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1、Model 7Unit 2 Fit for LifeUseful phrases:1. focus on 集中执行,实施看透,看穿参观;环顾对做出决定3. carry out5.see through7. look around9. decide onmake a decisi on(s) 决定12. split up划分天来分割14.be fun dame ntal to 对是必要的16.a han dful of少数的,少量的18.at least至少20.in fact实际上2. ope n up4. in large qua ntities6. try out 试验8. put thr

2、ough 接通10. turn up 出现,到场11. fill in 填写(表格) 13.take dow n 记下;记录 放出,发出 如果这样的话 数百万15et out17.if so19.millions ofin actual fact as a matter of fact大量地开庭审理注意到知识点归纳:1. trial n.试用;试验;审问 tryOn trial 受审;在试验中go on trial 受到审理 come to trial2. notemake / take a note把记下来take not of = take no tice ofleave a note 留

3、下便条on a personal note3. to one ' s relief使某人宽慰的是4. take dow ntake up take on take in5. turn upturn dow nturn on产出turn to出现;到来, 关小;拒绝 打开take over take off take back调大turn in = hand in 上交 turn off 关掉turn over 翻转turn out 证明是,结果是,生Ex:求助于;变得turn round 转向、单项选择(每题3分,共60分)spare paper, i n case we ran ou

4、t.B a number C plenty ofD、a good manyhe got what he had desired he realized it was not so important.B whenC si neeD as in the USA in 1977 showed that the chemical AsA in aspiri n could1、We always keepA、too much2、It was afterA that3、A study _B、carried outpreve nt astroke. A 、carry ing outB、carried ou

5、t C work ing out D worked out4、 Pen icilli n was the n produced in order to meet the dema nds of the armies.A、in large amounts B in large plentyC in large quantitiesD in large numbers5、With no one to in such a dan gerous situati on, the lady felt very helpless.C turn onD turn tothe equipme nt before

6、 sett ing about the experime nt.C try outD try toA、turn overB turn off6、Don' t forget to A、try onB try insuccess was largely the good cooperatio n of all team members.B result fromC due toD tha nks to a cry at the sight of a sn ake.7、OurA 、 because8、The little girlA、let out B give outC figure ou

7、t D shout out9、We such great achievements without your efforts. Thanks a lot. A、can' t have madeB couldn ' t have made C were unable to make D are unable to make10、This factory produces a million pairs of shoes every year, 80%are sold,abroad.A、of themB of whichC of thatD which of11、 Not only

8、 interested in football but beginning to show anin terest i n it.A、the father himself is; all his children areB the father himself is; are all hischildre nC is the father himself; are all his childrenD is the father himself; all his childrenare12、Is man to fly to the moon in a spaceship?A、probable B

9、 likelyC possiblyD probably13、 一Smok ing is bad for your health.Yes, I know. But I simplycan' t .A、give it up B 、give it inC give it outD give it away14、A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time the guardsdiscovered whathad happened.A beforeB untilC since D when15、The book for

10、ty maps, three of Great Britain. A 、iscontaining; in cludi ngB contains; includes C 、includes; containingD contains; including16、-Young people today earn more and have more freedom to live where they want.- This, I think that they are still interested in older people.A、In addition toB In spite ofC D

11、ue toD As for17、Theparents suggested in the hotel roombut their kids were anxious to campout duri ng thetrip. A 、sleep B to sleep C sleepingD hawing slept18、This new model of car is so expensive that it is the reach of those withaverage in come.A、overB withinC beyondD below19、The doctor me a stay a

12、few more days in hospital.A suggestedB agreedC approvedD recommended20、 Air, water and such sine are fun dame ntal the growth of crops.A forB withC inD to二、对话填空(每空2分,共20分)W I ' dlike to knowabout the two medicines-aspirinandpenicillin.Couldyou please tell me someth ing about them?M I ' ll be

13、 glad to. If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world,there1、is a high (1)p that you will find aspiri n andpenicillin. Both of themhave saved many people ' s lives since they were inven ted.W Whe n was aspiri n inven ted?M I don ' t know for sure, either. 3,500 years ago, some recipes2

14、、rdrinking a tea made from the dried leaves of a particular pla nt3、to reducebody pains. In 1897, a Europea n chemist produced ASA from some 4、chemicals to make a medici ne for his father. The first(3)tof this5、medic ine took place in 1899 whenthe powder from bega n to be usedwith (4)p . In 1900, it

15、 was sold in shops as a tablet(5)c 500milligrams of ASA.W Besides reducing fever and pain, what other functions does it have?M It can also help reduce the risk of heart attacks and coloncancer and soon.W What about pe nicilli n?M Penicillinwas (6)d by a Scottish scientist in 1928. H6、thought it migh

16、thelp in treat ing wounds and ill ness (7)c But it was not by bacterium. 7、8、9、10、un til World War II that two other scie ntists man aged to use new chemicaltech niq ues to (8) p it and the n produced it in large(9)q , 二Thanks to it, many lives were saved duri ng World War II. It can alsotreat other

17、 ill nesses (10)ineumonia.W I ' ve learned a lot today. Thank you.M It ' s a pleasure.M7 U2参考答案1 5 CBBBC 6 10 AAABA 11 15 DCA1 5 CABCD 610 CCABB 11 15 DBAAD 16 20 CCCDD1. Up to now; tried out 2. is unable; for lack of 3. were aware; due to 4. openup; high probability 5. is con sidered by; con temporary二、对话填空1、 Probability2、recommended 3. trials4、 patients 5、 containing6、 discovered 7、 caused 8、 purify9、 quantities 10、 including


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