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1、Word文档仅供参考邀请函样本邀请函样本尊敬的xx:您好!感谢您长期以来对xx公司的信任、关心和支持!XX公司在国家、 省、市各级政府的大力支持下, 一直坚持以提高企业自主创新能力为 主线,全面建立和完善国家级技术创新体系,从2021年至今公司科技创新工作取得突飞猛进的进展,期间取得了许多高科技含量的成果。 这些科技成果取得离不开公司科技工作者的 辛勤工作,更离不开国家、省、市各级领导的关心与支持。为了将公司取得的科技成果更好的向各位领导进行汇报和展示,以寻求领导给予高屋建瓴的指导,xx公司定于12月6日召开公司科技创新大会,届时恭请各位领导于百忙之中拨冗莅临会议,并予以指导!专此诚邀,敬祈惠

2、允!如蒙应允,请在11月30日前以回执告知,以便安排接待等事宜。总经理:XXXX公司二Oxx年十一月十九日中国签证邀请函样本To Chin ese Embassy / Con sulate,I hereby in vite the followi ng in dividual to visit Chi na, whose in formatio n is listed below:被邀请人信息In formatio n of the in vited party姓名Name (as appeared on passport)性不Gen der男 Male 女 Female出生日期Date of

3、 Birth护照号码Passport Number访问目的(探亲、访友、旅游等)Purpose of visit ing China (Visit ing relatives, frien ds, tourist, etc)访问都市Cities to visitDate of arrival in China谁将承担往返中国及在中国的费用?Who will pay for travellivi ng e_pense邀请人姓名或单位Name of inviter与被邀请人的关系Relati on ship betwee n in viter and the invited邀请人联系 In vit

4、ers Chin ese pho ne number邀请人地址In viters address in China邀请人签名Sig nature of inviter美国探亲签证邀请函样本September 10, 20 xxWen hao Cui5540 Parker Street,Burnaby, BC, V5B 1Z7RE Invitation Letter for Wenqi CuiDear Sir/Madam:I, Wenhao Cui (Passport No. :) , would like to invite my sister, Wenqi Cui (PassportNo.

5、:) to Canada to stay with me for about ten days starting from October 22.As my whole family (my wife Xua n Deng, my 4-year-old son Jiacha ng Cui and I) have moved to Can ada un der in depe ndent visa program and have n&rsq uo;t see n my pare nts and sister for a long time, we missed them very mu

6、ch. Even though we really want to come back to see them it’s not so easy for us to spare time. It is a pity that my parents might not be able to visit us due to their age and health situation. So, my wife Xuan and I would like to invite my dear sister to visit us. The purpose of the visit

7、is family reunion. She will stay with us at the above address and I will be responsible for all the e_penses including the round trip airfare to Canada, food, hous ing travelli ng with in Can ada.I have been missing them so much, since I left home a long time. I even dreamt of meeting them every night. I will make sure that she will leave Canada before the e_piration of their authorized day.Please ki ndly gra nt her a Temporary Reside nt Visa.Please do not hesitate to con tact me via +1-778-330-7338, if you have any concerns.Best regards,Sig natureWord文档仅供参考


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