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1、授课人班级七年级第 3 课时上课时间学科英语课题Module2Unit 3学习目标1. Function Finding out what people can do; asking and answering about abilities2. Structure can / cant3. Around the world : Languages4. Task: Making a poster for a club.学习重点To master the new words and expressions.难点can / cant教学方法Formal and interactive practi

2、ce 手段Tape recorder, OHP, handouts教学过程教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动Step1Show some pictures to review the text of Unit 1 and Unit 2 Do some revisionStep21. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class.2. Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box.Go over the example sentencesStep3Wor

3、k in pairs1. Ask the students to look at the table in Activity 1.2. Add two or three more activities to the list.3. Ask the students to write questions for each activity.4.Complete the sentences.5.Complete the sentences.Students work in pairs and do some exercisesStep4Around the world: Languages.1.

4、Show some pictures 2. Ask the students to look at the picture and discuss what they can see.3. Talk something about the countries and languages.Learn Around the world: Languages.2、MIS系统设计的内容和方法。Step5.答案 纤溶酶分解纤维蛋白多聚体的产物,DIC诊断的重要指标之一。Do exercises(2)甲公司于20X4年3月28日与丙公司签订协议,将其生产的一台人型设备出售给丙公司。合同约定价款总额为14

5、000万元,签约当日支付价款总额的30,之后30日内支付30,另外40于签约后180目内支付。甲公司于签约当日收到丙公司支付的4 200万元款项。根据丙公司提供的银行账户余额情况,甲公司估计丙公司能够按期付款。为此,甲公司在20X4年第l季度财务报表中确认了该笔销售收入l4 000万元,并结转相关成本l0 000万元。204年9月,因自然灾害造成生产设施重大毁损,丙公司遂通知甲公司,其无法按期支付所购设备其余40款项。甲公司在编制20X4年度财 务报表时,经向丙公司核实,预计丙公司所欠剩余款项在207年才可能收回,20X4年12月31日按未来现金流量折算的现值金额为4 800万元。甲公司对上述

6、事项调整了第l季度财务报表中确认的收入,但未确认与该事项相关的所得税影响。 Understand and remember the expressions.布置作业甲公司的会计处理不正确。该事项不应做为调整事项。1. Make a poster. Draw a picture for your club.2. Show and talk about your poster with your classmate.D支付融资租入固定资产的租赁费作为筹资活动现金流出C钙离子板书设计题解 激肽释放酶、纤溶酶和胰蛋白酶等可溶性蛋白水解酶,可水解凝血因子或凝血因子a,而生成三种分子量和活性各不相等的碎片

7、,称为凝血因子f。这一过程称为凝血因子的酶性水解。凝血因子f可激活凝血因子,还可激活激肽释放酶原而激活激肽系统。Unit 3贷:递延收益未实现售后租回损益 150I can play the piano She can dance really wellCan you look? Yes,I can I No, I cant教学反思After this class. Students can write something about their abilities correctly.学 案 设 计知识梳理知识准备Go through the practice box本课时知识点情态动词ca

8、n / cant的用法课内训练 Complete the sentences with can or cant1._ you swim? Yes, but I _ swim well.2. Are you coming with us? Sorry, I_ ride a bike.3. What _ the new cleaning monitor do for us? He _ make our classroom tidy.4. _ you play the piano for us? Sorry, I _ play the piano. but I _ sing for youCompl

9、ete the passage with the words from the box. beautiful Chinese monitor piano tidy I like playing the(1) _. I am Chinese so I can speak(2) _ very well and I can speak English too. I am very(3)_ and help my mum to clean our home. I want to be the cleaning(4) _ at school because I want to make our clas

10、sroom(5)_.课后训练基础训练翻译下列句子:1. 我不会弹钢琴,但我会唱歌。_.2. 你会骑马吗? 不,我不会。_.3. 我不会游泳,但我会打篮球。_.4. Sally会飞风筝,我也会。_.5. Bill会说法语,但他不会说俄语。_. 综合训练( )1.Are they _ home soon? Yes, they are.A. leave B.leaving C. leaveing D.leaves( ) 2. My English is so poor, please help _ to improve(提升) it. A. me B. I C. my D. mine( ) 3. _

11、 visiters come to Beijing during May Day holiday every year. A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousand( ) 4. Is the yellow pen _? -No, its _. A. hers, his B.her, mine C. hers, my D. her, his( ) 5. He _ his pen in the pencil-box, but he cant _ it.A. look for, find B.looks for, findC

12、. looks for, finds D. finds, look for拓展提升句型转换1Whose football is this?(改为同义句)_this football? 2Were going to write a letter this afternoon. (对划线部分提问) _are you going to_ this afternoon?3Tom gets on well with his classmates in school. (对划线部分提问)_Tom get on with his classmates in school?4Can Tony dance well?( 否定回答)_he _ 5Mike plays football very well. (改为同义句) Mike is _ _ football.


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