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1、实用文档ICS 31. 020L10Record No.SJElectronicIndustryStandard of the People ' s Republic ofChi naSJ/T 11364 2014Replaci ng SJ/T 11364 2006Marking for the restriction of the use of hazardous substances in electronic and electricalproducts文案大全Implemented on January 01,Issued on July 9, 20142015Issued b

2、y Ministry ofIn dustry and In formatio n Tech no logy of the Peoples Republic of ChinaSJ/T 11364 2014PrefaceThis Sta ndard is drafted in accorda nee with the rules in GB/T1.1-2009This Sta ndard will replace and n ullify SJ/T 113642006, Marki ng Requireme nts for Con trol ofPollutio n Caused by Elect

3、ro nic In formatio n Products.The major cha nges of this Sta ndard are as follows in comparis on with SJ/T 11364 2006a) In Name and Scope,“electronic information products ” in SJ/T 11364-2006 is changed to“electronic and electrical products” ,“pollution control” to“restricted use ofhazardous substan

4、ces ”;b) Add ing expla nati on of refere nee use for logistics processes (see Secti on 1);c) Deleti ng no rmative refere nee docume nts GB 18455, Package Recycli ng Markings (See SJ/T 11364-2006, Section 2);d) Adding terms and definitions of“electronic and electrical products” ,“ hazardoussubstanee

5、” and “ logistics ” (see 3.1,3.2 and 3.7) and deleting terms and definitions concerning "electronicinformationproduct", “toxic and hazardous substanee ” ,“producer ”“importer ” and “packaging material ” in SJ/T 11364 2006 (see SVT11364-2006 3.1,3.2,3.4,3.5 and 3.7);e) Adding marking for el

6、ectronicand electrical products with display function with digitalformat marki ng;f) Deleti ng pack ing material n ame marki ng requireme nt (see SJ/T 113642006 Secti on 9).Please note that some contents of this documentmay invoIve patents. The releaseorganizationof this docume nt shall not be resp

7、on sible for ide ntify ing these pate nts.This Sta ndard was proposed by the Electro nic In formatio n Product Pollutio n Con trol Stan dardsWork Group of the Mi nistry of In dustry and In formatio n Tech no logy.This Standard is under the jurisdiction of the China Electrical Standardization Institu

8、teChina Electrical Standardization Institute and Motorola (China) Solutions Co., Ltd. wereresp on sible for the draft ing of the sta ndard.The un its that participated in draft ing of this Stan dard: see Appe ndix A.The main drafters for this Sta ndard: Meng Yang, Shuoxia ng Han and Xinjia n Zhang.T

9、his Sta ndard was first released in 2006.SJ/T 11364 2014In troductio nDue to the n eeds of tech no logiesand product functions, some electro nic and electrical product materialscontain hazardous substa nces such as lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavale nt chromium, polybro min atedbiphe ny Is,and polybro

10、 min ated diphe nyl ethers, etc. In order to preve nt the adverse effects of products that contain the these substances on human health and the environment after their use and being discarded and to further standardizethe markings forelectronicand electricalproducts, based on Management Methods fort

11、he Controlof Pollutionfrom ElectronicInformationProduct (OrderNo. 39 of the former Ministry of Information Industry)and by referencing related intern ati onal sta ndards and in dustrial practices, the former Mini stry ofIn formation In dustry released SJ/T 111364 2006, Marki ng for Control of Pollut

12、ion Caused by Electro nicIn formatio n Product,.With the n eed for revisi on of the Man ageme nt Methods for the Con trol of Polluti on from Electro nicInformation Products and the needs of enterprises for image display markings and markings for logisticsprocesses duri ng the sta ndard's use for

13、 their products, SJ/T 111364 2006 has gradually become in adequatein fully application. The goal of the formulation of this Standard is to solve the these problems and provide further elaborate and perfect the marki ng requireme nts for electro nic and electrical products in order to improve the env

14、ironment, facilitate application, implement national policies and regulations, and reduceen terprise man ageme nt costs.SJ/T 11364 2014Marking for the restrict ion of the use of hazardous substa nces in electr onic and electrical products1. ScopeThis Stan dard defi nes the marking requireme nts for

15、hazardous substa nces in electr onic and electrical products, the environmen tal protecti on use period and recyclability.This Stan dardis applicable to the electro nic and electrical productsthat are sold with inthe People 's Republic of China and also can be used for reference for electr onic

