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1、Book4 unit4 Communication: No Problem?学案一、 高考高频词 (A) 写出下列单词的派生词。1._v. 点头 2._adj. 相似的3._vt.避免;消除 4._n v.姿势; 做手势 5._n.一致;协议 6._adj. 地方的;当地的7._n.胸膛 8._n.vt.接近;方法 9._n.adj.一般的; 普通;将军10._adj. 好奇的 n. 好奇心11._n. adj. 成人的 12._n.喜剧13._adj.较大的;主要的14._vt.触摸;感动15._n.陌生人 adj. 陌生的16._adj. 口头的17._n. 面颊18._n.行为;动作 v

2、.行动19._vt. 惩罚 n. 惩罚20._n. 表达;表情 v. 表达 (B). 灵活运用 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. Read the following _ and decide whether they are true or false. (state)2. He was a physics _. Thats to say, he _ in physics. (major)3. The tiger is a _ of the cat family. (represent)4. The wonderful _ (introduce) of the book arose my _

3、 (curious) to know more about the story.5. As we all know, _ speak louder than words. (act)7. Her _ (face) expression showed that she did not quite understand what was going on.8. After a sic-day negotiation(谈判), the two sides finally came to an _ (agree).9. I told him Id meet him here, but perhaps

4、he _ (understand) and went straight to the pub.10. He entered the room, _ (close) followed by the rest of the family.二、 高考高频短语 短语翻译及短语运用(A) 根据汉语写出对应的英文。1. 相反_ 2. 一般来说_ 3. 学生食堂_ 4.大误会_ 5. 靠近,走近_ 6. 握手_ 7. 伸手_ 8.保护以免受9. 学生会 10. 国际学生 11.好奇地四周张望 12.第一个到达的人 13.向后退 14.文化误会 15.向点头 16.互相问候 17.文化交融 18.避开困难 2

5、 / 1019.身体语言 20.很可能 21.交际手段 22.面部表情 23.使自在,舒适 24.真正地快乐 25.隐藏情绪 26.丢脸 27.表达好的情绪 28.背对 29.握拳 30.表示同意 31.上下上下 32. 不看,不注视 33转动眼球 34.愿意做 35.误解 36.级别更高的人 37.令人惊奇的事 38.站得有一定的距离 39.在多数情况下 40.拥抱某人 (B) 用以上短语的适当形式填空或翻译句子1.Her husband _ her without a word, which made her very angry.2.At first we didnt feel _ be

6、fore him for we had been told that he was a serious person.3.She felt so cold that she stood _ the fire.4._, people prefer to take the train instead of the airplane to avoid spending so much on travel.5.“I hear you are enjoying your new job.” “_, I found it rather dull.”三、 高考高频动词短语 请观察以下句子,根据中文提示找出句

7、中相关的短语并翻译句子。 1. We would take them first to their dormitories and then to the student canteen. 带某人去.翻译:我们首先带他们去参观校园,然后去图书馆. We would first take them to the campus and then to the library.Your sentence 2. In the same way that people communicate with spoken language, they also express their feelings u

8、sing unspoken “language” through keeping physical distance, actions or posture.用口头语言交流的同时,人们还使用不出声的语言身体间的距离、动作和姿态等,来表达情感。 表达情感 向某人(清楚地)表达自己的意思翻译:1)你对我的帮助, 我感激不尽。 I cant express to you how grateful I am for your help.2)他仍然不能用英语表达自己的意思。 He is still unable to express himself in English.Your sentence 3.

9、 Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested. 眼光从某人身上移开翻译:1)当我跟你说话时不要把目光移开。Dont look away from me when Im speaking to you.   Your sentence 2)写出下面与look有关的短语  看;视为  回头看; 回顾 轻视,瞧不起 浏览 寻找 盼望 调查 小心      

10、    旁观 仔细检查 仰视; 在词典、参考中查找翻译:1)瞧你干了些什么! 老年人喜欢回顾过去。 我希望你不要看不起这类工作。 四.重要句子1. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下的人相互问候的方式不尽相同, 身体接触和相互间距的程度也不尽相同。1)not nor 既不又不 nor / neither 否定副词, 常置于句首,

