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1、比较级和最高级专项练习一Practice:一、写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。fast early heavysmall large slowlyhot thin fatmany good littlebadly far old二、用所给形容词和副词的适当形式填空。1. Which lesson is(difficult) in this book ?2. Tom writes(carefully) than me.3. That was one of( exciting) moments in 2008.4. This kind of food must be( delicious )

2、than that one.5. Who ' s(tall), Tom, Jim or Tim?6. The Yellow River is the second(long) river in China.7. Which film is(interesting), this one or that one?8. Can you show me(near) shop here?9. This bridge is as( long) as that one, but it is not so(wide) as that one.10. I think English is one of(

3、important ) subjects in middle school.11. I am only one year(young) than you.12. I feel much(well) after I take the medicine.13. He is(bad) at learning maths. He is much(bad) at Chinese and he is the (bad) at English.14. The(old), the(wise).15. The problem will be(far) discussed at the class meeting

4、.三.根据句意填写合适的单词。1. He lives the school, so he takes the underground.他住得离学校最远,所以搭地铁去上学。1.1 t' s the way, but it ' s also the way.它是最舒适的方式,但也是最贵的。3 .When Summer comes, it will be and. 夏天来临时,天气会越来越热。4 . It is journey, but not one. 这是非常精彩的旅行, 但不是最精彩的一次。5 .This year we want to do.今年我们想做得更好。6 .The

5、Olympic motto is,. 奥运精神是更快,更高,更强。7 . Look out! The mad is becoming and. 当心!这条路越来越危险。8.late than never. 亡羊补牢为时未晚.9.said than done.说起来容易做起来难/知易行难。10. Actions speak than words.行动说明一切/事实胜于雄辩。答案:faster, fastestearlier, earliestheavier, heaviestsmaller, smallestlarger, largestmore slowly, most slowlyhotte

6、r, hottestthinner, thinnestfatter, fattestmore, mostbetter, bestless, leastworse, worstfarther/further ,farthest/furthestolder/elder, oldest/eldest1. the most difficult2. more carefully3. the most exciting4. more delicious5. the tallest6. longest7. more interesting8. the nearest9. long, wide10. the

7、most important11. younger12. better13. bad, worse, worst14. older, wiser (姜还是老的辣)15. further(进一步)1. farthest/furthest from2. Most comfortable, most expensive3. Hotter, hotter4. A most wonderful (most 相当于 very), the most wonderful5. Better(原型well,作形容词仅指身体状况好的)6. Faster, Higher, Stronger7. More and mo

8、re dangerous8. Better9. Easier (完整句型为 It is easier.)10. Louder(8, 9, 10为常用谚语,可用于写作或口语中,注意平时积累)Summary:二者对比用比较级,三者及以上用最高级。形容词最高级前必须加the,副词最高级前可加the,也可不加。越.越.: the + 比较级,the + 比较级,如 the more, the better程度加深:比较级 +比较级,如 more and more , bigger and busierOne of the + 最高级 + 复数名词,”最.的一个“,如 one of the most exciting moments表达“A和B 一样”,用Aas原级as B表达"A不如B",用 Anot+as/so+原级+as+B比较级前可用 much/a lot/far(得多),a little/bit (稍微),even (甚至)等表示程度


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