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1、nit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike.一、教学目标1、知识目标:(1)通过本课的学习使学生能够听懂并且会说,会读,会写一到十二的所有单词:onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve(2)学会用“There areboys in ”以及“There is a in ”的语言结构。二、教学重点:词汇:onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve“There areboys in ”以及“There is a in ”的语言结构。教学难点:e

2、leven和twelve的读音。三、教学准备:录音机、磁带等。四、Teaching steps:Step1: Warmer1. GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Yi.T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine , thanks . And how are you?T: Im great. Thank you so much. Look! How is the weather today?Ss: Its sunny today.T: How do you feel now? Are you happy?

3、 Ss: Yes. Were so happy.T: Lets sing a song , ok? Ss: OK!2. 复习1-6的英文。Step2: Presentation1、Lead inT: How many boys are there on the bike?Ss: There are twelve months in the year.(引出课题)板书:Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bikeT: twelveSs: onetwothreefourfivesix.接着老师带着学生一起说:seveneightnineteneleventwel

4、ve. (在游戏的过程中引入新单词)T: Today, were going to learn the new letters.2、教授sevenT: Boys and girls, lets play a game, ok? Ss: OK!T: I will speak these names of the months. And you can show me your fingers to show. Ss: Yes.T: five Ss: (show five fingers) five答案 CT: March. Ss: (show three fingers) March.题解 DI

5、C患者出血的原因是随着微血栓形成有凝血因子和血小板消耗性减少,同时继发性纤溶活性加强和纤维蛋白(原)降解产物增多,它们都有抗凝血的作用。T: seven. 提示学生show seven fingers. sevenT: Do you like seven?S1: Yes. I like seven.(2)为保障我公司的原材料供应,201年7月1日,我公司发行1 000万股普通股换取丙公司原股东持有的丙公司20有表决权股份。我公司取得丙公司20有表决权股份后,派出一名代表作为丙公司董事会成员,参与丙公 司的财务和经营决策。丙公司注册地为我国境内某省,以人民币为记账本位币。股份发行日,我公司每股股

6、份的市场价格为25元,发行过程中支付券商手续费 50万元;丙公司可辨认净资产的公允价值为l3 000万元,账面价值为12 000万元,其差额为丙公司一项无形资产增值。该无形资产预计尚可使用5年,预计净残值为零,按直线法摊销。3、教授eight/ nine/tenT: How old are you?Ss: Im eight/ nine/ten years old.答案 A4.教授eleven/twelve计算乙公司20 X 1年度财务报表折算为母公司记账本位币时的外币报表折算差额。T:How old are your sister/brother?题解 多种病因造成血管内皮细胞广泛受损,使内皮

7、胶原暴露,因其表面带有负电荷,因此血流中的带正基团的因子与其结合,转变为有活性的因子a,启动内源性凝血途径。 Ss:He/She is eleven/twelve.18、U/C矩阵方法是主要作用是( )。Step3: Practice1. Listen and do.T: Boys and girls , please listen and do.T:1) How old are you?B1-抗胰蛋白酶抑制减轻2) How old are your sister/brother?2. Group work计算乙公司20 X 1年度财务报表折算为母公司记账本位币时的外币报表折算差额。完成课本活动3:先请几个学生朗读对话示例,然后把学生分成小组,让他们根据图中给的信息展开对话,发表自己对各个月份的看法。Homework:王某注册会计师:1、熟记112的单词2、询问父母,然后在课堂上互相介绍自己父母的情况。


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