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1、板块五素 材 】 M5 Newspapers and MagazinesFUNCTION表示“相信”或“不相信”(showing belief and disbelief)【要点提示】 我们经常会遇到这种情况:同意或不同意对方。我们都知道,同意某一个人的看法比不 同意的多, 但是总是同意他人的看法而总没有个人的观点是不会受到尊重的。 同意的类型主 要有:1. 完全同意:I agree. 我同意。 / I agree with you totally( 完全地 ) . 我完全同意你的观点。 / I couldn 't agree more .我太同意了。 / That 's ex

2、actly what I was thinking. 我正是这样想的。 / That 's my opinion , too. 这也是我的观点。 / There's no doubt about it. 这是无疑的。2. 部分同意:I had thought of that. 我尚未想过。 / I 'm afraid you 're right. 恐怕你是对的。 / I 'm afraid I have to agree.恐怕我得同意了。 /I'm afraid it's true.恐怕你是对的。/ True, but 确实,但是/ We

3、ll, maybe you are right. 也许你是对的。3. 完全不同意:I don'tthink so . 我不这么认为。 / I don'tagree with you . 我不同意你的观点。 / I wouldn't say that at all. 我不会这么讲。 / Don'tbe silly! 别说傻话! / No way ! 没门儿!4. 委婉地不同意Yes, that's true , but 是的,的确如此,可是/I'm not sure I quite agree 我不能肯定说完全同意/ I see what you

4、mean , but我懂得你的意思,但是 /I'm afraid I can'tagree. 恐怕我不同意。 But on the other hand , 但在另一方面【典例赏析】1. Go for a picnic, OK? It' s forecast sunny this weekend. . I love getting close to nature.A.I couldn ' t agree more B. I ' m afraid notC.I don ' t like picnic D.I don ' t think so

5、 解析:通过最后一句作者说 “我喜欢接近大自然 ”可以判断出他同意去野餐。 I couldn' t agree more.意思是 我非常同意”。答案为A。2. Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?A. I don't believe B. I don't believe it C. I believe not so D. I believe not解析:D。以"Do you think.?"这样的句子来提问,用 D项来回答表示否定,显然不符合中文的表达习惯,这也正是许多学生选了A、

6、B、C 项的原因。3. I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?. I'm not using it anyhow.A. Sure, go head B. I don't know C. Yes, indeed D. I don't care解析: A。 sure 在这里的意思为“好的” 。答案 A 的意思“好的,没问题” ,其他选项 不合句意。【连线高考 】1. Have you been wasting time on computer games again?.I've bee n stu

7、dy ing a lot and I n eed a break.A. No way B. Not reallyC. I don't agreeD. I could n't agree more解析:答案为 B。考查情景对话中的省略回答。完整的回答应为:I haven' really beenwast ing time on computer games aga in。故答案为 B,属承前省略。2. - Could I use your computer for a few moments, please? ( 2007 陕西卷). I 'm not using

8、 it myself.A. Come on B. It depends C. Go ahead D. That 'great解析:答案C。考查情景交际。句意:“我可以用一会儿你的电脑吗?”“请吧。我现在不用。”3. -“Could we put off the meeting? ” she asked.- “. ” He an swered politely. “ This is the only day every one is available. ” ( 2007江苏卷)A . Not likelyB. Not exactly C. Not nearly D. Not reall

9、y解析:本题考查到了对方的请求与礼貌的回答的答语。根据句意D项“确实不行”,比较好,因为后面讲到,今天是唯一的一天任何人都可以的。暗指别的天别人可能没有空。板块六 CULTURAL CORNERIThe importa nee of mass mediaMass media are tools of com muni cati on. Mass media allow us to record and pass in formati on rapidly to a large, scattered audie nee. They exte nd our ability to talk to e

10、ach other by help ing us overcome barriers caused by time and space.There are various ways in which mass media make daily life easier for us. First, they inform and help us keep a watch on our world. They gather and pass on information we would be unlikely or unable to obtain (得至U) on our own.Second

11、, mass media help us to arrange time and life. What we talk about and what we thin k about are greatly in flue need by the media. When people get together, they tend to talk about cert ain happe nings in the n ewspapers or on TV. Because we are exposed to differe nt points of view thr ough different

12、 kinds of media every day, we are able to evaluate (评价)all sides of a certain issue.Third, the media are used to persuade people. A good example is advertiseme nts through th e media. Newspapers, magaz ines and TV are filled with all kinds of colorful, persuasive advertise ments. Though many adverti

13、seme nts may not say ope nly that they want you to buy a certa in produ ct, they describe their products in such a way that you may want to buy them.Fourth, the media also entertain. All of the media make some efforts to entertain their audi en ce. For in sta nee, even though the n ewspaper is prima

14、rily a medium of in formati on, it also con tai ns entertainment features . Television, motion pictures, fiction books and some radio stations and magazines are devoted mainly to entertainment. It is estimated that in the future, the entertainment function of mass media will become even more importa

15、nt than it is now.大量的新闻媒体都是交际的工具,它们允许我们记录和快捷地给我们的发散的群众以信 息。他们增强了我们克服时空壁垒的能力。有很多的各种各样的新闻媒体使我们的生活轻松。首先,他们帮助了我们有了一个了解世界的窗口,他们为我们采集和传递了我们不可能得到的。其次,大量的媒体帮助我们安排生活,无论我们说得还是想的很多都是受到了新闻媒体的影响。当人们聚集在一起就会自然地谈论报刊杂志或电视上的发生的事情。因为我们每一天都在不同的新闻媒体的观点来指导我们的自己的观点,甚至我们也能够评论一些新闻实 事。第三,媒体能被用来劝导人们。 一个好举的例子就是新闻媒体的广告。报纸,杂志、电视充满了各种各样、形形色色的有说服力的广告。尽管广告中并没有直接让人们去买他们 的产品,但是他们描述产品的方式却可能会让你想去买。第四,媒体是那么的当然。所有的媒体都为他们当然的媒体做了努力。及时这家报纸 是一种私人信息报纸,它也包括一带有些娱乐节目的特征。电视、动画、漫画书和电台还有杂志主要提供娱乐。据预测,在将来,媒体中的娱乐部分将会变得比今天还要重要。


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