11、 此时句子要倒装,即助动词/系动词/情态动词放在主语之前。2)否定词not 与all,both, every连用形成部分否定翻译:1)我不喜欢逛街,我妹妹也不喜欢。 I dont like shopping, nor/neither does my sister. 2)他不能做,我也不能做。Your sentence )并非所有人都喜欢吃辛辣的食物。Not everyone enjoys spicy food. 4)不是所有的人都是以相同的方式来互致问候的。Your sentence _ 2. After I met them introduced them to each other, To

12、ny approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.这个句型,结构为“verb + sb. in/ on/ by + the 身体部位”,常用于这个句型的动词有:take, strike, lead, seize, hit, beat, pat, knock, etc. 翻译:1)不要打他的脸。 Don't hit the boy _ the face. 2)男孩牵着老人的手过了马路。 The boy led the old _ _ _ and crossed the road. 3)老师拍拍我的肩

13、,说我考得不错。 The teacher patted me _ the shoulder and said I did a good job in the exam. Your sentence 3. in general 意思相似的还有: 翻译:一般来说,大约10%的求职者最终得到了职位。 , about 10% of the candidates are eventually offered positions. Your sentence 4. However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countri

14、es approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.然而,来自西班牙、意大利或南美国家的人会站在离比尔很近的地方,而且很可能接触对方。 很有可能做某事句式还有:It is likely that sb. It is possible for sb to do sth翻译:1)由于他们的过失,他们可能被公司解雇。They are likely to be fired by the company because of their fault.2) 他可能来这里。Its possible for him to come here

15、.Your sentence 五词语知识活用:将下面文字翻译成为一遍意义连贯的五句话短文。 我以前的班主任都有点相似,但现在的班主任与他们不同。当我不能完成作业时,他常拍着肩膀告诉我应有求知欲。当我不能表达自己的意思时,他常对我说,学会把意思表达清楚是成功的必经之路。我养成了一种作业没完成,决不会觉得轻松的习惯。一句话,他对我影响很大。(可用的短语be similar to ; pat sb on the shoulder; express oneself; at ease; in a word) Key to the answer:一A 1. nod 2. similar 3.avoid 4

16、.gesture 5.agreement 6.local 7. chest 8.approach 9. general 10. curious curiosity 11.adult edy 13.major 14. touch 15. stranger strange 16. spoken 17.chest 18. action 19. punish 20. expression expressB.1.statements 2. major majored 3. representative 4.introduction ; curiosity 5. actions 6.facial 7.ag

17、reement 8. misunderstand 9.closely二 A. 1. on the contrary 2.in general 3. the student canteen 4. a major misunderstanding 5. move close to 6. shake hands 7.reach out ones hand 8. protectfrom 9. student association 10. international student 11. look around curiously 12. the first person to arrive 13.

18、 step back 14. cultural mistake 15. nod at 16. greet each other 17. cultural crossroads 18. avoid difficulties 19. body language 20. be likely to 21.means of communication 22. facial expression 23. put at ease 24. truly happy 25. hide feelings 26. lose face 27. to show good feelings 28. turn ones ba

19、ck to 29. make a fist 30. show agreement 31. up and down 32. look away from 33. roll ones eyes 34. be willing to 35 be wrong about/ be misread 36. someone of a higher rank 37. an amazing thing 38. stand at a little distance 39. in most cases 40. give a hug to sbB.1. turn ones back to 2. at ease 3. c

20、lose to 4. in general 5. On the contrary三 1. take to 2. express ones feeling ; express oneself to 3. look away from ; look at ; look back; look down upon; look through; look for; look forward to; look into; look out; look on ; look over; look upJust look at what youve done!The old like looking back

21、on the past.I wish you would not look down upon this kind of work.四1. 1) He cant do it, nor can I .4) Not everyone greets each in the same way.2. 1) in 2) by the hand 3) on3. generally speaking ; in short; all in all ; on the whole ; in a word五 My former head teachers were similar to each other whil

22、e now my head teacher is different from them. When I cant finish my homework, he often pats me on the shoulder and tells me that I should be curious to learn. When I cant express myself he often tells me that learning to express oneself well is a necessary path to success. With the help of him, I have developed a geed habit that if I dont finish my homework, I will never feel at ease. In a word, he has a great effect on me.


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