16、and electrical product logistics.2. Normative Refere nee Docume ntThe followingdocuments are indispensablefor the application of this document. For the dated refereneedocume nts, only the dated versions are applicable to this docume nt; for the un dated reference docume nts, only the latest vers ion

17、s (in cludi ng all the revisi ons) are applicable to this docume nt.GB/T 26572 the limit requireme nt for hazardous substa nces in electro nic and electrical products.3. Terms and Defin iti onsThe following terms and definitions are applicable to this Standard.3.1Electr onic and electrical productsE

18、EPDevices and accessories with rated working electrical voltages that do not exceed 1500V direct current and do not exceed 1000V alter nati ng curre nt and work by means of curre nt or electromag netic fields or with the aim of gen erati ng, tran smitt ing and measuri ng curre nts and electromag net

19、ic fields.3.2Hazardous Substa ncesRefer to lead and its compo unds, mercury and its compo un ds, cadmium and its compo unds, hexavale ntchromium compo un ds, polybro min atedbiphe ny Is,and polybro min ateddiphe nyl ethers that are contained in theelectr onic and electrical products.Note:“ contained

20、 ” in this Standard means that the contents of hazardous substances exceed the limitrequireme nts set forth in GB/T 26572.3.3Environmen tally Frie ndly Use PeriodRefers to the period duri ng which the hazardous substa nces contained in the electr onic and electrical products do not leak or mutate su

21、ddenly under normal operating conditions and will not result in serious environmental pollution or cause serious damage to the users' body or their assets during the normal use by the user of the electr onic and electrical products.3.4Recovery实用文档Refers to the process of treatment of discarded p

22、roducts so that they can meet their originaluse purposeor be used for other purposes, in clud ing the recovery and utilizati on of en ergy.SJ/T 11364 2014GBBT 20861-2007, definition 2.113.5LogisticsRefers to the en tity flow process of goods from the suppl ying place to the receivi ng place. It is t

23、he dynamic integrationof transportation,storage, loading and unioading, packaging, circulationprocessing,dispatch ing, in formati on process ing and other basic functions based on actual n eeds.GBZT 18354-2006, defi ni tion 2.24. General RulesAll electr onic and electrical products that are sold wit

24、h in the People' s Republic of China shall bemarked with logos for restrict ing the use of hazardous substa nces in electro nic and electrical products accord ing to the requireme ntsin this Stan dard. If it can not be marked on the products due to the restrict ionsof size, shape, substance mate

25、rial or functions, it shall be indicated in the product instructions.For the electronic and electrical products that are purchased for manufacturing, the supplier neednot provide these markings but shall provide the purchaser all n ecessary in formati on for marking.Corresp ondin gly, the purchaser

26、shall mark the electr onic and electrical products that they manu factured and the scope of marking shall in clude that for the electr onic and electrical products purchased for manu facturi ng.When product instructions are used for markings, the markings can be in paper instructions, andin structi

27、on disc (CD/DVD), or packag ing material; in additi on to the these methods, the productin structi ons for electr onic and electrical products purchased for manu facturi ng can also be provided on the compa ny website. For the product in structi ons only in compa ny website, the product in structi o

28、ns shall include clarification of the steps for looking up the related marking information.5.0 Electr onic and Electrical Product Restricted Substa nce Use Restrict ion5.1 LogosPlease refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2 for marking for the desig n of the markings for the restricted use of hazardous subst

29、a nces in electr onic and electrical products.Note: The nu mber in Figure 2 only serves as examples and will be replaced with the corresp onding environmen tal protect ion use period of the product.Figure 1: Logo 1 Figure 2: Logo 2 文案大全实用文档5.2 Meaning of the LogosThe contents of the logos for the re

30、stricted use of hazardous substa nces in electr onic and electrical products in clude three comp onen ts: the content of hazardous substa nces in the electr onic and electrical products , the environmental protection use period of the electronic and electrical products, and therecyclability of the e

31、lectro nic and electrical products.Figure 1 is gen erallygree n, in dicati ng the environmen talprotectio ncharacteristic, n amely the productdoes not contain any hazardous substanee. The artistic style“ e” in the middle of the logo stands for“ electrical ” ,“ electronic ” and “environmental ” , sym

32、bolizing a green and environmental electronicandelectrical product; the outer line with arrows forms a circle, indicating that the electronic and electrical product can be recycled. The entirelogo indicates that the electronic and electrical product does not containany hazardous substa nee and is a

