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1、精品文档化工专业英文自我评价-WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改-下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来!化工专业英文自我评价篇一And Jintong companies have signed acontractfor three months, in the past three months, there are successful,therearefailures,thereisjoy,butalsodistressed,undertheleadershipof care and guidance,withthe supportof c

2、olleaguesto help,My ability to work has been greatly improved, now three months of workto do a self-assessment.1, (1) to learn, and continuously improve operational capacity. Inthe work, earnestly study operation knowledge, accumulate the experience unceasingly, participate in study and training act

3、ively, enrich oneself constantly;(2) compliance. Three months, their work is not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired, learning excellent staff approach, earnestly study the work of the job tasks;(3) unite colleagues, work together, colleagues, harmonious relations, unity and fraternity, mutual h

4、elp and mutual respect;(4) due to their lack of work experience, lack of practical experience in dealing with accidents, work done not meticulous, this is my future direction.2, I have been working since entering the company, with the help ofmy colleagues in the care, through personal efforts and wo

5、rk-relatedexperience,knowledge, constantlyexpand the levelof operationcapacityhas made great progress.3, review the past three months, I seriously study chemical safetytraining,and activelyparticipatein companyactivities.Wholeheartedly,1精品文档courteous, warm service, patiently answer questions, and in

6、 practicecontinue to improve their quality and operational level, grow into aqualified operator. In the future work and life, I believe that throughmy effortsinthefuturework,Iwillgrow intoa good staffforthe startof next year's foundation of a good foundation.4,professional ethics:work everyday,t

7、heteam then-classstart,insist on insight into the staff positions thinkingLikemood and work attitude,topreventpersonalmood swingsleadtoabnormalbehavior,toproducehiddendangers.Dailyproduction,regardlessofpositiveor negativespecificissues,regardlessofday-to-daymanagementor actualproductionofspecificis

8、sues,are intheanalysis,sumupexperienceorlessonsintheprocessoffindingdeep-rootedideological,moraland mentalityofthe rootcausesofattitudeDecide theresults,thoughtdecisionbehavioras stafftraining,production management of the important concepts.As a memberofthe Jintongcompany, Ideeplyfeelthattheirshould

9、erheavy responsibility. As the enterprise's facade, business window, hiswords and deeds alsorepresenta corporateimage. So more to improve theirown quality, high standards of their own requirements. On the basis ofhigh-quality but also to strengthen their professional knowledge andprofessional sk

10、ills.InthefutureIshouldseriouslysum up,timelyreflection,and moreto others to learn, so that their continuous progress, increasinglyperfect.化工专业英文自我评价篇二First,strengthenthesecurityawareness, the implementation of security measures.Januaryproductionsafetyaftertheissuanceofatextontheorganizationwe have

11、theexam, anti-accidentexercises,theuse ofsafetyequipmenttofindhiddensafetyhazardsand otheractivities.The spirit2精品文档of a message to the workshop toconvey to everyone. Insiston the workshopevery Monday to check the safety study team, supervise the team hiddenrisk management.Weekly scheduling in the w

12、orkshop we will comment onsecuritychecks,commentingontheimplementationofsecurityrisksrectification.The safetyawareness ofworkers has been greatlyenhanced.In the course of electricaloperationand equipment maintenance,alltheelectricalregulationsand systems arestrictlyobserved,especiallythe"three

13、votes and two systems" and temporary power and altitude workprocedures. The first half of the implementation of the work of 81, thesecond work of86,switchoperation 174, stop power transmissioncontact621, apply fortemporaryelectricity21xxxx.InJanuary'ssecurity,inspection, did not find a case

14、 of illegal behavior. We inspected theinspectionteam raisedfour deficienciesinthe rectification,and informthe workshop team.Second, strengthenthefoundationwork,scientificandstrictmanagement.Basic work is a prerequisiteforelectricalsafetyoperation.At the beginning of the year, plastic parts chemical

15、plant to "finemanagement" as a strong foundation throughout the year work. We improvethe basic information, strict and meticulous management as a priority.1-5 months, we have improved the basicinformationon electricalequipmenttechnology, in particular the completion of the plastic parts of

