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1、HVAC系统中15项具有节能潜力的技术美国能源部(DOE) J 2002年出了一份报告,报吿中给出了其对丁目前暖通空调领域的55项 节能技术(表1所示)发展潜力研究的结果,根据该一结果选出了 15项极貝潜力的技术(表1中着 重加黑项),并对于该15项技术在目前的技术研究水平、节能潜力、工程经济性、目前发展的困难、 下一步研究的方向做了着重阐述。Component (24): Advanced Conpressors口 Advanced Desiccant Material Backward-Curved/Airfoil Blower Copper Rotor Motor Direct-CoHe

2、at Exchanger Electrodyramic Heat Transfer Electronically Commutated Permanent Magnet Motor (ECPM)口 Electrostatic Filter Heat Pipe High-Efficiency (Custom) Fan Blades High-Temperature Superconducting Motor Hydrocarbon RefngerantImproved Duct Sealinglj Larger Fan Blade Low-Pressure Refngerant MicroCha

3、nnel Heat Exchanger口 Refngerant Additive (to Enhance Heat Transfer) Smaller Centrifugal Compressors Twin-Single Compressor口 TwoSpeed Motor Unconventional (Microscale) Heal Pipe Variable-Pitch Fans Vanable-Speed Drive Zeotropic RefngerantEqvipmem (10):J Dual-Compressor ChillerDual-Source Heat Pump Ec

4、onomizer Enthalpy.'Energy Recovery Heat Exchangers for VentilationEngme-Dnven Heat Punip Geound-Source Heat Pump Heat Pump for Cold Climates Liquid Desiccant Air Conditioner Modulating Eoiler/Fumace Phase Change InsulationSystems (T4): /Mi-Water (versus All-Air) Systems Alternative Air Treatment

5、 (to reduce OA) Apply Energy Model to Properly Size HVAC equipnientChemical Heat/Cooling Generali on Demand-Control Ventilation Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems Displacement Ventilation Ductl ess Split System Mass Customization of HVAC Equipment Microenvironment (Taskimbient Conditioning) Novel Cool St

6、orage Natural Refrigerants Radiant Ceiling Cool in g/C hi lied Beam Variable Refrigerant Volume/FlowCoiurofs J Operations (7): Adaptive/Fuzzy Logic HVAC Control Building Automation SystemJ CompleteRetro CommissioningFinite State Machine ConirolPerson Thermostat (e.g. Ring Thermostat)Regular Mantenan

7、ce System-C ompon eirt Performa nee Di ag nostics表1暖通空调领域55项节能技术该15项技术分别是:1. 自适丿2/模糊逻華i:控制系统(Adaptive/Fuzzy Logic Controls)2. 独工新风系统(Dedicated Outdoor Air System )3. 冒换通风(Displacement VentllaUon)4. ECPM 的使用(Electronically commutated permanent magnet motors)5. 通风系统屮的焙/能吊冋收热交换器(Enthalpy/Energy Recover

8、y Heat Exchangers For Venlilation )6. 寒冷地区热亲(冬度热亲)(Heat Pumps For Cold Climates (Zero-Degree Heat Pump)7. 先进的风管密封技术(Improved Duct Sealing)8. 除湿剂空调系统(Liquid Desiccant Air Conditioners)9. 微通道热交换器(MicroChannel Heat Exchanger)10. 1'位环境/需求侧控制(Microenvironments/Occupancy-Based Control)11. 基于相变材料的蓄冷(热)

9、(Novel Cool Storage)12. 冷辐射吊顶(Radiant Ceiling Cooling/Chilled Beam)13. 小型离心式压缩机(Smaller Centrifugal Compressors)14. 系统/部件诊断(System/Component Diagnostics)15. 变制冷剂流砒系统(Variable Refrigerant Volume/Flow)一.综合比较DOE为了评价比校这些节能技术,制定了三项指标:(a) . “技术卩能潜力 ”(Technical energy savings potential)。它的泄义为一项 U运川了一节能技术,并

