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1、Module 2Traffic Jam0培车在十字路口的那一端,人与车抢线不 再是新鲜事,为了那一点点的时间,大家都拥 挤在道路中间,看見那车海与天相连,我只能 在心中静静地感叹,让我们共同努力实現我们 的心愿!朋友,奉劝你一句:堵车,别堵心!这条路久堵车了,I 我们该冬么办啊?放字育蜂期£Nowad町s traffic congestion (拥挤,阻塞)is a big problem in most of our cities. Have you got any ideas about what has brought about this?There are many cau

2、ses for this problem, but the following may be the most important ones.The first cause is the great increase in the number of private cars. Cars take up more space but they carry fewer people. Some private car drivers, ignoring traffic regulations, drive only for the sake of their own convenience, b

3、locking the way of other public transportation vehicles. The second cause is the slow andinefficient construction and improvement of the roads and streets With a large population and numbers of automobiles increasing some roads still remain unimproved, which will surely lead to problems. The last ca

4、use is the insufficient (不足的)management of the traffic system and the people, s lack of awareness of traffic rules. Many pedestrians (行人)cross the streets even when the traffic lights are against them,which is an obstacle (障碍)to the flow of traffic.Then how to solve this problem? Some suggest laying

5、 down more roads to make the traffic less crowded and speed up theflow of traffic. Others believe that we should open up more public bus routes,so that more people will take the public buses instead of travelling by car and bicycle.Though the above two views sound reasonable, they have their own dra

6、wbacks. The former may take up much land which could be used for farms and houses. The latter may cause inconvenience for those who are used to travelling by car or bicycle. I think the best answer to the traffic problem is a combination of the two. More roads can be built to hold more traffic and m

7、eanwhile more public bus routes can be opened up to those who prefer to use the public transportation.IntroductioQ&jgeading 二_rreFeadin2剧圈释疑把课文读懂原文呈现-;读文清障Getting Around in Beijing !Taxisget around到处旅行;四处走动ITaxis are on the streets 24 !around 此处为副词,可用 roundII hours a day. Simply raise your ;来替换。

8、hand, and a taxi appears in no ; r 亠亠FFin to time马上;立刻time.They are usually red, and ;.:display/dPsplel/rL展示;陈列they display the price per;kilometre on the window.原文呈现You should check the cab has a ; business permit®, and make ;II sure ®you ask for a receipt®. !I Buses and trolleybuses

9、;读文清障cab/kab/出租汽车;计程车 pennit/'p3:ml Xln 执;许可证you ask for a receipt 是省略that的宾语从句。©receipt/rl *9 收据trolleybus/'trol i电车原文呈现r厂Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing There are 20000 buses and trolleybuses in Beijing, but they can get very crowded®. If s a good i

10、dea to avoid public transport during the rush hour®(6: 30 am 8: 00 am and 5: 00 pm6: 30 pm) Fares are cheap, starting at 1 yuan aAir-conditioned buses cost more.读文清障 provide/pra'val d/ 祝提供常用 结构:provide sb. withsth./provide sth. for sb.®get crowded变得拥挤的the rush hour交通高峰期 fare/fee/n.车费现在

11、分词短语作状语,起补充 说明的作用。©air-conditioned广eekondl Jnd/a龙滞空调的一原文呈现卜,-读文清障过去分词短语作定语,修饰I:buses,句中number是动词,意IIBusest© 1QQ!为"给编号"°Iare limited to travel withinlimited to 局限于,受限制Ithe city centre. Higher: limit/'llmlt/rt 限制Inumbers have destinations in destination/dedlfnelJ ri/n.目的It

12、he suburbs®.;地;终点Isuburb n郊区 suburban adj.I!郊区的;城外的)读文清障原文呈现? Tourists shouldn, t miss the 103 bus which offers one of the most impressive routes , past the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda in Beihai Park. If you get on a doubleecker © bus,make sure you sit upstairs. You'll have a g

