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1、Module6 Unit1 第1课时教案一、教学内容外研版小学英语六年级上册第六模块第一单元第一课时:Unit 1 1. Look, listen and say. 2. Listen and read.二、教学目标1.大多数学生能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:world,difficult,often,about, get a letter from。2.大多数学生能够听懂并用句型“Have you got.? I have got.”讲述个人所拥有的物品,通过描述不同国家的人们使用的物品进行文化对比,复习“have/has got”的用法。3.能够运用所学的语言知识与同伴进行交流。三、教学重

2、难点重点:1.听说读写单词和短语:world,difficult,often,about,get a letter from。2复习句型:Have you got? I have go .难点:1.用句型“Have you got? I have got.讲述个人所拥有的物品。2.have/has got 的用法。3.如何用英语给笔友写信,格式如何! 四、教学准备1.单词卡片。2.同步课文动画。3.第1课时教学课件。4.人物萨姆和约翰的头饰五、教学设计Step 1 Warm-up1. Have a dictation of the new words and new sentences of

3、Module 5.2. Use the PPT to show the song of Page 30, let the students sing the song together, clap their hands at the same time.设计思路:通过听写复习上一模块的单词和句型,通过一首英文歌曲激发学生的学习积极性,拉近师生间的距离。让学生快速地进入学习状态。使教学环节自然过渡到下一环节。Step 2 Preview老师提出以下问题: 1.What is the song about?2.What book have you got?3.Have you got a boo

4、k about the world?设计思路:这三个问题的设置,可以起到承上启下的作用。受第一环节自然过渡到第二个环节,第二环节又自然过渡到本节课重点部分,即下面的新授环节。Step 3 Presentation1.新课导入。After singing the song, the teacher tells the students: This is a song about pen friends. Teach the new word “about”,by using the card Practise it by making sentences, eg: I have got a bo

5、ok about the US. Then ask the students to do as the following.T: Have you got a book about?S: Yes J have. /No, I havent.把话题引导到目标语言上来。请单个学生起立,把几个问题写到黑板上,请学生回答:Have you got a book about China?Have you got a book about the US?What book have you got?2.Unit 1 Activity 1 Look, listen and say.T: Good! I th

6、ink you have got some kinds of books. But what book has John got?Now please listen to the tape of Activity 1 on Page 32, then answer the questions.Let the students look at the book, listen to the tape and find the answer: He has got a book about the world. (Use the card to teach the new word “world”

7、) Let the students listen to the tape again and follow the tape. Then practise in pairs and act out.(用上人物头饰表演)3课文教学。T: OK, boys and girls? You did a very good job. We know John has got a book about the world. Have Sam and Amy got a book about the US? Open your book, turn to Page 32 and look at Activ

8、ity 2 Listen and read. Please read the letter from Laura to Sam and Amy. Then answer the questions.(1)HasDarning got a Chinese dragon kite?(2)CanLaura fly kites?Check the answers with the whole class.将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音或动画,呈现课本内容教授新单词和新句型:Let the students open the book,look at the book, listen to the t

9、ape and pick out the new words and sentences. Use the word cards to teach the new words.(1)often经常,频度副词(2)difficult困难的(3)penfriend意思和pen pal 一样即笔友(4)get a letter from 收到的来信(5)have got/has got表示“有”,has got用于第三人称单数做主语的句子。eg:Darning has got a Chinese dragon kite and we often fly it in the park.把新单词和新句型

10、板书出来。然后用PPT通过砸金蛋的游戏进行操练。具体方法是:把单词和句型放到金蛋里,让学生任选一个金蛋,砸碎以后读出金蛋里的单词或句子。T: Very good! Next look at your book, read the letter after me please! Pay attention to the pauses during the long sentences.Practise reading the passage in groups or in halves.设计思路:本环节的设计做到了词不离句,句不离篇。通过各种各样的操练形式来操练单词,重点句型和对话让学生在轻松愉

11、快的氛围中习得新知。Step 4 Consolidation and extension1. 活动一 :让每个学生带一件物品到学校来,以句型“I have got.” 来描述自己拥有的东西。还可以将句型进行扩展。如:I have a bird. It can sing very well.I have a violin,but I cant play.2. 活动二 :全班分为两组,分别站在教室的两边。教师分别发写有英语问题和答案的小纸条。一个学生读出问题,站在教室另一边的学生说出答案。两人即可坐回自己的座位。(这个活动需要 两个小麦克风,以便让所有的学生都听见。)设计思路:本环节设计了两个活动

12、,使学生在合作探究中完成学习任务,运用所学的新知识。Step 5 Homework1.抄写课后单词。听Listen and read部分录音,并朗读课文。D筹资活动现金流出740万元2.用英语说说你拥有的物品。用上新学句型have got。B出租办公楼应于租赁期开始日确认资本公积l75万元六、板书设计Moduloe6 Unit1 Youve got a letter from New York.D150万元Lesson 1答案 凝血酶使纤维蛋白原降解成纤维蛋白单体,而纤溶酶使纤维蛋白(原)降解成FDP,纤维蛋白单体和FDP中的早期X片段可与纤维蛋白原及其降解产物和纤维蛋白晚期降解产物结合成可溶

13、性复合物。副凝试验利用鱼精蛋白使上述可溶性复合物中的纤维蛋白单体和FDP中与X片段解离,然后纤维蛋白单体和FDP又各自聚合成肉眼可见的凝胶状物析出,这种不经凝血酶的作用而引起的凝集反应称副凝反应。1.New words:world世界about关于 often经常 a letter from收到的来信12() 在DIC的发生、发展过程中,微栓形成,大量血小板和各种凝血因子包括凝血因子I(Fbg)、凝血因子V、X被消耗,虽然肝和骨髓可代偿性产生增多,但若其消耗过多,会发生代偿不足,从而导致血液中凝血因子和血小板含量显著减少。血液中凝血因子中又常以凝血因子I、凝血酶原、凝血因子V、X等的减少较为明

14、显,使凝血过程障碍,血液处于低凝状态。这是引起DIC出血的重要原因。2.New sentences:Have you got a book about China? 1201年度和202年度,甲公司发生的部分交易或事项以及相关的会计处理如下:Yes,I have, /No, I havent.Ive got a book about the world. Darning has got a Chinese dragon kite.9() 在严重酮症酸中毒时,单核吞噬细胞系统吞噬大量脂质等,可导致单核吞噬细胞系统功能封闭,使机体易于发生DIC。七、回顾总结8单核吞噬细胞系统功能受损诱发DIC的机制是本节课主要学习用句型“Have you got? I have got He/She has got”讲述自己拥有的物品。且学习了一些新单词和词组:world,about,often,difficult,get a letter from。1201年度和202年度,甲公司发生的部分交易或事项以及相关的会计处理如下:理由:售后租回交易形成经营租赁,售价低于资产公允价值且损失将由低于市价的未来租赁付款额补偿,不能在出售时将售价与账面价值之间的差额确认为当期损益,而应当确认为递延收益。更多资源:http:/


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