10、假设该技术在设备选用、系统设计、运行管理方面的要求可以得到满足的 前提卜,其与典熨(常规)系统比较,一年可以节省的能耗的比例(b) .“技术研究水TTechnology Status)它给出了该节能技术冃询所处J:的研究应用阶段。其分为三个阶段:Current技术已有应用,但仍未商品化。New技术已经商骷化,但仍没有在普通建筑中的HVAC设备系统中得以应用。Advanced技术已经商品化,并有实际匸程应用,但仍需进一步的研究和发展。(c) .“简单回收期"(simple payback period儿其定义为:_运用该技术所增加的投资一运用该技术后的能耗费用-典熨(常规)系统的能耗费

11、用可以看到,在SPP中没仃考渥利率的彩响,因此就是静态回收期。表2给出了针对“技术节能潜力”和“技术研究水平”,对该15项节能技术的比较。Technology OptionTechnology StatusTechnical Energy Savings Potential (quads)Adaptive/Fuzzy Logic ControlsNow0.23Dedicated Outdoor Air SystemsCurrent0.45Displacement VentiationCurrent0.20Electronically Comminated Permanent Magnet Mo

12、torsCurrent0.15Enthalpy/Energy Recovery Heat Exchangers for ventilationCurrent0.55Heat Pumps for Cold Climates (ZeroDegree Heat Pump)Advanced01Improved Duct SealingCurrent/New0.23Liquid Desiccant Air ConOtionersAdvanced0.2/0 06'Microchannel Heat ExchangerNew0.11Microenvironmems / Occupancy-Based

13、 ControlCurrent0.07Novel Cool StorageCurrent0.2/ 0.032Radiant Ceiling Cooling / Chilled BeamCurrent0.6Smaller Centrifugal ConpressorsAdvanced0.15System/Component DiagnosticsNew0.45variawe Retngerant volume.4zlowCurrent0.3表2 15项节能技术的指标比较1)图1给出了针对“技术能潜力”和“简单回收期”,刈该15项节能技术的比较。-.sluelod duu-Aaes AUJCU 山

14、代Yli uueH【spesb】0.2Radiut Caliu CoMlii CliiJUd Beim.Endulpv Egrgy Rtccnn Hen Excluiijen far VMtilatiou卜.S、FfflL Conposwit DugasbcDwhcued OatdwrAir SyuemsSaullx <«tnfngalConfess onScrodunBel Heat ExclangerBra 皿 s DC k MotorsLiquid Deu«ant Air Coodioonen.Zorchlkjree Hear PumpImproved Duct

15、Di*plx#nMne Veshb oq0.310S im pie Payback Period Years图115项节能技术的指标比较(1)表3按节能的方而给上述15项技术进行了分类。减少能源消耗的方面相关技术分别解决通风需求和负荷需求独立新风系统冷辐射笊顶除湿剂空调系统通风系统能虽回收逊换通风解决HVAC系统中的通病"适应/模糊逻辑控制先进的风竹密封技术系统/部件诊断改善需求侧控制丁位空调置换通风变制冷剂流呈自适应/模糊逻笹控制改善部分负荷运行特性ECPM的使川小型离心式压缩机变制冷剂流虽表3 15项技术按节能方面的分类农4给出了上述15项技术在除卩能方面其他的技术优势其他技术优


17、射吊顶变制冷剂流虽更多的"演示”应用世换通风先进的风管密封技术冷辐射用顶变制冷剂流虽更好的市场环境ECPM的使用通风系统能虽|“1收微通道热交换谿表5该走的“下一步”二分述1门适应/模糊逻轉控制系统(Adaptive/Fuzzy Logic Controls)CharacteristicResultCommentsTechnical MaturityNewSignificant R&D vwxk has been done, but adoption of Adaptive or Fuzzy Logic has been rare in mainstream commerci

18、al HVACSystems Imjwicted by TechnologyAll HVAC SystemsReadily Retrofrt into Existing Equipment-Buildings?YesReleva m Primary Eneroy Consumption (quads)4.5Technical Energy Savings Potential (quads)0.23Based on very rough 5% energy savings estimate applied to all HVAC systemsApproximate Simple Payback

19、 PeriodVariesThe woe range of implementation scenanos for fuzzy and adaptive control hs a t)road range of economic attractiveness Equi pment already incorporating electronic control can much more easily be programmed for fuzzy or adaptive control than equipment currently using conventional controlsN