16、 thechemicalplantClass C electricalmeter a totalof73xxxxonly finishingthe work, labeled the label. At this point, complete basic informationto the workshop management to lay a solid foundation.Electrical operation requires a rigorous system of work, and weperformrigorousincentivesatwork.Rewardedthe

17、outstandingachievements in the security work xxxx workers. Workshop leaders adhereto the Chagang system,investigateanddealwithdisciplinexxxx,withholding bonus total 450xxxx, and the results informed the whole3精品文档workshop,to achievethe purpose of education. At present,the ideologicalstabilityof work

18、ers.Chagang thepast month have not foundthe phenomenonof discipline.In safety management, we adhere to the "safety first, preventionfirst"approach,thefull implementation ofthe responsibilitysystem forproduction safety, increase supervision and inspection. Six months tocarryouta xxxxanti-ac

19、cidentexercises,the workshopinthe Mayearthquakeand flood mitigationexercises,organized 7xxxx participatedin theexercise,thefirst-lineproduction team trainingrateof10xxxx,these activities to improve the safety awareness of workers and workersSafety technology level.Equipment management, we continue t

20、ostrengthenthethreeinspectioninspectionsystem.SixmonthsinthetourfoundtosolvetheCD501compressor,TKL44 vibratingscreen,No. 2 water pump bearingfailure,inorder to reduce unplanned downtime has contributed.Technical business training, six months organized a total of 7xxxxtimes of electrical repair work

21、to participate in the Light IndustryBureauheldthe intermediateandadvancedskillsidentificationandelectrical special work certificate certification. Daily training andeducation to team technician in the workshop-based lectures. Lecturescloseto the actualproduction,shouldbe closelylinkedtotheelectricia

22、nshouldknowandbasictheory.Front-lineworkershaveimproved.Third, efforts to production services, to solve security risks.化工专业英文自我评价篇三I am motivated, hard-workingandpractical. After the University of learning has been engaged in theconstruction and security staff of the ability, a solid professionalkno

23、wledge.Graduatedayearofworkexperience,engagedintheconstructionmanagementoftheprojectare:MeishanSilverpeng4精品文档International Hotel Project, Chengdu Museum of the new museum project,Daci commercial cultural complex project, Chengdu Yintai Center SteelBuilding,Northeast Sichuan naturalgas withhighSulfu

24、rplant.NowIcanwork inengineeringconstruction,project management, safetymanagementand soon.Selffrom theWest ChinaNormal Universityprojectcostmanagement undergraduatehas allpassed,twoconstructiondivisionexamination has been adopted. Phoenix Nirvana, want fire clusters, Ifirmly believe thathard work wi

25、ll havea reasonablereturn. I hopethatI can find a satisfactory destination, together with the cause of thebright future, to a better tomorrow!At the beginning of this year, we carried out the situation and thetask educationinthe whole workshop,combined withtheplasticparts ofthe chemical plant reform

26、, education workers to establish a sense ofcrisis,competitionconsciousness,innovationconsciousness.A profoundunderstanding of "quality service is electric workers ina benefit"meaning.How tounderstandthe "rapidand reliablehandlingofaccidents,maintenance of high-quality equipment in goo

27、d condition"? Through thelarge and medium-sized enterprisestoimprove the qualityof the workplace,throughthelargeand medium-sized enterprises,Discussion,workersclearlyrecognizethe deepening of the situationinthereform,theirowninterests and the company and the plastic parts of the chemical plantp

28、roduction and managementare closely related. Ifyou want to winin thecompetition,we must enrichthemselves,improve theoverallquality.Putthemselves in the production workshop in the position. To raise theawareness of service and improve the quality of work as the workshop onthe team, themain basis fort

29、he assessment ofindividualworkers,workersfor the production of service attitude improved significantly.In March, a major overhaul of the injection device. We have a total of 19 sets of motor maintenance, repair circuit breaker 3, 28 sets of5精品文档lighting installation, test equipment and building 439

30、ground, to solvethe 35KV substation3 # bus cable leakage major hidden dangers.To ensurethe safety of production and equipment spare. At present, the plasticpartsof the electricalequipment in good conditionto reach9xxxx, powerfactorremained at0.93ormore, 26KV substations are intactsubstation,10 low-voltage substationsin 9 isa good substationTherefore,the rateof 9xxxx.化工专业英文自我评价6


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