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1、技能考试试题WEBLOGIC LV1版本修改记录此文档仅供上海倚博审阅不得向与此无关的个人或机构传阅或复制修改记录日期作者版本修改记录审阅记录审阅人职位分发记录姓名单位目录文档信息 2(一)理论知识 4(二)实际操作 9(一)理论知识1、判断是否正确:一个包含多个WebLogic 服务器的域只能有一个管理服务器,其它服务器称为受管服务器。每个WebLogic 受管服务器都会在启动时从管理服务器得 至U各自的属性配置。(对)2、判断是否正确:域是一个完备的管理单元。向域里分发应用的时候,该应用的各组 成部分只能分发到域之内的服务器上。如果域中包含集群,那么集群中的所有服务 器都必须属于同一个域。

2、(对)3、判断是否正确:在生产环境中,系统的典型配置是这样的:应用及业务逻辑组件被分发在多个受管服务器上,而管理服务器则负责配置及监控受管服务器。管理服务 器的作用是配置与监控受管服务器。如果管理服务器宕机了,部署在受管服务器上 的应用无法继续处理客户端的请求;(错)4、简述WebLogic节点管理器的两个优点假设某个实例突然由于错误异常中断,NM会自动将其重启通过NM客户端(控制台或者 wist )可以不需要登录 server所在主机启动服务5、在生产环境中,安装完 weblogic后,还有一个重要的步骤需要去完成,不然在系统 在运行过程后会报如下错误:<Sep 13, 2010 10

3、:52:59 AM CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000211> <Connection rejected, the server license allows connections from only 5 unique IP addresses.请回答该步骤主要是做什么工作?答: 验证 WLS的liscenee文件6、在创建完一个 Domain后,启动weblogic server的时候,每次都会提示你要输入用 户名和密码。针对此问题,该如何解决?请区分 weblogic8版本和weblogic8以后

4、 的版本的区别,分别作答?答: 仓U建 username=xxx password=xxx。一个是直接将 security 放在domain 目录下,另外一个是要放在 security 目录下7、简述配置weblogic集群的必要条件。Liscenee、同一网段/UDP可达到的、静态IP、Server版本一致& 如何在weblogic上将某一个 web app设置为缺省的 web应用?答: 在 web.xml 或者 weblogic.xml 中,添力口 <content-root>/</content-root>9、简述weblo

5、gic发布应用的nostage和stage模式?表述二者的优缺点。答: 仅1个AdminServer上需要部署应用,默认nostage,若部署在 ManagedServer上,为stage。Stage模式需要将应用分发到severs目录下的stage中,再进行部署,若应用过大,分发速度缓慢。 Nostage无需分发,直接部署,但是若ManagedServer与应用分 布在不同物理主机,那么部署缓慢,因为要考虑网络因素。10、Weblogic server8版本和9版本存放应用缓存的路径分别在哪里? 答:11、请简述servlet的运行流程。 答:12、当在weblogic.xml和web.xm

6、l里同时设置了 session超时的参数后,以哪个为准?如果能说明设置session超时的几个特殊数值更佳。答:13、When Oracle is stopped and restarted (either in a con trolled fashi on or due to a databasefailure), how to make WebLogic detect this and rebuild its JDBC pool ?答:14、集群服务器通过哪两种方式相互通信?请简述。答:多播 单播。多播,每个 server监听在多播地址:端口。单播:每个server监听在自己独立的ip,端

7、口,每个组最多10个server,第一个进组的server为这个组的leader, 一旦这个组中成员发出广播,首先传给组长,组长传给组中其他成员和其他组长。单播只有在WLS10+版本才出现,消耗带宽大于多播。但是当servers并非在一个子网并且路由不支持多播的,就只能选择单播通信。15、集群组播地址的范围?答:、请描述造成集群组播错误的可能原因。答:组播地址:端口问题(确保可用)、WLS版本问题、物理网络问题(同一网段,网络连 接有没有问题)、组播心跳问题、组播风暴问题17、Weblogic控制台对JDBC连接池监控。在对JDBC连接池监

