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1、小学英语新外研版(一起)四年级上册潍坊市实验小学备课卡年级4英语主备人赵国丽应用人课Module 4Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper.题教 学 目 标学习用动词过去式谈论人类过去的发明。生词:invent, paper, important, printing, print句型: Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people printing.invented学对于过去式的学习到本模块为止已经很熟悉,而且涉及到中国古代情的四大发明,在学生在中国知识积累的基础上, 学生接爻比较充分。分析教重点:以t结尾的动词过

2、去式的读音。学单词的认读,e.g.印刷术与印刷的单词和词性的不同。重难点教点读笔、教学光盘学准备课 时 安 排2第1 课时教 学 步 骤教师活动1、Greetings:T: Good morning, class!? Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhao.2、 warm up? Sing a song.? T: Well done! Let's enjoy a song. Stand up and clap your hands.播放歌曲 Children from China are Chinese,学生跟唱。)设计意图:通过播放和跟唱这首歌曲,让学生初步体会作为一

3、个中国人的骄 傲和自豪。为下面的学习做好铺垫。3、lead in(1) You have done good job. You are so clever! Let play a game. Look , this is a box. Have a guess ,whas in it? A paper plane/ newspaper/ book Do you know what are they made of?你们知道它们都是由什么制成的吗? paper 教授单词 paper评价学生 Right!You are clever!(2)Q: Do you know who invented p

4、aper?弓 1 出课题 Chinese people inventedpaper并教授单词invent(3) You are so clever! Chinese people are clever! And this cat is clever! Yes Why ?操练课文第一部分,旧句引新词(4)Lets read the text together. You read cat and I read pig,then change.设计意图:运用简单的游戏,教授单词,引出课题。通过简单的问题过 度到新课文,并通过操练课文练习单词。4、Presentation? T:Chinese peo

5、ple are clever! Chinese people invented paper. Do you know Did Chinese people invent printing? Did Chinese people invent car? Let 's listen and answer the questions.?(听第一遍录音,回答问题。)(引导学生回答问题,并学习单词 printing o操练重点句型。)? 2. Follow the tape and answer. (PPt出示问题。)? What do we print? We print books and

6、newspapers.?引导学生区分单词print and printing的不同。? 3. Read the text by yourselves and answer.? What did Sam print? Where is it? Get the answer: He printed our class newspaper yesterday.?It s between the chair缴授单词 between? 4. lets read in roles: I am Sam, two group is Ms Smart, two group is Daming.? 5. Let&

7、#39;s chant and review.? Listen and repeat.? 6. Work in groups and read the text fluently and emotionally. Then we ' llhave a show.? Have a show. (J、组上台展示,对学生进行及时的评价。)设计意图:通过听音引出重点句型并学习生词,使得学生能对重点句型理 解的更加透彻。5、Practice ? Let' s practise: What other things did Chinese people invent?(弓 I 导学生根据课

8、下搜集的信息和百度搜索查找的中国人的发明进行小组讨论,并利用重点句型Chinese people invented- -,进行汇报。)? T: Chinese People invented so many things. Chinese people inventedpaper. Chinese people invented printing, too. What other things did Chinesepeople invent?中国人还发明了其他什么东西?Let's read the text: TheFour Great Inventions四大发明and answe

9、r the questions.?设计意图:运用中国人的其他发明和其他国家的发明, 结合句型进行更进一步的操练,使得本课的重点得到了很好的巩固和练习。Module 4 Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper.important thingsChinese people invented paper.Chinese people invented printing , too.right betweenI. Homework:业设计Read the text fluently.教 学 反 思潍坊市实验小学备课卡年级、,、-赵国丽_Grade 4学科English

10、王备人应用人课题Module 4 Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper.教学1. Review the text of Unit 1.目标2. Do the exercises on the activity book.学情 分析经过之前的学习,希望学生能复述课文,模仿重点句造句,并能完成相关话题的口头交流任务教学 重难 点1. Review the text of Unit 1.2. Do the exercises on the activity book.Important and difficult points:生词:invent, paper,

11、important, printing, print句型: Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people invented printing.Recite the text.教学 准备点读笔、教学光盘课时安排第2 课时教师活动1.Revision1) words blanks单词闪烁(复习单词)2) T: Chinese people are so great. Lets do something for her. let s make an English newspaper about Chinese inventions by groups.

12、 Then show it.Chinese InventionsChinese people are very clever.They invented important things.Chinese people invented.教 学 步 骤invented.? We are Chinese.? We love China.2. Activity book1. Listen and tickChinese people invented important things.Chinese people invented paper.Chinese people invented prin

13、ting.Sam printed this newspaper.2. Listen and writeChinese people invented important things.Chinese people invented paper.Chinese people invented printing.Sam printed his newspaper.3. Look and write.Sam printed this newspaper yesterday. He didnprint this book. Daming walked to school yesterday. He d

14、idint walk to the park. Lucy played the flute yesterday. She didnt play the drum.Zara played the doll yesterday. She didrt play the teddy bear.4. Do the practiceP22T4板书设计Module 4 Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper.Chinese people invented paper. Chinese paper invented printing .作 业 设 计Homework: Wha

15、t did you do yesterday?教 学 反 思潍坊市实验小学备课卡年级Grade 4学科English主备人赵国丽应用人课题Module 4 Unit 2 He invented this bicycle .教学 目标Target languageHe invented this bicycle in 1839.2 FunctionTalking about the past inventions.学情 分析通过中国古代四大发明的学习,对于其他国家的发明学生的兴趣浓厚教学 重难 点Word; bicycle,Who invent these things? Where are t

16、hey from?教学 准备CD-ROM课时 安排1第1课时教 学 步 骤教师活动WarmerSing the song Chinese people invented paper for usFirst read the song, then listen to the song, then sing the song2 new wordbicycle = bike bi-means two.3 revision and lead-inWho invented paper?Who invented printing?Now let's see other inventions.4 q

17、uestions for you.1 An American invented this bicycle.2 A Chinese invented this bicycle.3 An English invented this bicycle.4 where's the man from?6 where is the man?5 read the text in groups and find the answers.6 practice on page 17二Unit 2 He invented this bicycle in.bicycle作 业 设 计homeworkGo to

18、the internet and find some inventions,try to introduce.潍坊市实验小学备课卡年级Grade 4English主备人赵国丽应用人课Module 4 Unit 2 He invented this bicycle.题教让学生理解和掌握动词过去时态的肯定句与否定句学目标学学生通过前面的学习对动词的过去式的否定形式有了认识,还需要情进一步的巩固拓展练习分析教 学 重 难 点动词过去式的变化动词过去式否定形式中动词的书写教 学准 备课本,PPT课 时 安 排1第 1 课时教 学 步 骤教师活动SteplRevision these M4 s word

19、Step 2Dictation the words , phases and sentencesSteps 3Practise : introduce the inventions you found on the internet.Kitechopsticks板 书 设 计help _ helped play _ played clean _cleanedpaint _ paintedwatch _ watched invent _ invented print _printed作业设计Revision the M4 and prepare the examination.教 学 反 思第五课时完成练习册剩余题目,弁讲解。错题纠错,重新测试,将听写纸改错。第六课时试题检测


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