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1、高考英语语法突破-句型积累(53)2012年04月11日        1. If we are feeling down and lonely , there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good friend.    如果我们情绪低落或感到孤独,没有比看到好朋友的笑脸更好的了。    There is nothing better than to do   

2、 没有比更好的了。    否定词+ 比较级有时可表示非常肯定的意义。    There is nothing better than to take a hot bath after a whole day's work    没有什么比工作一天后洗个热水澡好的了。    迷路时,最好的办法就是原地不动,等候援助。    When you are lost, there is nothing better than to stay whe

3、re you are, waiting for help.    同义句  There is nothing better than to do    =The best thing to do is to do    =To do is better than anything else.    联想英语中有些形式上否定而内容含义是肯定的结构。现总结以下几种:1 / 4    (1)否定词+比较级   

4、I couldn't agree more.我非常同意。    Never have I seen more beautiful scenery than this.我从没见过比这更美的景色。    (2)cannot(can hardly, never, impossible, scarcely, never)too(over, enough)    无论怎么样,也不过分;越越    You cannot be too careful!你越小心越好。 &#

5、160;  We can hardly praise his achievement too much.对他的成绩我们无论怎样赞扬都不过分。    (3)no(nobody)but都, 没有不,只有才    There is no man but has his faults.人皆有过。    There is no rule but has exceptions.凡有规则都有例外。    (4)否定词+without    There

6、 is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪。    He believed, not without reason, that the project will be a success.    他有理由相信,这项工作会成功的。    (5)not a bit, not a little, not a few, no little, no few, no small等。    I feel not a bit cold.  我感到十分寒冷。

7、60;   He is a person of no little importance.他是个相当重要的人。To her no small delight, she came out first.她得了第一名,非常高兴。    2.some situations where we     当situation作先行词的定语从句中,用关系词where或in which.    例Please make up a situation where you can employ the word.    请创设一个你可以使用这个单词的情景。    联想当point, case为先行词时,关系词均用where    例:I think you've got to the very point where a change in needed, otherwise you will fail.    我想你已经到了要做点变动的地步了,否则,你就会失败。 -温馨提示:如不慎侵犯了您的权益,可联系文库删除处理,感谢您的关注!


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