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1、Dear Gao,It was very nice meeting you again in Suzhou on Friday and I enjoyed taking part of the two presentations by Chinese architecture colleagues. Both design teams were very professional and I understood that you have a preference for Tenio. It was a plesant surprise that Tenio is already in a

2、collaboration with the large and internationally recognized Swedish consultancy, SWECO, in Beijing. I will find out more about their project, in order to see if it somehow relates to the themes of eco-friendly urban work environments, as the business park you are currently planning for. If so, it mi

3、ght also be a fruitful path of developing our collaboration. 很高兴可以周五在苏州再次见到你,同时我也很开心可以参与两家中国建筑业同行的项目展示。两个设计 团队都很专业并且我明白你比较喜爱天友 Tenio 他们的方案。令人惊喜的是 Tenio 他们已经和国际公认并且 很大规模的瑞典咨询公司 SWECO 在北京展开了合作。我将更多的了解他们的项目,来看看如何将城市环 保设计等因素运用到你们计划的产业园里。如果可以的话,这也将是条促进我们合作的有效捷径。Regardless, I am interested in exploring fu

4、rther how we can collaborate regarding smart services and smart spaces to support an awareness among your tenants, and promote sustainable patterns of behaviour. If, with time, you can show reduced energy performance in parts of your business park as a result of effective smart services - it would b

5、e a very good way to set an example, and thus calculate an expected impact for a larger area, such as Suzhou City or even wider. To set good examples, I imagine is an important focus for both the local government and for companies in China, like it is in Sweden at the moment.无论如何, 对于将来对产业园的客户们提供智能服务

6、和智慧空间这一项合作我非常感兴趣。 如果假以时日, 你将看见智能项目有效的为产业园减少了能耗。这是个建立合作模版的好机会。并且因此可以估算出它更 大范围的影响力,对苏州的,甚至更广泛的。如果建立成一个很好的模版,我猜想这对于中国当地政府和 公司将是一个焦点,就像现在在瑞典一样。As promised, I will send you information material about eco city/smart city projects that are relevant to your business park, shortly. After being away, I first

7、have some catching up in terms of teaching and management! 正如所承诺的,我将寄给你和你们产业园项目相关的智慧城市的简短资料。上次离开后,我先去做了教学 管理相关的一些事。 (所以耽误了)I send this with copy to Yingtao Su, whom we met at the Nordic Center of Fudan, on the Innovation Seminar last week. Yingtao is experienced in China-Sweden collaborations and ha

8、s kindly offered to translate and maybe to facilitate our continued collaboration, to which I am looking forward greatly. 我把这封邮件也抄送给了苏女士,就是上周我们在北欧创新中心见面的那位。她对于中瑞合作很有经验并 且乐于帮忙翻译。这将使我所期待的后续合作更便利。Again, it was very nice meeting you and I very much enjoyed the visit to Shanghai. 再次感谢,很高兴见到你并且我很享受这次上海之行。Best wishes from Sweden, where it is slowly getting dark and cold! 来自瑞典最诚挚的问候,一个已经入夜渐冷的城市!/Charlie查理


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