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1、Warm up1. I go to work on Tuesdays, and Thursdays, and Saturdays. It' only part-time, but it' OK money.2. Mondays and Wednesdays I have school. I have classes all morning.3. I go to the gym on Mondays and Wednesdays, usually in the afternoon. I need to move around after sitting in class all

2、morning!4. Saturdays I clean my apartment. It' not fun, but I have to.5. I don 'have a lot of time to watch TV. Sundays are about the only time I do it. There ' a cop show I really like.6. Friday night I "m usually free, so I hang out with my friends. Sometimeswe just sit around on

3、the couch and play video games.7. I "m always on the computer. Italk to my friends on the Internet almost every night. I "m addicted to IMing.Listening task1. A:Hey, Tina. How have you been? B:Great. I just got a new job. A:Doing what?B:l'm a swimming instructor. I teach kids at the Co

4、ncord Health Club.A:Not bad.B:Yeah, I really like it. It' only one day a week, though. Just Thursday, so I don't make much money.2. A:Hey, Scott, are you free Sunday night?B:Hmm, Sunday night, not sure. What's up?A:I'm having some guys over to watch the big game.B:Sounds good. What t

5、ime doesthe game start?A:l think it ' 8' clock. ' check. B:Yeah, let me know.A:It should be a good game. B:Yeah, go Bears.3. A:Hey, Wang? You still play basketball?B:I guess. SometimesA:Well, some of us are playing basketball tonight at the park. B:Tonight? It's Monday, right? A:Uh,

6、yeah.B:I can' I "m working tonight. I just got a job at Border" Books. A:How ' it going?B:It ' OK. It' a job.4. A:Hey, Jane. You look totally great.B:Thanks.A:So, what have you been up to? B:Well, I started working out at the gym.A:You look really in shape. B:You should com

7、e with me. I "m going Thursday night after work. A:Hmm. Maybe I "l go. Call me. B:OK.Real world listening1. Celia: OK, Ms. Abbot, I 'll get that report for you right away. And by the way, Don Wilson called earlier. He said he'll be a little late for your 11o clock meeting.2. Tracy:

8、 So then, I don't know what to do now, Celia.Celia: Just forget about him. You can find another boyfriend. He s a loser for doing that to you.Tracy: I know, but I still kind of like him.3. You have reached the office of Dr. Patel. The office is closed right now. If you would like to schedule an

9、appointment, pleasepress onenow. If this is a medical emergency, please press two.4. A: Is that it?B: Yes.A: Do you want paper or plastic? B: Please put the milk, the eggs, and the bread in paper. The bananas and the rest can go in plastic.5. A: I had a great time tonight.B: I did, too, Craig. The m

10、ovie was really funny.A: So, are you going to invite me in?B: No, sorry. You know the rules.I 'l call you tomorrow, OK?A: OK.B: G Fight.6. A: So, how do you want your hair cut?B:I'm not sure. I need a new look. A: How about if I take a little offhere and cut it shorter in the back?B: OK.7. A

11、: That was a killer workout.B:No kidding.A:I think I' skip the gym tomorrow.B: Come on.Interactive Practice1. P:Hello.J:Hi. Is Phil there please?P:Yes, speaking.J:Phil, this is Jane. I "m in your English class.P:Yes, of course. How are you? J: I am doing fine. And you?P: Not bad, but a bit

12、overworked: too many assignments What can I do for you?J: I have a question about our exam tomorrow. Do you have a moment to help me?P: Sure. What is it?J: Our essay topic is: William Shakespear* P:Uh, yes. What is your question?J: Who is Shakespear?2. J: Hello?C: Hey, Jane. It's Cindy calling.J

13、: Cindy what a coincidence, I was just thinking about you. What' up?C: I was wondering if you would like to go out for supper?J: I would love to. What do you have in mind?C: I was thinking it might be nice to try Greek food.J: Awesome! When and where?C: 7 this evening. At Argos.J: I didn't catch that, could you please repeat the name of the restaurant?C: Argos. That's A-R-G-O-S.J: Got it. Where is it?C: Opposite the library. J: Thanks. See you at 7. C: See you.


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