20、oil-Energy BenefitsImproved occupant conifortAntiapaiion of future (e.g., next hour) HVAC needs fori mproved control Learni ngw of system characteristics to improve controlNotable Developers-Mainifacturers of Tech nologyMajor Control Vendors, i.e. Honeywell. Johnson Controls. Invensys, etcPeak Deman

21、d ReductionYesMost Promising ApplicationsHVAC Systems with a vdde range of important energynntensive operating conditionsTechnology “Next Stepsf, Properly Identify Energy Loss Associated wth Inadequate Operation with Conventional Control Denx)nstratjofi Development of Test Standards to Quantify/Demo

22、nstrate Benefits Monitor Implementation by Control Vendors2. 独工新风系统(Dedicated Outdoor Air System)CharacteristicResultCommentsTechnical MaturityCurrentSystems Impacted by TechnolooyA1IHVAC equipnie ntHeating, cooling, and ventilation systemsReadily Retrofit into Existing Equipment-Buildings?DependsA

23、DOAS needs many more duct conn ectionsRelevant Primary Energy Ccnsumption (quads)4 0 quadsAll norvindividual cool inc and ventilation systems; OA heating energyTechnical Eneroy Savings Potential (quads)0 4 to 0 5 quads 10% reduction in heating 17% reduction in cooling Approximately no net impact on

24、ventilation energyApproxiniate Simple Payback PeriodPotentially immediatePotentially lower first cost (in new construction and major renovation); includes benefit of additional rentable spaceNon Eneroy BenefitsImproved humidity control and occupant comfortBy delivering more appropriaxe space conditi

25、oning to different zones, zonal control decreases temperature swngs, improving occupant comfort and possibly increasing productivity. In applications with small indoor humidity loads and low infiltration, a DOAS allows d&-coupling of the la:ent and sensible load management by managing the OA (pr

26、imary) humidity source separately.Notable Developers Manutacturers of TechnologySeveralPenn State University. EPRI. McClure EngineeringPeak Demand ReductionYesYes, by ensuring only that occupied areas receive space conditioning during peak dema nd periods; 3 DOAS further reduces peak demand by decre

27、asing OA coding loads, which approach maximum values during peaK demand periods.Most Promising ApplicationsBuildings with large amounts ofvanably occupied space, such as office buildings, hospitals or schools DOAS systems provide larger benefits in regions Miere the OA condiuoning burden is larger.T

28、echnology “Next Steps'Denionstraon of energy saving and superior humidity control, design softu/ae3. 毘换通风(Displacement Ventilation)CharacterisiicResultCommentsTechnical MaturityCurrentMost commonly deployed in Northern EuropeSystems Impacted by TechnologyCentral and packaged HVAC systemsReadily

29、Retrofit into Existing Equipment/Buildings?NoDisplacenient ventilation typically requires resiuciunng of ductwork and larger diftusers (sometimes incorporated into a raised floor) to provide low-velocity air at sufficient flow rates Supply and return fans typically must be replaced.Relevarrt Primary

30、 Energy Consumption (quads1.9Cooling energy and supply/retum fan loads associated with central and packaged HVAC systems.Technical Energy Savings Potential (quads>0 20Based ona 046 quad coding energy reduction , coupled Mh a 0.26 supply and return fan energy increaseApproximate Simple Payback Per

31、iod3.5 to 20 yearsHighly dependent on di mate, with varmer climates paying back more quickly. Most climates would see 5 to 10-year payback periodsNon-Energy BeriefitsImproved lndcx>r Air QualityStratined air traps thermally-linked pollutants above the occupied zone (i.e. above breathing level)Not

32、able Developers/Manufacturers of TechnologyUC Berkley. MIT, International Air Technoi ogies, European Architecture firms.UC Berkley: Center for the Built Environment MIT Building Technology GroupPeak Demand ReductionYesFrcm a reduction in peak cooling power drawMost Promising ApplicationsBuildings w

33、ith high ceilings that have moderate peak cooling load densities (<13 Btu/hr-ff). large annual cooling energy consumption, and require small quantities of fresh air with high air quality, e.g. offices, public buildings. Within a building, HVAC zones in *core" areas are attractive for displac

