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1、Con trol-Shift-Middle-Click确定旋转中心右键+中间键拖动分子show/hide lines显示/隐藏全部show/hide sticks 棒状显示Cartoon:主链,mesh:网孔结构,spheres:球状结构;ribbon :线条;surface:表面结构基本命令(也可使用鼠标操作,但不如命令来得简单)pwd# show curre nt directorydir# list file in the curre nt directorycd directory #cha nge directoryload xxx#注意要打上扩展名,例如 1LMK.pdb,否则会e

2、rrorcreat n ame, (select ion) #n ame=object to creat, selecti on=atom to in clude in the new object, 非常实用的功能Mani pulati ng object: show represe ntati on, (select ion)hide represe ntati on, (select ion)#the available represe ntati ons are:(前面是个人比较常用的)lin es, spheres, ribb on, cartoon, sticks, surface

3、, / mesh, dots, labels, exte nt 例如:stick mol1 & resi 100# mol1为显示在 pymol右边的分子名称Turn an object on and off:(这个直接用鼠标就 ok 了)en able/disable, object- name #tur n on/off all represe ntati on缩写n.<>例子:r.<>i.<>c.<>e.<>show cartoo n, (n. 1LDK/)Basic atom select ions: n ame &l

4、t;atom n ames> resn< residue types> resi<residue nu mber> cha in <cha in ID> elem<eleme nt symbol>Select ion algebra:就是怎么选择交集是 and、&,例如 1LDK and chain A and i. 1-103 并集是or/|,补集是not/!Change your point of view:zoom, (select ion) #fit the select ion to scree norie nt, (se

5、lecti on)#alig n molecular axiscen ter, (select ion) # size not cha ngedturn axis, an gle #rotate cameramove axis, dista nee #tra nslate cameraAlign (个人认为最重要的功能): alig n (source), (target) #the source object will be moved and rotated to fit the target object例如: alig n (prot1 and cha in A), (prot2 an

6、d chain B)按整条链叠合alig n mol1 & resi N1, mol2 & resi N2按某一个残基叠合align mol1 & resi N1-N2 & name n+ca+c+o , mol2 & resi N3-N4 & name n+ca+c+o 按 某段残基的主链进行叠合在align的过程中会产生一个root mean square deviation (RMSD),这个值可在一定程度上衡量alignment 的效果。Set con trol (可以通过这个命令来调整所有参数的值,可惜没有什么详细的介绍)例女口 set sphere_scale, 0.5, (n. Fe) #decrease Fe atom size to 0.5set bg_rgb, 1,1,1 #set backgro und as whiteset ribb on _sampli ng, 1Measureme nt (又一个十分重要的功能,可以真正挖掘结构的意义)dist#测量两个原子之间的距离,ctrl+右键选择第一个原子,ctrl+中键选择第二个原子,然后测量dist。an gel#测三个原子之间的夹角,ctrl +中键选择第三个原子,然后测量an gledihedral #测量四个原子之间的二面角


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