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1、John : Hello. This is John. May I speak to Annie?Annie: Speaking.John : Do you want to go to Xidan this Saturday?Annie: Ok. What time?John : How about 9 oclock. Come to my house.Annie: Yes.John : Please tell Linda.Annie: No problem.John: See you.Annie: See you.Linda: Hello. This is Linda. Annie: Hel

2、lo, Linda. This is Annie. John and I will go to Xidan. Would you like to come?Linda: Yes. Id love to.Annie: At 9 oclock. Come to Johns house.Linda: Ok. See you on Saturday.Annie: See you. 三人相互打招呼John: Lets go. (PPT 地铁图片)John 拿着手机听音乐。Annie: What are you listening? John: Try everything. Do you want to

3、 listen to?C出租办公楼应于租赁期开始日按其原价3 000万元确认为投资性房地产Linda& Annie: Yes. (播放音乐视频)Linda: Its a good song. I like it. 借:管理费用 147.83John: So do I. Its a song from the film zootopia. Linda: Really? I want to watch the film(下地铁). 贷:递延收益未实现售后租回损益 150Annie: Me too. 贷:资产减值损失 2017、下面选项中哪一个不属于数据流程图的基本元素( )。Linda:So ma

4、ny people are here. Where is Xidan Shopping Mall?思考题: (1)患者发生DIC的原因是什么?(2)促进该患者发生DIC的因素有哪些? (3)哪些是DIC的临床表现? (4)为什么说该患者发生了DIC?John: I dont know. Lets ask someone.5() 红细胞破坏后,释放ADP入血浆。ADP作为血小板激活剂,具有促进血小板黏附、聚集和促进血小板释放血小板第3因子和第4因子等方面的作用,可导致凝血。Annie: Excuse me, please. Where is Xidan Shopping Mall?A.数据集中统

5、一,采用数据库B.计算机的应用Adison:Its not far. Walk on first. Its the second building on your right.Annie: Is there a ciname?Adison:Yes. Its on the fifth floor.(6)12月31目,因合同违约被诉案件尚未判决,经咨询法律顾问后,甲公司认为很可能赔偿的金额为800万元。20X 1年2月5日,经法院判决,甲公司应支付赔偿金500万元。当事人双方均不再上诉。甲公司会计处理:200年末,确认预计负债和营业外支出800万元; 法院判决后未调整200年度财务报表。假定甲公司200年度财务报表于201年3月31日。本题不考虑增值税、所得税及其他因素。Annie: thank you so much.B凝血酶原的激活 E凝血功能异常Adison:Youre welcome.


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