13、ood view of the rapidly changing city.:©which引專限制性是语从句,I; 修饰 the 103 busoI; impressive/l m'presl vladj.给人I:印象深刻的II route/ru/n.路线II; double-decker/ d/vbl vdeka/n.双I!层公共汽车I! have a good view of 观看IJ:的美丽风景一原文呈现读文清障IMost buses run from about !;过去分词短语作定语,修饰5: 00 am to midnight. However,;; bus se

14、rvice。I there is also a night bus service,;II provided by buses with a ;IIInumber in the 200s ;行在北京第14段译文出租车(北京)大街上的出租车是24小时服务的。只要你招招手, 马上就会有出租车开过来。它们通常是红色的,而且在车窗上显 示每千米的价格。你得确保出租车有营业执照,并且一定要索取 发票。公共汽车和电车 公共交通为(人们)游览北京提供了一种低价位的出行方式。在北京有两万辆公共汽车和电车,但是,它们会很拥挤。明智的做I 法是避免在交通高峰期(早上6: 30& 00,下午5: 006:

15、30)乘|I 坐公共交通工具。这些车车费便宜,一元起价。空调车要贵一些。1I路到100路公共汽车都是仅限于市中心内的,编号大于100的I 公共汽车可到达郊区。游客们不应错过103路公共汽车,它途经紫禁| ! 城和北海公园的白塔,沿途风景令人印象深刻。如果你乘坐双层公 共汽车,务必坐在上层。你将一览这个飞速发展的城市的美丽风景大多数公共汽车的运营时间大约是从早上5点到午夜。不过,| 也有夜班车,编号在200到300之间。I读文清障原文呈现rIIMinibuses:IIMinibuses with seats for 12 ;金,r 皿叶垃 曲;® alternative n.可供选择的

16、 passengers offer an alternative © to ;:事物expensive taxis and crowded public ; ;® crowded public transport transport in some areas. They ;run regular services and follow the :拥挤的公共交通, same routes as large public buses. ;crowded adj,作定语。IAnd in a minibus you always get a ;Iseat even in rush

17、 hours.:原文呈现?I IUnderground:I There are four underground ! lines in Beijing, and several lines ;I are under construction®. Trains :II are fast and convenient©, but :I rush hours can be terrible. A ;II one-way trip ® costs 3 :I ywan.Station names are marked ;I in piny in.The undergroun

18、d is :JIopen from 5: 00 am to 11: 00 pm.:读文清障 under construction 正在建设之中 convenient/ konVi:niont/aJ/.方便的一般不用人作主语。can可能,表示“一时的可能性”,用于肯定的陈述句中。®a one-way trip 单程be marked in用(某种语言、颜色等)做标记原文呈现?Pedicabs©Tourists like these :I human-pedalled © a tricycle !I taxis” , but they can be ;I I expe

19、nsive. You should talk to the !I driver, and make sure you know ;II the price before you begin the ;II journey, for example,if it is per ;I I person,single© or return®. ;读文清障卜© pedicab n.三轮脚踏车 ® human-pedalled adj.人力驱动的,脚踏的pedal/fpedl/rt& 可骑车;® tricycle/ftral si kl/兀三轮脚踏

20、车 ® single/©昭/ 单程票® return/rrt3:rVn.往返票Tricycles are worth using© ;II if you want to explore ©the!narrow alleys® (hutong) of!Iold Beijing!原文呈现;读文清障! ©be worth doing值得做加强语气时,常用well修饰worth o© explore/l WspHoJvt.探索®alleyn.胡同,小巷®if you want .是if引导的条件状语从句

21、。小型公共汽车如果嫌出租车贵、公交车拥挤的话,在有些地方,你可以乘坐有12个座位的小公共汽车。它们跟大型公共汽车走同样的 路线,提供常规服务。在小型公共汽车上,即使在高峰期也总 能找到空位。地铁 北京有四条地铁线,还有几条线也正在建设之中。地铁快捷方便,但是,交通高峰时段情况就可能非常糟糕。地铁票价 单程为3元,站名用拼音标注,运营时间为早上5点到晚上11点。三轮脚踏车游客们喜欢这些人力驱动的"三轮脚踏车”,但价格可能会很贵。因此开始你的旅行之前要先跟车夫交谈,确保弄清楚 价格,例如,明确价钱是否按人数计算、是单程还是往返双程 的问题。如果你想去老北京窄小的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车是值

