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1、Section V Writing咨询信写作技法指导XIEZUOJIFAZHIDAO咨询信是指写信人就某一个问题向收信人征求或 征询建议,希望收信人就写信人提出的问题给出针对性 的解决方法或提出合理的建议。一、基本框架1. 开头简单叙述写咨询信的目的或意图,清楚表明要寻求什么样的帮助。2主体言明要咨询的具体问题和存在的困难,并请求对方给出一些建议。3结尾诚恳地提出希望,表达需要得到帮助的迫切心情并表示感谢。二、增分佳句1 I'm writing to tell you some advice on how to form a music band.2. Nowadays, both t

2、raditional and modern music are enjoyed by people in China.3. For a long time, traditional music has played an important part in people's life.4 I was at a loss what to do with this situation.5 I find it really hard to learn English well and I almost lostheart.五步写作规范WUBUXIEZUOGUIFAN6. I would ap

3、preciate it if you could give me some precious advice.7. Im sorry to trouble you,but I feel that I must write you this letter.8 Would you like to give me some advice on it so that Ican make rapid progress?题目要求假如你是李华,你打算与你的朋友组建一个乐队。门基 乐队的成功给了你很大的鼓舞。但你和朋友对乐队的名字、 主唱、乐器的选择及乐队的类型存在分歧,这让你不知所措, 你决定给门基乐队写一封

4、电子邮件,告诉他们你的想法,并 征求他们的建议,如何才能使乐队更加成功。注意:可根据内容要点就某一方面或几个方面的问题征求他们的建议。第一步:审题构思很关键 一、审题1. 确定体裁:本文为咨询信;2. 确定人称:本文的主要人称应为第一人称;3. 确定时态:本文的主要时态应用一般现在时态。构思开头:自我介绍并提出问题。主体:具体描述自己遇到的问题、困难等。结尾:再次提出希望,希望对方给自己提出建议。第二步:核心词汇想周全1. form a band2 inspire3. instrument4 lead singerV type of music组建一个乐队鼓舞;激励乐器主唱音乐类型第三步:由词

5、扩句雏形现 开头:自我介绍并提出问题。1.我叫李华。我打算与我的另外三个朋友组建一个乐队。My name is Li Hua. I' m going/planning to form a band with my other three friends.2.你们(门基)乐队的成功给了我们很大的鼓舞。可是,我们以前没有在乐队里待过。Your band s success inspired us greatly. However, we have neverbeen in a band before3你能给我们一些建议吗?Could you please 0ve us some advic

6、e/su勞estions?主体:具体描述自己遇到的问题、困难等。4. 我们都喜欢流行音乐,但是我和我的三个朋友无法决定给乐队取什么名字,谁主唱以及选择什么样的乐器等。My three friends and I like pop music. We can't decide theband, s name. We can't decide the lead singer. We can't decidewhat instruments we choose .5此外,我们该演奏什么样的音乐?我们是该只演奏一种音乐还是各种音乐都尝试一下呢?In addition/Besid

7、es . what type of music should we play? Should we only play one kind or 切 every type of music?第四步:句式升级造亮点1.用but,as well as等把句4合并成一个含转折关系的并列句My three friends and I like pop music, but we can t decide the band, s name, the lead singer as well as whatinstruments we choose.2.对句7的谓语部分进行强调We do hope you c

8、an give us some advice.第五步:过渡衔接联成篇Dear Monkees,My name is Li Hua. I" m going to form a band with my other three friends. Your band's success inspired us greatly. However, we have never been in a band before. Could you please give us some advice/suggestions?My three friends and I like pop mu

9、sic,but we can,t decide the band,s name, the lead singer as well as what instruments we choose. In addition/Besides, what type of music should we play? Should we only play one kind or try every type of music? How did your band decide what to play?We do hope you can give us some advice.Yours hopefully,Li Hua


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