8、控中,那三个重要参数可以反应 WebLogic Server的健康状况。同时,对三个重要参数做解释。答:18、Click on the Exhibit butt on.Seen ario : You have made the decisi on to migrate all your operati ons onto WebLogic Server. Anapplicati on has bee n chose n from each departme nt for the in itial phase of migrati on ?one from each ofSales, Market

9、i ng, Acco un ts, and Customer Service. The applicati ons will be deployed as in dividual EARfiles to a cluster of WebLogic Server 10.x in sta nces, each with a pool of connections to an Oracle 10gdatabase that provides corporate and departme ntal data services. The database team hopes to upgradethe

10、 database to use Oracle RAC (Real Applicati on Clusters) shortly, which will require you to con figuremultiple sets of conn ecti ons. Conn ectivity to the exist ing Service Engin eer Dispatch system is via a JMSmessage bridge. When a service engin eer calls in with a report, a message is sent via JM

11、S to theCustomer Service applicati on deployed in WebLogic Server. The customer record in the CustomerService database must be updated with details from the message. It is importa nt that the message is notlost because the call man ageme nt system is not able to rese nd messages. To address this, th

12、e CustomerService applicati on is access ing a persiste nt JMS Queue using an XA compatible conn ecti on factory.The database security team in sists that any use of the corporate Oracle database can be traced to thein dividual user that made the request. How can this be achieved whe n using WebLogic

13、 JDBC DataSources?A. Set the En able Crede ntial Mapp ing property for the Data Source.B. Set In itial Capacity to zero, so each user creates a new connection.C. Set the value of user to WLS_USER in the Properties field.D. This can only be done using applicatio n code.E. This cannot be done because

14、Data Sources connect using a sin gle user name.19、An applicati on-wide deployme nt pla n was used to deploy an applicatio n. Based on post-performa nee diag no sis, the HTTP post size n eeds to be reduced. Follow ing would be a valid approach:A. Con figure the http maximum post size value in the exi

15、sti ng deployme nt pla n for redeplo ying using the weblogic.Deployer utility.B. Update the http maximum post size for the application using weblogic.Deployer.C. Use weblogic.Pla nGen erator to update http maximum post size con figurati on and redeploy theapplicati on.D. Use weblogic.Adm in to set a

16、uto-t un e-http-sett ing to be true and redeploy the applicati on.Seen ario : A multi-cluster architecture, with two geographically separated clusters (WAN-1 and WAN-2), isbeing created. It will provide cross-cluster WAN HTTP session failover. The WAN-1 cluster is located inLondon and the WAN-2 clus

17、ter is located in New York and is conn ected via a slowin terc onn ect. The clie ntrequest passes through a Global load bala ncer which load bala nces the request to local load bala ncerswhich even tually pass the load to WebLogic Server in sta nces in the cluster. Four WebLogic Serverin sta nces wi

18、ll be running on each cluster distributed on two physical mach in es, two WebLogic in sta nces perphysical mach ine. A database is con figured on each cluster for HTTP Sessi on state failover betwee n theclusters.If the admin server for New York cluster crashes, what will be the effect on in ter-clu

19、ster com muni cati on betwee n the two sites?A. There's no effect on the in ter-cluster com muni cati on betwee n the two sitesB. JDBC sessi on flush ing betwee n two sites will be affected and will only be restarted on the Adm in serverreboot.C. I ntra-cluster multicasti ng will be affected and

20、 in ter-cluster com mun icati on will slow dow n betwee n thesites.D. The Man aged Servers will lose sessi on stick in ess and the server Health state will be cha nged tosuspend.Both c and d(二)实际操作1、如何测试weblogic的proxy应用配置成功?请对你的操作过程和结果进行截图。2、Weblogic Server 8.1及以后的版本提供了一个MulticastMonitor的工具,用来监控指定的M

21、ultiCast地址和端口的组播流量。另外,请利用utils.MuticastTest实用程序debug下你配置的多播地址和端口。请对你的操作过程和结果进行截图。<multicast_address>javaweblogic.cluster.MulticastM on itor<multicast_port> <doma in_n ame> <cluster_ name<doma in dir>3、在WEBLOGIC81上模拟一个JDBC连接池泄漏的案例。请对你的操作过程和结果进 行截图。4、如何修改 WebLogic 9.x /10.x默认线程池大小


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