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1、牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块6)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 2 What is happiness to you?板块:Grammar & Usage作 者:赵燕Thoughts on the design: 学生在高一阶段已经系统学习过各种时态的用法,因此本节课以复习旧知、扩充新知以及在实际中运用过去时及将来时的各种时态为主。Teaching aims:After learning this period, the students will be able to:1. clarify the concepts of the past tenses and

2、 the future tenses.2. learn more knowledge about the above two tenses.3. use the above two tenses appropriately in certain contexts.2弥散性血管内凝血的基本特征是Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision of the past tenses (PPT1-6)1. Based on the story of Sang Lan, the students are required to use the correct from of th

3、e given verbs to finish the sentences. 2.3. (1)根据资料(1)至(4),逐项说明甲公司的会计处理是否正确,并说明理由。对于不正确的会计处理,编制更正的会计分录。Discuss to find some rules when using the past tenses.Step 2 More knowledge on the past tenses (PPT7-10)1.2. A.简化设计工作B. 对原系统数据流程图进行分析Encourage students to think of more words to express emotions an

4、d feelings by using their own everyday experience.3. Add more words both in noun and adjective forms.15DIC患者外周血涂片中可出现裂体细胞。( )Explanation(1)4月20日,宣告发放股票股利,以年初发行在外普通股股数为基础每10股送1股,除权日为5月1日。以阅读中桑兰的生平为例句,让学生在填空中体会过去时三种时态的含义,并学会自己归纳。另外,再补充这三种时态的常考考点,拓展他们的知识。若超过1300元,则交800到1300元的5%和超过1300元部分的10%。Step 3 The

5、 future tenses (PPT11-18)1.2. 问:病人发生的最主要病理过程是什么?有何依据?发生机制如何?诱因是什么?The simple future: ask the students to think of ways to talk about future. Then distinguish between some confusing points.3. The future continuous tense.4.5. 【答案】Future in the past. Explanation一般将来时的难点在于will与be going to的区别,be to /be about to/be doing的特有用法。A组织凝血因子大量入血 D纤溶酶原激活物生成增加Step 4 Exercises (PPT19-22)Examples of tenses in NMET and their detailed explanation. E优球蛋白溶解时间检查血液中纤溶活性Step 5 Homework (PPT23-24)Finish the passage according to the words in the bracket.


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