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1、牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures板块:Word powerThoughts on the design:本节课是词汇教学课。词汇教学在高中英语教学中占据重要位置,正如著名语言学家威尔金斯(DAWilkins)曾经说过“Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.” 这句话的中文意思是“没有语法,难以表达;没有词汇,寸步难行。”词汇教学有效的方法之一就是按主题将相关词汇分类组块学习,这有助于学

2、生的长期记忆和灵活运用。本节课词汇学习的焦点是关于描述国家的单词,即从哪些方面介绍一个国家。Teaching aims:After learning the section, the students will be able to know what words can be used to describe a country. They are expected to use the words learnt in class to complete the relevant exercises. Meanwhile, the students will gain some knowle

3、dge of the United Kingdom, which helps them to promote their cross-cultural awareness. Teaching procedures:Step 1 Brainstorming1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the reading passage Canadaland of the maple tree. Ask students to answer the following question:What subjects are covered in the passage of

4、Canadaland of the maple tree?ClimateLocationSizeLandscapeResourcesPopulationLifestyleCitiesLanguageHistorySocietySymbol2. Show the pictures of Big Ben and Tower Bridge to students, and ask them the questions:(1) Do you know the buildings in the pictures?(2) In which country do they lie? (In the Unit

5、ed Kingdom.)3. Ask students to think about the following question:If we were to write a book about the United Kingdom, what subjects should be covered in the book?Explanation鼓励学生尽可能多地说出相关词汇。Step 2 Vocabulary learning1. Ask students to focus on Part A on page 6. Let them go through the contents page

6、of the book and then check their comprehension by asking the following questions:Which subjects are you most interested in? Why? Answers:4什么是D-二聚体?D-二聚体升高、不变或下降各说明什么? (Encourage students to express their opinions freely.)三、简答题2. Ask students to focus on Part C on page 7, which helps students to appl

7、y the new words they have learned on page 6. Check the answers.201年1月1日,乙公司可辨认净资产公允价值为l 250万欧元;欧元与人民币之间的即期汇率为:1欧元=88元人民币。201年度,乙公司以购买日可辨认净资产公允价值为基础计算发生的净亏损为 300万欧元。乙公司的利润表在折算为母公司记账本位币时,按照平均汇率折算。其他相关汇率信息如下:20X 1年12月31目,l欧元-9元人民币;201年度平均汇率,l欧元=885元人民币。我公司有确凿的证据认为对乙公司的投资没有减值迹象,并 自购买日起对乙公司的投资按历史成本在个别资产负

8、债表中列报。Answers:1 Great Britain2 Scotland3 England4 London 5 Edinburgh 6 Cardiff 7 Belfast3. Ask students to focus on Part B on page 6. Ask the questions to make sure students understand the make-up of the British Commonwealth of Nations.(1) What countries is Great Britain made up of?3肝功能严重障碍患者为何易发生DI

9、C?(2) What is the UK made up of?5激活的凝血因子 a与组织因子(TF)复合物可激活(3) What other Commonwealth nations do you know of? Answers:(1) England, Scotland and Wales【答案】(2) Great Britain and Northern Ireland(3) Canada, Australia and so onB纤维蛋白单体 ED-二聚体(DD)4. Get students to deal with Part D on page 7. Require studen

10、ts to match each city with a country in the UK and check the answers.Answers:贷:应付利息 400GlasgowScotland; DerryNorth Ireland; SwanseaWales; BirminghamEngland实验室检查:血WBC40000/mm3,N90,PaO250mmHg,SaO260。血胆红素11mg,黄疸指数60单位,TFT(+),GPT155单位(赖氏法),凡登白反应直接阳性。NPN70mg,CO2CP35Vol,血清钠130mEq/L,血清钾5.5mEq/L,血清钙4mEq/L。尿

11、胆红质(+),尿胆素(),尿胆原()。凝血酶原时间36秒(正常对照13秒),血小板4万/mm3,纤维蛋白原100mg,凝血酶时间27秒,3P(+),乙醇胶实验(+),优球蛋白溶解时间100分钟。Explanation由于Part C基本未涉及到Part B中的词汇,所以在使用时将顺序颠倒了一下。学生在阅读Part A中的目录后,马上就可以利用其中的词汇完成Part C的填空,这样比较合理。Step 3 Vocabulary extensionC900万元1. Organize a follow-up activity to help students remember and apply th

12、e words learned in the section. Require students to work in groups, looking at a world map and following the instruction:Choose a country from the world map and prepare a short speech to introduce the country to your classmates. The speech shall include more than three aspects of the country. Other

13、students shall listen carefully and find out what aspects are mentioned in the speech.2. Ask several students to present in class.Explanation此环节要求学生从不同角度描述一个国家,既复习了本课的词汇,又扩大了学生知识面和英语口头表达能力。应鼓励学生从历史、文化、地理位置、城市、人口等多方面介绍所选的国家。如果学生在这方面知识不足,应该在课前布置学生查找、准备相关信息。Step 4 Homework1. Review the words learned in the lesson.2. Choose a country you are familiar with to write a short essay, using the words we have learned today.


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