33、gree n environmen tally frien dly product, and can be recycled after beingdiscarded and shall not be discarded at will.Figure 2 is gen erallyoran ge, highlighti ng its warning characteristic, i.e. the product contains certa inhazardous substa nces. The replaceable nu mber in the middle of the image

34、in dicates the environmen tal protect ion use period for the electr onic and electrical product; the image' s outer circle is also acirculating circle formed by lines with arrows, indicating that the electronic and electrical product can be recovered. The meaning of the entire logo is: the elect

35、ronic and electrical product contains certain hazardous substa nces andSJ/T 11364 2014 can be used safely during environmental protection use period and should enter into the recycling systemafter its en vir onmen tal protect ion use period.5.3 ColorsGreen color is recommended for the logo in Figure

36、 1 (C: 85, M: 30, Y: 85, K: 20).Orange color is recomme nded for the logo in Figure 2 (C: 0, M: 75, Y: 100, K: 0).5.4. Specificati ons5.4.1 Specifications for LogosThe proporti on for the lines in Figure 1 and Figure 2 is show n in Figures 3 and 4 (nu mber of grids is 100x100). The font for the nu m

37、ber in Figure 2 is Impact, and the ratio of its height to the inner and outer diameters of the circle is 5:8:12.Note: the "Impact ” font can be obtained in office or word processing software.Figure 3: Image specification of logo IFigure 4: Image specification of logo IIHeight of numberInner dia

38、meter of the circleOuter diameter of the circle542 Marki ng Specificati onsManu facturers or importers shall choose suitable specificati ons for the logo accord ing to the sizes of the electronic and electrical products and components; however, its smallest area shall not be smaller tha n 5mmx5mm.SJ

39、/T 11364 20146. Marking Requireme nts6.1 Gen eral Requireme nts6.1.1 An electr onic and electrical product shall use the marking for the restricted use of hazardous substa nces in the electr onic and electrical product in accorda nee with the sta ndard's requireme nts, and the marking shall be c

40、lear, disti nguishable, visible, fade resista nt and difficult to remove.6.1.2 Gen erally, the logo for the restricteduse of hazardous substa nces in the electro nic and electricalproduct shall be marked directlyon the product through molding, spray paint, sticking or printing or usingthe specified

41、in 6.1.3.If an electronic and electrical product satisfies one of the following conditions, the logo for therestricted use of hazardous substa nces in the electr onic and electricalproduct may not be marked directlyon the product but shall be marked accordingto the method specified in 6.1.3 or be sp

42、ecified in the productin structi ons:a) A maximum surface area equal to or larger tha n 5x 103 mniob) An irregular shape, e.g., a very thin and long cable with a very large surface area;c) In capable of being directly marked on the surface of the product due to the surface material or fun cti ons.6.

43、1.3 An electronic and electrical product with image display functions may use a digital format mark for the restricted use of hazardous substances in the electronic and electrical product if it productsatisfies all of the follow ing a)-f) con diti ons:a) The digital format logo for the restricted us

44、e of hazardous substances in the electronicand electricalproduct must be displayed every time the product is launched. When the logo is displayed by itself, thedisplay time shall not be less than 2s; when the logo is displayed together with other information, the display time shall be extended appro

45、priately, and the size and displaying position shall be adjusted to ensure the identification of the logo.b) The user may view the digital format logo for the restricted use of hazardous substa nces in the electr onic and electrical product through the user in terface duri ng the operatio n of the p

46、roduct.c) If Figure 2 is used for the marking, the user may view the names and contents of the hazardous substances in the product through the user in terface, and the marking format and marking requireme nts shall conformto the stipulations of 6.2.2.d) The product in struct ions should clarify the

47、steps for look ing up the logos and forms men ti oned inb) and c) above.e) The digital format marking for the restricted use of hazardous substa nces in the electr onic andelectrical product is in factory settingand read-only data, and the contents of the logo shall not be easilymodified through sof

48、tware.f) Manufacturers shall preserve the releva nt data of the digital format logos for the restricted useof substances in the electronic and electrical products; if Figure 1 is used for the marking, the recordsshallbe preservedmore than3 years over the product life;if Figure2 is used forthe marking , therecordsshallbe preservedmore than3 years over the environmentalprotection use period.Whena product isdamagedor cannot display properly, the manu factu


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