34、enient ventilation because they have moderate peak coding loads relative to window areas, but consistent year-round cooling loacs.TechnologyNext steps"Demonstration projects document! ng energy savings while complying Mtn biiiiaing cooes (pemaps smng witn publication ot case stuaes for existing

35、 buildings in Europe.4. ECPM 的便川(Electronically commutated permanent magnet motors)CharacteristicResultCommentsTechnical MaturityCurrentECPM motors of greater than 1HP are not yet available in the niarhetSystems Impacted by TechnologyAIIHVAC motors, i.e., fans and pumpsAlmost allot the benefits from

36、 ECPMs are for ratings smaller than 2 HPReadily Retrofit into Existing Equipment-Buildi nos?YesParticularty for ventilation systems and pumps less so for compressorsRelevam Primary Energy Consumption (quads)2.9 f 0.7In practice, ECPMs prinanly realize cost-effective energy savings advantage for frac

37、tional HP ratings (0 7 quads for fractional HP motors)Technical Energy Savings Potential (quads>015Considering only exhaust fan, unitary condenser fans, and RAC, PTAC, Small and Medium unitaiy blowersApproximate Simple Payback Period2 5* YearsLowest for very smallHP) motors, increases withmotor s

38、izeNon-Energy BenefitsImproved occupant comfortOnly for variable-speed operation, as this enables better matching of ventilation and heating/80iing needs., decreasing temperature swings.Notable DeYelopers»Manufacturers of TechnologyA.O. Smith, Poweitec Industnal Corporation. General Eelectric,

39、Emerson, AMETEKPeak Demand ReductionDependsFor fractional HP ratings, ECPMs offer substantial cost- effective peak demand reductions In integral HP applications, where ECPMs provide relatively small cost- effective efficiency gains, electronic drive input current harmonic distortion may corrupt powe

40、r quality 讪ere there is intensive use of these unitsMost Promising ApplicationsFractional HP motors (e.g.Jor exhaust fans)Technology “Next Steps?,Cost reduction of ECPMs5. 通风系统中的焙/能彊回收热交换器(Enthalpy/Energy Recovery Heat Exchangers For Ventilation)CharacteristicResultCommentsTechnical MaturityCurrentV

41、eiy limited (1%) share of potential app icationsSystems Impacted by TechnologyLarge fraction of all ventilation make-up air handling unitsNeed exhaust air from building to be directed close to where air intake is loca:ed Building envelope needs to be 'reasonably tiqht so that small positive irxl

42、oof air pressure can be mantai nod without losing ail make-up air to exfiltrationReadily Retrofit into Existing Eq ui pinenUBuild ings ?YesSubject to limitations noted aboveRelevant Primary Energy Consumption (quads)1L3Energy consumed to condition (heat or cool) ventilation make-up air to Intenor te

43、n<)erature/huniid ityTechnical Energy Savings Potential (quads)0.5 to 0.6Reduces OA conditioning (heating and cooling) energyand associated distriixiDon energy Dy -65%; consumes additional energy for pressure dropApproximate Simple Payback Period1-3 YearsVaries with location and building type.Non

44、-Energy BenefitsImproved humidity control and occupant comfortReduces cycling of AHUs and heating and cooling systems to decrease temperature swingsNotable Deve lopers/ Manufacturers of TechnologyAirxchange. Aaon、Siebu Geiken, Semco, MuntersPeak Demand ReductionYes, significantcooling energy and pow

45、einput savings occur in the hottest weather, signifiesntly reducing peak demand at the same time that the electric grid overall is experiencing peak demand.Most Promising ApplicationsBuildings in hot-humid climates or cold dimates.Technology "Next StepsDemonstration - pefformance, cost savings,

46、 and relial)ility Education 一 dissemnate credible information on performance and economics6 寒冷地区热泵(冬度热泵)(Heat Pumps For Cold Climates (Zero-Degree Heat Pump) CharacteristicResultCommentsTechnical MaturityAdvanced/new3-4 yearsSystems Impacted by TechnologySpace h&at -NorthReadily Retrofit into Existing EquipinentBuil dings?DependsYeifair distrilxition duciwo哝 exists for warm airdistribution (replacing gas-fired unit Mth a heat pump unit).Noif no ductwork exists, eg., heat is by individual room electnc resistance heating units.Relevant Primary En


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