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1、Module6Unit2 The name of the spaceship is ShenzhouV. 一、教学目标:知识与技能:Words and phases: took 带着, sent 发送, spaceship 宇宙飞船, even 甚至, space 宇宙, Russia 俄罗斯, bicycle 自行车, American spaceship 俄罗斯的宇宙飞船, took into带进入 send into把发送进入 looks interesting看起来有趣 went away走开Main sentence patterns: Whats it about? Russia

2、sent the first animal into space. I bought her a bicycle.Teaching point: talk about past tense. Using bought, took and sent.过程与方法:讲述过去的事一定用过去时 情感、态度和价值观:讲故事都用的是过去时德育目标:给适当的礼物送人才合适二、重点:talk about past tense. Using bought, took and sent.三、难点:Main sentence patterns: Whats it about? Russia sent the firs

3、t animal into space. I bought her a bicycle.四、教具:单词卡片、录音机五、教学过程:(一)导入:Warm up and revision 1.Sing a song “What do you want to eat?” 2.Give out the past tense.如:go-went.go buy give eat is am see watch win ride 3. Act out the dialogues on Page 22 in book 8.(及时鼓励与强化训练,并给予指导)(二)探究新知Presentation 1. Give

4、the task : (应在前一节课结束时布置任务) Find out the new words Listen and read the text Find out the main sentence patterns Try to introduce your gift2. Show in class.1) Write the new words on the blackboard and read2) Read and write down the main sentence patterns Russia sent the first animal into space I bough

5、t her a bicycle Whats it about? Its about animals: (Read together)Do a “ gift show “ one by one3. Explain the knowledge. 1)句首字母要大写,关于国家,民族和语言的词开头字母也大写,如:Russia China 2)bought 是买的过去式 took 是take的过去式 sent 是 send 的过去式4. Look and listen for “bought, took, and sent”C增加溶酶体膜稳定性 Listen and read four times. T

6、hen act out the dialogues in pairs 5.Talk about the books on page 24. (也可用实物练习)11下列各项关于甲公司上述交易或事项会计处理的表述中,正确的是( For example: A. This book looks interesting. B. Whats it about?答案要点: C. Its about animals.6. Listen, say and chant.19、系统分析阶段的主要成果是( )(三)巩固新知Practice某工资处理系统800X=1300 Y=(X-800)*5%1 Chant and

7、 act out.借:以前年度损益调整 营业收入 6002. Match and say.Consolidation6内毒素可促使单核中性粒细胞合成和释放组织因子而加速凝血过程。( )Write and read the new words.Do Exercise. 1-6(四)作业布置homework:C开发无形资产时发生符合资本化条件的支出(五)小结: 用过去时表述已经发生的事,注意过去时六、板书设计Design:6、一般来说,TCP/IP的IP提供的服务是( )Module 68() 一定量的羊水、转移的癌细胞、骨折时的脂肪颗粒或其他带负电的异物颗粒进入血液,均可通过表面接触形式激活凝血因子,从而启动内源性凝血系统。Unit 2 Whats it aboutRussia


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