22、得一坐的。川题精做把课文读通Step 1Pre-readingQ Please match the words with their proper meanings.1 wireA. /执照;许可证2. suburbanB. /i电线3 displayc. °妙郊区的;市郊的4. permitD. 展示;陈列5 receiptE. W.提供6. fareF.仏收据M. 目的地;终点N.仇伉给人印象深刻的7. destination8 provide9. convenient10. limit11 single12. return13 explore14. impressiveG. 仏

23、车费H. W限制I. 单程票J. 往返票K.仇伉方便的L. 九探索答案:15 BCDAF 610GMEKH11 14 LJLNLead-inLook at the picture and answer the following questions.What can you see in it?Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam?How long were you in the jam?参考答案 :I can see cars are streaming in and a traffic jam is developing. I got stuc

24、k in a traffic jam last Sunday. I was in the jam for almost one hour.Step 2While-readingFast-readingChoose the best answers according to the text.1. What should you do if you want to take a taxi?A Check the driver, s business permit.B Ask for a receipt.C. Go to the station.D. Both A and B.2. What ca

25、n we learn from the text about the buses in Beijing?A All the buses can travel within the city centre.B They are very expensive.C They can get crowded.D All the buses run from about 5: 00 am to midnight.3 You should take a minibus if you A. travel with 12 more friendsB want to travel fasterC. think

26、that taxis are too expensive and buses are too crowdedD want to travel different routes from the large public buses4. Which will you choose for a visit of narrow alleys of old Beijing?A. Taxis.B. Buses.C. Underground.D. Pedicabs.5. According to the text, we can conclude that in BeijingA there will b

27、e more pedicabsB there will be more underground linesC there will be more minibusesD there will be more trolleybuses答案:15 DCCDBIll Careful-reading(I )True (T) or False (F).1 Taxis usually show the price per kilometre on the door. F_2. Buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited to travel outside the city.3.

28、 You can seldom get a seat on a minibus in rush hours.4. You have to pay 3 yuan for a one-way ticket if you takeunderground.5 You" d better take pedicabs if you want to see the alleys inBeijing.(II )Read the text again and fill in the chart with the information in the text.Means of transportWor

29、king hoursAdvantagesDisadvantagesTaxis24 hoursEasy to get1. ExpensiveBuses and trolleybuses5: 00 am midnight2. CheapCrowded3. MinibusesAlways get a seatOnly 4,12 seats for passengersUnderground5: 00 am 11: 00 pmFast and5. convenientTerrible in6 rush hours7. Pedicabs8. Explore the narrow alleysExpens

30、iveStudy-readingAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1. Tourists shouldn, t miss the 103 bus which offers one of themost impressive routes, past the Forbidden City and theWhite Pagoda in Beihai Park.句式分析主干句 f fourists shouldn't miss the 103 buswhich引导限制性定语从句9修饰103 buswhich offer

31、s one of the most impressive routes介词短语作定语,修饰routespast the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda 尝试翻译游客们不应错过103路公共汽车,它途经紫禁城和北海公园的白塔,沿途风景令人印象深刻。2 You should talk to the driver, and make sure you know theprice before you begin the journey, for example, if it is per person, single or return.句式分析并列连词主干句: You should talk to the driver, and make sure .宾语从句一you know the price for example, if it is per person, single 时间状语从句 插入语宾语从句二before you begin the journey1=1尝试翻译因此开始你的旅行之前要先跟车夫交谈,确保弄清楚价格,例如,明确价格是否按人数计算、是单程还是往返双程的问题。(卑L击进入电子文档)“课时跟踪检测”见“课时跟踪练(一)”


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