideas about everything. And if you don twith her, she lets you know what she thinks of you.A: Yes, that s t

7、rue. But that s why we love her, right?B: I guess so. But she changeds a lot since she started college. She talks about herself all the time.And she always manages to mention how good she is at everything she does.A: Am.Maybe I won t call her after all.A: Have you met the new apartment manager?B: Mr

8、. Johnson? Yeah, I met him last week. He is a little strange.A: Yeah, he is. I m not sure I like him. He s hard to predict. Sometimes he s pretty cheerftalktive. And the next day, he doesn t even say hello. I think he must have personal problems orsomething.B: I think you re right. And have you noti

9、ced that half the time when him said he s goingsomething, he never actually does it? He told me three times he d come to fix the light in mykitchen. And he still hasn t done it.OK, good morning everyone. The main concept I wanna cover today is the difference betweentwo personality types -Type A and

10、Type B personalities. Now let me just quickly summarize this.Type A personalities are always in a hurry, always concern about meeting deadlines and goals. Sothey can get pretty impatient. They expecta lot out of other people, too. It verys easy toexasperate them if you make even a tiny mistake. They

11、 can be aggressive, even hostile. But theyalso work very hard. And a lot of them are high-achievers. So, oh, Luke, Do you have a question?So, basically, you are saying that all the rich and famous are type A-politicians, movie stars,executives, all those successful people. Right?Well, I wouldn exact

12、ly put it like that.What I mean is thattype A people can be veryinsecure. And because they are insecure, success is very important to them. They feel guilty ifthey don t succeed. But not all of them actually succeed. And also not all successful people aretype A personalities. OK, so that thes typeA

13、personality. But typeB personality on the otherhand, well, this person is basically everything the type A person isn t. Type B people are patiand relaxed. They are not as concern about goals and deadlines and success. They are more likelyto be content with the life they have. And they re more flexib

14、le. Other people s mistakesbother them as much. Any questions so far?A: So, where are you working this summer, Carlos?B: Oh, I m working as a tutor in a learning center for kids.A: Interesting. What kinds of things do the kids do there?B: Well, they work on subjects they need help in. Mainly math an

15、d English.A: Is your job hard?B: No, not at all. The kids work on computers most of the time. We have to help them get startedand be there when they run into problems.A: Do you enjoy it?B: Oh, yes. Working with kids is so much more fun than working with adults. And I get to choose my own hours as lo

16、ng as I work eight hours a day. I can come in at any time from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.A: Lucky you!A: Paul, did you find a summer job yet?B: Yeah, I m working in a restaurant.A: Oh, how s it going?B: Well, they money is not bad.A: What are you doing? Are you waiting tables?B: I wish. No, I mworking in the

17、kitchen. I cut up stuff for the chef, vegetables and meat and things. I also wash the dishes.A: Oh, yuck!B: Yeah, it s pretty hard work. I didn t realize how hot it is in the kitchen until I took this job.A: So, why don t you quit?B: I d love to. But I need the money.A: Work in the future? Well, I t

18、hink unemployment is going to keep getting worse.B: I agree. As companies get more efficient and more computerized. They are finding ways of using less staff.A: So I guess people will find it hard to get a good job unless they have excellent qualifications.B: Mm, yeah. I think that s probably true.

19、But I also think that because of computers, more andmore people will be telecommuting instead of going into an office.A: Wow, I d really love that. Can you imagine spending most of your workweek in the comfort of your own home?B: Personally, I would get so much more done. And with E-mail, instant me

20、ssaging and videoconferencing, you can still keep in touch with everyone you need to.A: Well, I d certainly enjoy it. But I don t know if I get more done or not. I m afraid I the TV and zone out.A: Excuse me.B: Bless you.C: Bless you.A: Thanks. Oh, these allergies are so annoying. You all must be ti

21、red of sayingC: No, that s alright. But isn t funny how we automatically do that when someone Itsneezes?some kind of superstition, isn t it?B: Yes. You know a long time ago, It was commonlythought that when people sneezed, theirheart stopped beating. You would bless them as a way to insure the retur

22、n of life or encouragetheir heart to continue beating.A: Well, Eh, you know, thanks. But it s really just my allergies.“ Bless youA: Oh, no. Oh, I can t believe I drop that mirror. What bad lucky!B: Don t worry, Mom. I.I ll pick it up for you.A: Oh, thanks. But you know, I can just hear you grandmot

23、her s voice sayingyears of bad luck.”B: Why would she say that?“ Now you reA: Oh, you know her. She is very superstitious. She believes that once a mirror was broken, you can t see yourself as a whole person in it. So something really bad is going to happen to you.B: Yeah, but why.why 7 years of bad

24、 luck?A: Well, I guess a long time ago, people thought it took 7 years for the body to repair itself. So I guess it would take 7 years to fix a broken body.B: 7 years is a really long time. I guess I m glad I didn t drop that mirror.A: Oh.B: Mom, I m only kidding. I mean you don t really believe tha

25、t.A: Don t bother going in to see Mr. Wilson right now. HeB: Oh, no. He probably got up on the wrong side of the bed.A: What do you mean by that?B: You never heard that expression?A: No. s in a really bad mood today.B: Well, you know, It ans old superstition from when people believed that the right side was good, and the left side was bad.A: Why do they believe that?B: I don t know. I guess since most people are right handed. They feel like being left handed was suspicious.A: Well, don t tell that to Mr. Wilson.B: Why?A: He is left handed.


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